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Alien Vs. Predator Teaser Trailer


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- Predators are the mysterious "aliens" that helped ancient man build the pyramids? How lame is that?! I could go into how lame that is...but I hope I don't have to.

You know, I kind of feel sorry for the Egyptians. Their ancestors go through all the trouble to build these great monuments and hardly anyone gives them credit for it.

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- Predators are the mysterious "aliens" that helped ancient man build the pyramids?  How lame is that?!  I could go into how lame that is...but I hope I don't have to.

You know, I kind of feel sorry for the Egyptians. Their ancestors go through all the trouble to build these great monuments and hardly anyone gives them credit for it.

It says something that so many people refuse to believe these maazing monuments (not just from Egypt, places like Easter Island, South American pyramids, etc) could have been build by peopel hundreds if not thousands of years ago.

Gotta give human ingenuity some credit.

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People really miss James Cameron... who hasn't made a good movie in approximately 10 years...

and Linda Hamilton who is no longer necessary...

I think he was just blabbing about the ideas that they're thinking of implementing along the way. If he's as big a fan as he claims, then I don't think the more stupid elements will make it in.

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Terminator Vs Robocop  <_<

that was actually an alright series. Frank Miller wrote it.

I read some of it to and thought it was okay. But I think hollywood would mess it up. Like this whole business of predators and aliens meeting on earth present day? Sheesh what are they gonna pull if they make a RC vs Terminator?

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How many of you thought T3 was a shitty ass movie?  And how many of you were proved wrong?  I happened to like T3 a lot.  One of the better films I've seen in the past two years...well...besides LOTR. ^_^

I thought T3 was a mediocre effort, not good, not really bad, just sort of passable. It's certainly not a movie I would go to see more than once at the theatre (unlike T1 & T2) and I wouldn't buy it on DVD either.

IMO, it would probably would have been much better if James Cameron had directed it and also if Linda Hamilton had stared.

Mind you, if Cameron had directed it, given his obssession with all things oceanic, he probably would have had freediving Terminators battling it out on the sunken hull of the Titanic B))


I thought T3 was a decent film. It didn't outdo 1, certainly not 2, but it didn't drag the whole series down like a certain set of prequel movies we shalt not name. It would have been better if they did a future war chronicling the events from the nuclear holocaust to the events where the terminators are sent back in time.

anyway AVP is probably gonna be like any popcorn action flick. Turn your brain off for 2 hours and it can be an enjoyable experience.

Edited by GobotFool
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  • 1 month later...

I just watched the featurette, honestly I liked it. The backstory sounds interesting, then again I've never been that into Alien or Predator. I really enjoyed the movies but never really took them as serious or as deep mind you. I don't mind the backstory due to that. It isn't the first time the idea of aliens helping with the building of these objects. Its not crazy to think it could have happen. I'm just glad that there will be a lot of action. Can't wait to see it. I just want to be enjoyed.

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i have hope.

first off Jim Cameron has cancer or at least "had" cancer.

I like paul andorkson, i liked resident evil, (even though it kinda tried be it's own thing and then tried to tie into all the games...), and i loved soldier with kurt russel, i think that is paul's best movie.

The major beef i have with paul is that he watches the "no" budget artsy fartsy movies and tries to incorporate them into his movies (the guy getting "cubed" in Resident evil). I don't think AVP is going to suck, i just think that it will be hard on all us fans. It will probably be a good movie in it's own right, but probably will not be the Alien Vs. predator knock fest we want. Who knows at this point?

<_< :ph34r:

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from the posts and the looks of the AVP site it looks like this films going to blow goats.

Heres what i think the avp film should be(mainly based upon the capcom final fight ish avp game)

Scene 1, Drop ship going down to a southern california town,cause of some distrubance(read: aliens, but they dont know this), the craft is full of Colonial Space marines, next we'd be introduced to the female marine Lynn Kurosawa(played by a really hot asian chick,for the purposes of this post imagine someone like Akane soma), and her friend and fellow Comrade (i forget what the guys name is in the game) who's this big Colonial Space marine dude.

Ship lands, and the aliens start more or less kicking the hell out of the Marines, untill only Kurosawa and marine dude are left, then two preditors would decloak, save there ass, and join up with them for the hunt.

then some ass kicking would begin and for pretty much the whole movie a non stop action fest of Aliens vs preditors/space marines through this california town, to add a touch of humanism to the film, they could run in to a few survivors,who through unfortunate events after meeting up with the preditor/marine group, get the face hugger treatment, and then *insert plot details of how weyland yutani actually got some aliens on to earth etc* and *insert just a sprinkle of the reasoning why preditors hunt*.

and from there the movie would work its way to a final confrintation with an alien queen on a weyland yutani space station.

I hope fox/whoever whos in charge of the avp realises before its to late that we want Space marines, preditors and aliens, and ass kicking,lots of ass kicking and a somewhat beliveable plot, none of this preditors built the piraymid bull, trying to relate it to things in earths past, because quite frankly its not needed. Preditors + aliens + space marines + ass kicking = Awesome summer flick. and i guess that pretty much sums up my comments.

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