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I am surprised that this game has not been mentioned on this message board yet. In my humble opinion, Journey is an absolutely phenomenal game! The musical score is absolutely top-notch as well! Some of the pieces by Austin Wintory, along with the scenery in the game, invoke some emotions that I have very rarely felt in any other game. The game easily makes its way into my top-ten-favorite-games-of-all-time list, if not my top-five-favorite-games-of-all-time list.

From thatgamecompany:

Enter the world of Journey, the third game from acclaimed indie developers thatgamecompany and presented by SCEA Santa Monica Studio.

Journey is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s.

You wake alone and surrounded by miles of burning, sprawling desert, and soon discover the looming mountaintop which is your goal.

Faced with rolling sand dunes, age-old ruins, caves and howling winds, your passage will not be an easy one. The goal is to get to the mountaintop, but the experience is discovering who you are, what this place is, and what is your purpose.

Travel and explore this ancient, mysterious world alone, or with a stranger you meet along the way. Soar above ruins and glide across sands as you discover the secrets of a forgotten civilization.

Featuring stunning visuals, haunting music, and unique online gameplay, Journey delivers an experience like no other.

I have read some complaints that the game is too short and that it isn't worth the $15 price tag. I have a couple friends who feel the same way about the game, but love the score. I, however, honestly believe the experience alone is worth the price. On Metacritic, Journey has a metascore of 92 (out of 100), based on 71 critic reviews. The game is said to be the "the fastest-selling game ever released in the SCEA region on the PlayStation Network."

Furthermore, for those interested who do not already know, the official soundtrack has been released on the PSN and on iTunes.

Has anyone else played this game? Any thoughts, opinions?

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Hahaha...no...not at all. I had no idea such a game like that existed. ANYWAY, I don't suppose you've played the one I'm talking about on the PS3?

Didn't know there was the PS3 game, but I'm disappointed they didn't get Journey to do the soundtrack. After all, you can't have a Journey game without Journey, right?

Oh wait... here we go:

Edited by areaseven
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Didn't know there was the PS3 game, but I'm disappointed they didn't get Journey to do the soundtrack. After all, you can't have a Journey game without Journey, right?

I have a friend of mine who would strongly disagree with you. Although Journey doesn't do the soundtrack for the game, Austin Wintory does a great job. If you or anyone else is curious about the music, "Road of Trials" is a great track as is "Apotheosis." Several other tracks can be heard here. Just an FYI, the tracks on that site aren't the "final cut".

Edit: The troll is strong in you. :p

Edited by Oihan
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Journey is simply amazing. Both it and thatgamecompany's Flower easily make my top 5 games of all time. I have a hard time thinking of either of them as a "game" per se. They are experiences. They are art. Journey joins Flower and Studio Ghibli films on my list of things that only the utterly soulless can't relate to (or what's left of your soul is tiny, shrivelled, and dying).

I'm with you that the $15 investment is easily worth the experience... especially considering how many times I've shelled out $60 for something that I barely played. Journey and Flower are the only games I've ever bothered to or cared about getting all the trophies for (helps that they only have 14 of them each, of course).

The multiplayer experience is one of the most engaging things about the game. Connecting to one anonymous person at a time makes it a truly unique experience. And the score... fantastic. I think Vincent Diamante's work for Flower speaks to me a bit more, but in no way does that diminsh Austin Wintory's superb effort.

No offense intended to you A7, but I've read so many Journey game/Journey band attempts at cleverness, they just kinda come off as sad.

Now if someone put the Sunken City chapter to "Surfin' USA" or "Surfin' Safari"... that would be clever. :lol:

Edited by Penguin
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Journey is simply amazing. Both it and thatgamecompany's Flower easily make my top 5 games of all time. I have a hard time thinking of either of them as a "game" per se. They are experiences. They are art. Journey joins Flower and Studio Ghibli films on my list of things that only the utterly soulless can't relate to (or what's left of your soul is tiny, shrivelled, and dying).

I couldn't agree more! I am glad to know I'm not the only one on this board who has played this game! I was starting to wonder.

I'm with you that the $15 investment is easily worth the experience... especially considering how many times I've shelled out $60 for something that I barely played. Journey and Flower are the only games I've ever bothered to or cared about getting all the trophies for (helps that they only have 14 of them each, of course).

Journey was the first PS title where I've obtained every single trophy. I haven't played Flower yet...nor have I played FlOw. I've been strongly considering getting one or the other, if not both, after my experience with Journey. It never really occurred to me until you said something, but I have been getting more enjoyment and play time in with Journey than I have with some of the other $60 titles I have bought over the years. Looking at you, Borderlands. I have way too many video games as it is too.

The multiplayer experience is one of the most engaging things about the game. Connecting to one anonymous person at a time makes it a truly unique experience. And the score... fantastic. I think Vincent Diamante's work for Flower speaks to me a bit more, but in no way does that diminsh Austin Wintory's superb effort.

Interesting thing...I normally don't add people to my friends list that I don't know. Yet on my second play through I managed to stick with one person throughout the game and I ended up adding that person to my friends list.

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Wow! It's like Another World (aka Out of this World) meets Ico/Shadow of the Colossus. Journey looks incredible! The music, the visual style, the world...I'm in! Thanks so much for posting this Oihan. I've been lost in the impending release of Fez (I'll post a topic) and had no idea about this Journey game until you brought it up.

I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the new breed of experimental gaming typified by games like Journey. Video gaming has become so big and is coming to dominate modern entertainment that it has turned into what big box office film is: a lot of money poured into lowest common denominator products. It's so good to see that just like independent film, the experimental game design culture of the 1970s and 1980s is still alive and thriving via the smaller, lower budget gaming industry. It's what makes games like this possible.

Btw, if you like Journey, I highly recommend checking out Limbo. It's only a $10 and like Journey, some complain it's too short for the price. But Limbo also presents a unique gaming experience not found anywhere else and an absorbing soundtrack. Highly recommended.

Edited by Mr March
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Journey was the first PS title where I've obtained every single trophy. I haven't played Flower yet...nor have I played FlOw. I've been strongly considering getting one or the other, if not both, after my experience with Journey. It never really occurred to me until you said something, but I have been getting more enjoyment and play time in with Journey than I have with some of the other $60 titles I have bought over the years. Looking at you, Borderlands. I have way too many video games as it is too.

Cool... another member of the white robe crowd. ;) Do you find that brown robes often defer to you or wait for you to take the lead? It's weird... I really feel a drive to help them find all the glyphs and symbols they can. I always get a kick out of some people's reaction when I lead them to the desert flower. You can sorta tell the people who've played Flower.

I love Flower. It's the only game where everyone from my friend's 5 year old son to my mother have all loved it. A very different experience from Journey, but also designed around delivering an emotional arc rather than a competitive game experience. It's single player, and its goal is a relaxing experience. For me, it delivers in spades (except for one chapter... bit of a shock there). First time through it felt like I was floating through a Miyazaki watercolour. I absolutely recommend it to any sentient being. I think it's only $10 too.

As for flOw, I didn't find that one engaging. 'Nuff said.

Lead developer Jenova Chen's graduate project, Cloud, is worth checking out. It's available online as a free download, along with Vincent Diamante's soundtrack for same.

Interesting thing...I normally don't add people to my friends list that I don't know. Yet on my second play through I managed to stick with one person throughout the game and I ended up adding that person to my friends list.

I haven't gone that far, but I have sent messages to thank people who really added to the experience. Never done that before, but it just seemed appropriate for the game.

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Wow! It's like Another World (aka Out of this World) meets Ico/Shadow of the Colossus. Journey looks incredible! The music, the visual style, the world...I'm in! Thanks so much for posting this Oihan. I've been lost in the impending release of Fez (I'll post a topic) and had no idea about this Journey game until you brought it up.

It's my pleasure! I'm glad I posted. =) I'll be sure to check that thread.

I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the new breed of experimental gaming typified by games like Journey. Video gaming has become so big and is coming to dominate modern entertainment that it has turned into what big box office film is: a lot of money poured into lowest common denominator products. It's so good to see that just like independent film, the experimental game design culture of the 1970s and 1980s is still alive and thriving via the smaller, lower budget gaming industry. It's what makes games like this possible.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. Call of Duty comes to mind. I remember playing Modern Warfare and not really caring for the story much, but getting some enjoyment from those "set pieces" in the game with the frantic action - all flash and no substance. Journey is definitely a nice change of pace!

Btw, if you like Journey, I highly recommend checking out Limbo. It's only a $10 and like Journey, some complain it's too short for the price. But Limbo also presents a unique gaming experience not found anywhere else and an absorbing soundtrack. Highly recommended.

I'll be sure to give Limbo a try; thanks for the recommendation!

Cool... another member of the white robe crowd. ;) Do you find that brown robes often defer to you or wait for you to take the lead? It's weird... I really feel a drive to help them find all the glyphs and symbols they can. I always get a kick out of some people's reaction when I lead them to the desert flower. You can sorta tell the people who've played Flower.

Haha, I actually have found myself leading on several occasions. I too have that same drive to help people find all of those things. It kind of pains me sometimes when I see someone complete the bridge when I know I can help them over it. I'll desperately try to get their attention...only to no avail.
I love Flower. It's the only game where everyone from my friend's 5 year old son to my mother have all loved it. A very different experience from Journey, but also designed around delivering an emotional arc rather than a competitive game experience. It's single player, and its goal is a relaxing experience. For me, it delivers in spades (except for one chapter... bit of a shock there). First time through it felt like I was floating through a Miyazaki watercolour. I absolutely recommend it to any sentient being. I think it's only $10 too.

As for flOw, I didn't find that one engaging. 'Nuff said.

Lead developer Jenova Chen's graduate project, Cloud, is worth checking out. It's available online as a free download, along with Vincent Diamante's soundtrack for same.

Interesting! I very much love Miyazaki's works - especially Spirited Away. I'll definitely have to give Flower a try now! I'm sure I'll end up giving flOw a try as well.

I haven't gone that far, but I have sent messages to thank people who really added to the experience. Never done that before, but it just seemed appropriate for the game.

It was actually one of those white robe fellas, that helped me find a lot of those things, that I ended up befriending. The person "showed me the ropes," if you will, and some cool tricks to stay in the air for much longer periods of time - I'm not talking about red carpet creatures either. :p It wasn't until after I thanked the person and we started talking that I added him to my friends list. I find it amazing the kind of connections one can make with a complete anonymous stranger like that.
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Watched my friend play through it over a couple hours, 2 or so, and we stuck with one person till almost the end when we in the snowy area where the big things were attacking and you had to hide and he got hit right before the end safe zone. He lied there in the snow for a bit and we were to scared to go back for him not sure if you would die or not... we felt like crap.

Amazing game.

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For a minute, I thought you were talking about this Journey:

You know I scrolled through looking to see if someone else posted this before I posted the samn damn thing.....doh! As for this new game, i've got a $9.99 credit after downloading Macross Plus Movie Edition (the whole movie is jittery for no reason) on my Vita (actually got a credit from Sony, but still no fix on whatever the codec issue is). Not sure if I should use it towards Journey, or perhaps the recent ST movie as a download....or maybe Darkstalkers PSP, or maybe Daxter...so many options.

Edited by Keith
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It's my pleasure! I'm glad I posted. =) I'll be sure to check that thread.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. Call of Duty comes to mind. I remember playing Modern Warfare and not really caring for the story much, but getting some enjoyment from those "set pieces" in the game with the frantic action - all flash and no substance. Journey is definitely a nice change of pace!

I'll be sure to give Limbo a try; thanks for the recommendation!

So, just a quick question; I've never purchased anything via my PS3 and given the awful security of PSN, I'm wondering is there a way to buy games that doesn't involve a credit card? For example, do they have gift cards for PSN or something similar? That would be an ideal way for me to get Journey without PSN exposing my credit card to the internet :)

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You know I scrolled through looking to see if someone else posted this before I posted the samn damn thing.....doh! As for this new game, i've got a $9.99 credit after downloading Macross Plus Movie Edition (the whole movie is jittery for no reason) on my Vita (actually got a credit from Sony, but still no fix on whatever the codec issue is). Not sure if I should use it towards Journey, or perhaps the recent ST movie as a download....or maybe Darkstalkers PSP, or maybe Daxter...so many options.

Well, I might be a little bias when I say this but I honestly don't think you can go wrong with Journey. ^_^

So, just a quick question; I've never purchased anything via my PS3 and given the awful security of PSN, I'm wondering is there a way to buy games that doesn't involve a credit card? For example, do they have gift cards for PSN or something similar? That would be an ideal way for me to get Journey without PSN exposing my credit card to the internet :)

The PlayStation Network Card would be what you're after. You might be able to find them locally at a GameStop and or Walmart. I wouldn't quote me on that though. :p What I've started doing on the PSN is buy something with my credit card and then immediately remove said credit card from the PSN. I don't know if I'm really accomplishing anything by doing that but whatever....

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You know...not to be egotistical or what have you by any means...but after re-reading my posts...I'm starting to think that I might have helped raise expectations a little too high. It's not that I don't believe the game deserves all of the acclaim and hype that it has, because I certainly do. My fear is that anyone playing the game for the first time, after having read my posts, might not get the same enjoyment out of Journey as I have had. It always seems that people get more enjoyment coming into something with lowered expectations. So...if you're going off my posts...lower your expectations just a little. :p With that said, I still think it's a great game!

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That PSN card is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Thanks. This will be the perfect way to buy something on my PS3. Awesome.

Oh btw, I wouldn't worry about "overselling" the game in your posts. A game like Journey is by it's very nature the opposite of mass appeal gaming. It's not going to grab everyone precisely because it's original and not as familiar. That's why making original content is so much harder than the making more of the status quo. Trust that Journey will attract the right people. Good news is - based on sales of Journey - this game has attracted more than enough consumers and then some! :)

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I'm interested in checking this out, but I'm really not into all the hoop-jumping that you have to go through for downloads. Judging by all the rave reviews, if this was on physical media I would immediately have jumped on board, but as it is, I would rather not.

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I'm interested in checking this out, but I'm really not into all the hoop-jumping that you have to go through for downloads. Judging by all the rave reviews, if this was on physical media I would immediately have jumped on board, but as it is, I would rather not.

Hoop jiumping? Downloading is easy. Either buy a PSN card, or use your credit card to purchase, then download.

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