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Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet


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Today on Gargantia, Babes, BBQ and WTF.

Dude, you just posted a GIF with the WTF and forgot the babes!

Bellows we all knew about but Ridget in a swimsuit was a revelation.

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I never thought Gargantia would have pointless fan service garbage, but oh well. Hopefully they'll make it up with something good like skull smashing or spine ripping or gouging or bone crushing or sea creatures or the return of the lobster mech and pirates or something normally reserved for stuff in shows like 1000 Way To Die.

Edited by DuelGundam2099
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Belly dancing is never pointless. Never.

But I am glad that it looks like the show is about to pick up momentum again.

Am I the only one who wanted Bellows to join the belly-dancing troupe?

And Ledo will definitely avoid molluscs in his diet by what we've seen in this episode.

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I haven't watched since episode 3 because the show seemed headed for mediocrity. Was I wrong to stop?

IMHO you should pick this up again. Gargantia is getting very interesting. Today's episode (it's on 7 now) was excellent stuff and a real contrast to the mood in some of the previous episodes.

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Well, well, well, episode 7

As I thought the Hideazue are on earth, though wether they were some kind of native or engineered or actual aliens is still up for debate. I like that Ledo goes back into full soldier mode when this happens and that the Gargantia fleet consider them sacred (why am I not surprised?) I'm thinking what happened is that perhaps the Hideazue have something to do with this Galaxy stream that Gargantia follows, something to do with nanomachines and that somone (possibly the forerunners of the Alliance) messed with them somehow and then the Hideazue made the sun go wonky and the majority of humanity had to leave. But there are still Hideazue left and they won't attack if you don't bother them, which of course runs completely counter to just every instinct that's been ingrained into Ledo. Poor Amy, you were just about to confess weren't you? Don't worry, Ledo will come around... unless he chooses partake of Bellows' love. Nah, that ain't gonna happen, but one could hope. Oh and funnily enough the Fleet Commander choses this moment to have a heart attack! Although by naval tradition wouldn't he be called a Commodore or Fleet Admiral? Methinks they're translating sendancho a little literally? Oh and Pinion out of the blue wants revenge for his brother eh? This should be interesting.

OK, here's how I think the next five episodes are going to go. Ledo and Pinion aren't just going to find tresure down there, they'll find The Secret That Will Reveal All. The last two episodes will either be about Ledo agonizing about wether to tell the Allaiance or not or the Alliance finding him and wanting to take over Earth.


Edited by VF-15 Banshee
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  • 2 weeks later...

The twist has finally come.

The Hideauze were once humans themselves, a fact which the Galactic Alliance has kept hidden from its population.

This finally explains what seemed the inexplicable low casualty rate for a Urobuchi show. People have been dying for a while now and we just didn't know it :p

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Tomino had low kill count series too, not sure why this would matter.

You could say that the death toll in Tomino's shows corresponded to his mental state around the time he worked on them.

Meanwhile, Urobuchi is just a straight up cynic who rarely has such restraint. Hence, Urobutcher.

And Garganita is shaping up to hammer that home once again. At this point, I'd be suprised if the ending isn't a big "Take That" to shows like Macross.

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Should I feel bad that I want a hideauze plushie?

Tomino had low kill count series too, not sure why this would matter.

It was a tongue in cheek kind of comment (even added the relevant smiley at the end!) but this seems to have been lost in interpretation.

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It seems as thought the hideauze were just humans that loved pokemon too much.


I mean they EVOLVE! :o And why are people (not here) comparing this to Blue Submarine Number 6? There are no ghost subs or weaponized whales or mechs with shockwave claws or mutant mermaids or even speedboats.

this seems to have been lost in interpretation.

Don't feel bad, I can't identify the styles of directors or directing or any of that jazz even if my life depended on it. I also tend not to believe they even exist if watch Michael Bay movies have taught me anything.

Where's my Macross Cafe, dammit?!

Kawamori needs to milk AK47 err I mean his idol anime some more, then he'll have enough money to open one up. :p

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Well, well, things are getting very interesting! Now Pinion's got a BFG and I can only assume that'll mean trouble.

Ledo's understandably freaked out by the truth and for a moment there I thought we were going to get UNDERSTANDING but thankfully Chamber lays down some knowledge. It's funny that this faction called themselves the Evolvers when I would actually consider the Hideazue more of a devolution than anything else.

And now we have a cult. This could be fun. :)
I'm not sure if that's really Ledo's commander's suit that they have, 'cause uh... didn't he get crunched? I'll have to go back and watch the first episode again. It very well might be because I can't see a Machine Caliber going along with these cultists unless the pilot was with it.

Two more episodes. Here's hoping for a Grand Finale!

And am I the only one watching this....?

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I got a lot more respect for Chamber after episode 10.

All this time I thought he's been following the Alliance propoganda dictated by some sinister programing to direct Ledo into continuing/completing his purpose in life. But, with the revelation that his connection to the Alliance has always been severed, it looks like all this time he's been operating with some degree of autonomy to the best of his ability and, especially, knowledge. Like Ledo, the experiences on Earth up to this point seems to have changed his perspective too, but he still approaches it from a logical point of view. So yeah, Chamber still gives Ledo a brutally honest and logical assessment of the Galactic Alliance/Hideauze war, but knowing that he came to these conclusions by himself, without prodding by any pre-programed overriding instructions, makes it a bit easier to accept to me at least. Though gruesome, it sort of justifies him crushing the humanoid Hideauze in the previous episode. Plus, even with coming up with conclusions like that, it looks like he will still give Ledo the final say on what to do, with no hint of turning on him if he chooses badly.

Chamber's a pretty good Vulcan wingman right now.

Also, you really suck at spoilers, Dual.

Edited by Einherjar
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