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Official MacrossWorld Con 2009 Information Thread

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I think that >EXO< videoed most of if not all of the transforming contest. I think he is planning to post it up somewhere after the comicon madness is over.

Yeah I saw him filming in many of the pictures. He posted that he's even got it in HD so that should be cool, but I believe he's attending the Comic Con like most. If the con conincides with Comic Con next year I can easily see making this a vacation date.

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ello everybody. This was my first macross themed con and I love it! I can't wait for next year for the big 10th year anniversary. By the way, I'm the dude that won the Karaoke competition. Sorry for the horrifying sight of me dancing to Seikan Hikou, lol.

Welcome to the boards. I hope to meet you next Con. You made a lot of people very happy. LOL. ^_^

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I have taken some of our member photos (including some of mine) and just put them into a MacrossCon09 video on YouTube.

For those who just want more than still photos, here is the link:

MacrossCon FTW ! :lol:

Brilliant. You are absolutely awesome!

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I have taken some of our member photos (including some of mine) and just put them into a MacrossCon09 video on YouTube.

For those who just want more than still photos, here is the link:

MacrossCon FTW ! :lol:

Great video montage Ron!!! hahaha... love the credits especially... I didn't make any money out of organizing the con either hehe... but i guess i've been doing it since i love event planning and making cool things happen.

As for next year, i'm still debating about taking the lead with organizing the event again. Like EXO said, i did the majority of the work since my usual helpers and locals weren't in town or didn't even come this year. I spent a lot of time contacting UCLA JAC and making sure we had a venue and worked out all the logistics with them. I worked on getting the sponsors, putting together a schedule/program, handling registration and printing out badges for everyone, coming up with the rules of each event we had, facilitating each event we had at the con, packing up most of my collection so we had a good display of Macross stuff, and a whole lot more. Luckily EXO helped with the flyers and tshirts and Bigkid reviewed most of my work on the con, but that was it.

I guess it was my fault for not asking for help, but I kinda felt that i did so much work and I don't have much to show for since i always give out most of the prizes and donations to MW Con attendees. I even worked out making this year's convention FREE and people sometimes won a prize by just showing up. I feel bad about participating in events i'm hosting to win a prize even, since i'm so competitive and love tournaments.

I love connecting with Macross fans from around the world, but I'll need to find the motivation to do this all over again since it took a lot out of me this year. Maybe if a lot more people took on responsibilities for helping with the event. I know there were some people that posted saying they would help, but I'll have to think about how it will all work out. Anyways, thanks for everyone's positive comments about the con. I'm glad everyone had a good time!

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Geez Kirik, you are a one-man show! :blink: Probably a break is well deserved. Are you sure you don't want to help out just a little for MacrossSon10, the biggest Con in 10 years? Even just being the Host/Judge?

Well, I'll pitch in to help next year if needed. I do a lot of tasks similar for work anyways; contacting suppliers, setting up meetings, keeping track of projects and so on. Just give me a PM or email. B))

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Geez Kirik, you are a one-man show! :blink: Probably a break is well deserved. Are you sure you don't want to help out just a little for MacrossSon10, the biggest Con in 10 years? Even just being the Host/Judge?

Well, I'll pitch in to help next year if needed. I do a lot of tasks similar for work anyways; contacting suppliers, setting up meetings, keeping track of projects and so on. Just give me a PM or email. B))

Kirik, I agree with Ron. I too will make next years Con and be more than happy to help out. Just PM or email me. You work hard. So you should play hard next year.

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Geez Kirik, you are a one-man show! :blink: Probably a break is well deserved. Are you sure you don't want to help out just a little for MacrossSon10, the biggest Con in 10 years? Even just being the Host/Judge?

Well, I'll pitch in to help next year if needed. I do a lot of tasks similar for work anyways; contacting suppliers, setting up meetings, keeping track of projects and so on. Just give me a PM or email. B))

Kirik, I agree with Ron. I too will make next years Con and be more than happy to help out. Just PM or email me. You work hard. So you should play hard next year.

Agreed with these guys KiriK. As devoted as you are to the hobby, you have to admit it just isn't as much fun as enjoying the party when your responsible for what's going on at the party. I liken it to my DJ business. You see all the fun going on at the event, but you have to remember you are actually working. Just aint the same when you're just participating.

Lord willing and the creeks don't rise, I will make it next year and be willing to do what I can to help out. I could easily make it into town a day or so early to help with set up and what not.

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Just got around to scanning the sketches from our MW Con Live Art contest from Saturday! The contest rules were that conteststants were given only 20 minutes to draw their favorite Macross character or mecha AND include some sort of background. Everyone was given a 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper and a pencil only. We had a good number of participants and the winners were decided by fan vote from MW Con attendees after the contest. Congratulations to Mitch for winning 1st place, Daisuke for 2nd, and Ken Cho for 3rd!

Drawn by Mitch (1st place)


Drawn by Daisuke aka Maiden Japan (2nd place)


Drawn by Ken Cho (3rd place)


Drawn by Modineceaste


Drawn by Lance


Drawn by Miriya


Edited by KiriK
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Drawn by Gubaba


Drawn by Tom Bateman


Drawn by Tom Bateman?


Anonymous drawing


And last is a non entry drawing by UCLA JAC member Jessica!!!


This was a great contest and i'm glad so many people participated!

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Hahaha!!!! i re-watched all the transformation contest videos, man i was a hard ass!!! fun times.... i realized i missed a couple of errors on some of the arms that werent' straight in the 1st round. We should probably have 2 judges to help confer if we do this again next year. And maybe the exact same 1/55 model in the same condition.

I think the VF-1A hikkie was a bit older than the newer CF. haha.... maybe we can get Bandai will sponsor this event next year!

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In that case....will take back the thanks. Joking!

No seriously thanks to everyone that helped with the con. Can't wait for the 10th Anniversary MWCon. Already looking forward to seeing everyone we met at MWC09 again and new peoples.

ello everybody. This was my first macross themed con and I love it! I can't wait for next year for the big 10th year anniversary. By the way, I'm the dude that won the Karaoke competition. Sorry for the horrifying sight of me dancing to Seikan Hikou, lol.

It was awesome having you guys come. It really added to the experience... that Karaoke performance was... unexpected. I thought it was another Basara song coming.... I'm surprised I held the camera steady because I remember cracking up thru the whole thing.

Next year I promise we'll have the big giant screen with lyrics with a small screen that the singers can follow with.

I think the karaoke competition was awesome because Macross is 1/3 about the music (1/3 mecha, 1/3 characters). That means we have to step up the cosplay part of it. We'll get really good prizes for all three parts of it.

I'm also thinking of stepping up the mecha part by bringing in some cool stuff to display next year. More on those thoughts later...

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Thanks for the videos >EXO< and Kirik for being such a crazy judge. It was so much fun.

As for JCSaves..... IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOO TOTALLY ON!!!!! By next year I will have calluses all over all my fingers. You wont stand a chance! (Really I am scared poopless and have to act manly to sound threatening and keep my good name). But seriously I look forward to meeting you and going up against another pro challenge. The contestants this year were fierce and I am sure that it will be a close call. Especially if you are as good as you claim. (sweating).....

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So I think i'm setting the date of the annual MW Poker Tournament on Saturday, August 22 to be held in Torrance, CA. I'll be hosting the tournament, so if you are interested in attending, PM me or email me at mwcon09@gmail.com

I'm thinking of making it an extension of MW Con 09 and having a Macross party/BBQ with our poker tournament as the main event. But Saturday, August 22 is the date so mark it in your calendar if you want to come!

Edited by KiriK
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So it's official that the MW Con poker Tournament Fiesta will happen on Saturday, August 22nd from 5pm-11pm! Entry fee will be $25 total and will include food and drinks for the night. I'll be bbq'ing so feel free to come and hang out throughout the night. All proceeds from the poker tournament will go towards funding future MacrossWorld Conventions, so come out and support us!

Actual poker tournament will start at 7pm sharp!! We need a minimum of at least 12 players to play in order to give out prizes to the top 3 players. If we get more players, I'll add 4th and 5th place prizes as well.

Here is the official prize list! (1st-3rd place prizes guaranteed with minimum of 12 players)

1st place Grand Prize: 1/60 Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25 Alto WITH fastpacks donated by www.over-drive-inc.com

2nd place: 1/60 Yamato SV-51 Canon Fodder

3rd place: 1/48 Yamato GBP Armor set donated by MacrossWorld member Smiley424

4th place: (minimum 14 players) TBD

5th place: (minimum 16 players) TBD

6th place: (minimum 18 players) TBD

All players will also receive additional Macross Coasters and flyers that they did not pick up at MW Con at UCLA.

If you'd like to join us and hang out without playing poker, you're also free to join us! You can bring a $5 donation for food and drinks for the night OR we can have a potluck and you can bring your own food dish or drinks! Haha, you can play RockBand, or board games and just hang out around the house.

I'll be collecting entry fees starting now, so if you are interested in playing or even attending, PM me and i'll give you instructions on how to pay via paypal. Hope to see a lot of you there!

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