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Shonen Ace - Macross Frontier Manga, Chapter 5


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I've updated the translation up to p28, but don't have time to finish it this morning. Will get to it this afternoon.

Page 39.

The Dekarucya Frontier page is back! :D

I wish somebody would translate these.

That's the end of chapter 5.

Chapter 6 will be out on May 26th.


I can do it when I have time if no one else wants to.

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Really great job guys! Judging from the previous manga chapters and anime episodes it seems that the manga is taking a different route in terms of telling the story from the anime. Seems that the manga has a pace all its own and shows events markedly different from the anime without compromising the surprises in the anime.

Its nice to see that the Alto-Sheryl relationship is getting developed further though at the cost of Alto and Ranka's relationship. I don't get how Alto is kind of neglecting Ranka a bit lately. He doesn't even show any enthusiasm at supporting Ranka anymore. Of course, the anime might show this a bit differently. Its also odd that Klan and the Pixie squadron aren't part of Skull Squadron (or are they?). At least, they weren't shown being prepped for launch in this one.

Finally, anyone know how many pilots are supposed to form a squadron? I guess they didn't show the other cannon fodder pilots but it can't possibly be just Ozma, Mikhail, Luca and Alto in there. :unsure:

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One small correction, I had Sheryl saying, "even though I've never seen her face" on p22 which might give the wrong impression. So I changed it to "even though I don't know what she looks like," which is actually closer to the Japanese.

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You aren't really spoiling anything, that's the great way about how this manga is designed, it's designed to keep the major spoilers in the TV show and it only gives you hints of how things might unfold (pun intended).

IE: you don't see the Macross quarter fold out, a lot of the juicier relationship bits are saved for the anime, etc. A lot of the action or sequences are blurs or small panels that don't really show things that they want to keep for revealing in the show.

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Ok, it's confirmed then the SMS carrier is Macross Quarter.

Makes sense to me since 25 = Quarter.

See page 32.

Macross Quarter......doesn't sound fit for a battleship name :huh:

So, we got VF-25, Macross 25, what else.... ^_^

Oh yeah, Ranka is quarter zentran right? ^_^

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