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How Long Will Macross Fandom Be Around?


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Not all toys... but Macross toys specifically Yamato more high end stuff and the 1/55s have no question of going up in price. The engineering that goes into these babies are the sort of craftmanship that will retain and surpass it's value. We all saw it happen to the Takatokus and Bandais in the 90s and that's only 10 years off. Even if the 1/48 line failed today (which is wishful thinking) the small amount of 1/48s that would have been produced would be well seeked out in the future.

But Macross is a small enough property that it can't compete with Gundam or transformers. Even with it's repeated release of 1/48 toys, it's still a small enough run that can garner a lot of future fans seeking to complete their collections.

Macross fandom will surely die off someday, but I dont think it'll be anytime soon. And as for me, it'll never be the case.

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Longevity has always been a two-edge sword.  Long term success has always created as many problems as it solves.

Release numerous productions, the franchise becomes formulaic, tiresome, and old, leading to eventual audience apathy.


Cough........Gundam.........cough! :p



Hehehe, very true.

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Dodiano, you are a very brave person to let your 4 year old play with your 1/48s.  My child gets to play with my 1/55s and even that is painful to watch sometimes.


Lol!! Actually we play with them only under my supervision he is really amazing kid he is very careful and he knows not to play rough with them we have a lot of fun!! Sorry I meant Macross not the ROBO%$#$ Word!!

Take care,


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I think Macross is probably already near dead. There's not a whole lot of action going on over here these days. The Valkyrie-Exchange is closed. I don't see it getting more popular in the future than it is today... just that the few loyal ones and the few die-hards will keep it from extinction.

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Macross certainly isn't experiencing anything like the heyday of its popularity, but there's still support for it. After all, why bother releasing that new line of '48 VF1's this year, or the VF0 for that matter?

As for the Valkyrie Exchange, Kevin Lam may very well be one of the greatest vendors of all time, but his operation was entirely independent and had nothing official to do with the Macross franchise. I'll even wager that if Macross was as popular as (insert currently popular franchise here), Kevin would have closed up shop anyway because of the pressing needs of his growing family...

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We should really count our luck for Macross being alive for as long as it has... sure, new Macross productions might come out in the future, but I'm not sure I'm particularly interested in anything Kawamori feels like putting out at this stage, given his change of aesthetics since M7.

The recent revival was nice, as old fans grew old enough to afford silly prices for collector quality toys, but I'm not sure I see this ever happening again.

That's what i'm saying bro. Over sixty percent is very high and that is discouraging. So i'd rather have sex w/ them and no commitment. No headace but more fun in the bed room or else where.  :D

From what I understand, a big reason marriages don't work is often a lack of committment, though that might not be the only reason... but I gotta say that it seems a little odd to give up on committment by citing failures borne often from a lack of committment. :D

And well, I can't agree that humans are simply "just animals". For one, no animal feels the compulsion to justify their own choices, to others or themselves. They wouldn't even have to reason that they're animals before deciding to behave accordingly. They just go and do it.

No animal I know of would ever resist any naturally strong urge-- if only to make its body obey it rather than the other way around. Sure, few humans do this on a regular basis, but there have been numerous notable examples who have, and each of us does a little of this at least every day. I think there's more than mere animal instinct going on.

And heh, uncommitted sex with no headache and consequence is largely mythical, although it sounds like a nice idea in theory. It's likely even more mythical than a happy marriage. :)

Edited by Sundown
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Well I think the reason divorce is high is that it's part of the conspiracy to depopulate the earth. The extreme left think the world is too overpopulated to "sustain" humans so they try to attack the traditional conservative judeo christian values (a marriage = a mother to nurse the kid, a father to work and discipline the child, and the kids are raised normally) by saying marriage and 2.5 kids with a house with picket fences is a myth, to make the choice of doing that unattractive and uncool to the masses. You're not cool after you get married and commit to a single person and start to have kids. "Think of all the fun and partying you are missing out on by not being single!"

"The myth of the nuclear family". This way people have less kids, people who shouldn't be breeding don't breed. People who get abortions help depopulate the world, (under the guise of giving women choice and empowering them) and persuading the traditional old unnattractive grannies and mothers into acting young again (shows like oprah with thier fake audience members bribed and paid to cheer) and encouraging the older generation to start having affairs so that they will shed thier old beliefs; that commiting yourself to a single person and being happily married for long time, is a stupid thing. Also encouraging euthanasia: if you want to kill yourself it is your right - making you feel guilty for taking up precious resources and being a "burden to society" for wanting to live. :D And of course educating young children about sex so they don't accidentally get pregnant and destroy chances of having a career because of being tied down to raising a child early due to the costs of one. (the real effect is "don't have kids at all if possible, masturbate if you must, or have casual protected sex with someone without any emotional attachment to them") Personally I think if you live a big city you are more influenced by that thinking since the temptations are stronger, and people who are closeknit together tend to spread trends much quicker than those who are spread apart great distances. But if you are like living in a rural area you are going to stick to old tradition of earlier generations.

But I think it is all part of the hired think tank's move slowly and gradually change people's attitudes through images that make certain other lifestyle choices more attractive than others. I think it is linked to left (who don't know they are working for the elite rightwing ;) ) making us fear what will happen if we overpopulate the earth and pollute it with our bodies.

"The more people in the world, the less resources for us." is the belief. Sustainability people! :p If they could start by just seperating the mother and the father from the child and creating as much disunity in the family unit by getting the government invlved in raising the children, they can help reduce the birthrate enough so as to heal mother earth. (but in reality feed the pockets of the rich which they are not told)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Well I think the reason divorce is high is that it's part of the conspiracy to depopulate the earth. The extreme left think the world is too overpopulated to "sustain" humans so they try to attack the traditional conservative judeo christian values (a marriage = a mother to nurse the kid, a father to work and discipline the child, and the kids are raised normally) by saying marriage and 2.5 kids with a house with picket fences is a myth, to make the choice of doing that unattractive and uncool to the masses.

Err. Most of the world's overpopulation problem isn't because of married couples in developed nations having 2.5 kids. It's couples elsewhere having 7 to 9 kids, and many of these societies where this is prevalent aren't even really Judeo-Christian to begin with.

Not to mention that divorced people still got married, and many, if not most divorced people have kids... so I don't see how divorce is really a means of avoiding marriage or a tool for population control, since a divorce already implies a marriage that's taken place.

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Most of the world's overpopulation problem

I'm saying that there is no problem. Not for the reasons that people think. Ie mother earth can't sustain us, food is scarce, not enough space etc. I think it was merely presented as one for politcal reasons and to discourage minorities from breeding. (may have been seen as a threat in future)



Not to mention that divorced people still got married, and many, if not most divorced people have kids... so I don't see how divorce is really a means of avoiding marriage or a tool for population control, since a divorce already implies a marriage that's taken place.

ahem maybe the kids = accidents. (couple weren't married before they did it)The couple may have had to marry for fear of ridicule from the parents of thier partner so that explains the initial reason to marry. But divorce = escape from the responsbility/burden of being with the same person forever. That is why people question "why get married in the first place?" It's like you can have your cake and eat it. And its the change in attitude that explains the rise. But that change itself may have been brought about by encouragement to not have a big family. Focus on yourself, your career or whatever, and not honour old traditions, promises like the oldschool.

If nobody, including the parents of the kid growing up from the divorced family and raised by a single parent cuz dad got caught bonking his mistress, is honoring the vow to stay 'faithful' to a single person, why do people do it?

These days its almost presented as normal or even preferable that people do not commit rather than stay in an unhappy marriage for traditional reasons. (eg making a promise to that person for life. The idea sounds romantic but reality sets in and people pack when they wake up to reality :D)

The disturbing thing is: When something becomes normal because the mass of people do it, it suddenly becomes ok for everyone to follow, like it was a feedback loop - seeing people do it causes justification for doing it. The reason I think it is a conspiracy has to do with this long term goal (see above links) to sterilise the unwanted or kill off the weak and sick and elderly (promoting euthanasia in mass media) more than genuine worry for thier welfare or respect for life. (that's just PR BS)

It might seem like it on the outside that is it a caring reason for why they want to introduce the policy, (save the planet from man whose overpopulation will kill mother earth, give women more rights and choice, make kids more informed etc) but it is more to do with getting rid of an obstacle. ie population control, eugenics, limiting certain races birthrate for security reasons etc :D - obviously the government wants to control every aspect of how you live and promotes certain liefstyles as 'good' or 'bad' according to the political agenda. I don't believe it is a single country or group of countries targeted for pop control, but more of an international thing with the involvement of the UN and globally promoted but dressed up in as positive wrapping as possible. So I think the left are suspect for constantly blowing the overpopulation 'problem' out of proportion and geniunely fear-mongering to get people behind thier cause. Rather than solve the marriage problem or wanting to make people happy, there is like this hidden agenda.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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ahem maybe the kids = accidents. (couple weren't married before they did it)The couple may have had to marry for fear of ridicule from the parents of thier partner so that explains the initial reason to marry. But divorce = escape from the responsbility/burden of being with the same person forever.

I'm not sure that makes divorce a tool for population control. If that's even remotely true-- if most divorces are just a way out of unplanned marriages (which I'm highly dubious of), then the amount of divorces there are simply show that the swinger lifestyle isn't an effective method for controlling population either. More than likely, this scenario is statistically insignificant in terms of population control.

As it remains, the bachelor lifestyle is not common longterm, and few take it up their entire life. If it's a conspiracy, it's not a very effective one.

These days its almost presented as normal or even preferable that people do not commit rather than stay in an unhappy marriage for traditional reasons. (eg making a promise to that person for life. The idea sounds romantic but reality sets in and people pack when they wake up to reality )

This really has little to do with population control or conspiracy. It's more the manifestation of a sensate and self-fixated culture than anything. The stark reality of sacrifice and living for another becomes pretty unappealing to people living in this culture, despite its rewards.

Folks don't really need conspiracy to run away from responsibility. It's just the human condition.

At any rate, I see the same happening to Macross that I see with other franchises that I'm endeared to. There's something of the original that I fell in love with, but then the creators reinvent their creation in order to appeal to new audiences or because their own sensibilities have changed. Unfortunately, it means that the new things made aren't really made for me, so I end up clinging to the original while the new becomes more unrecognizable and starts to pass me by. I'm sure older-school fans that were there before me feel the same way about the things that I actually like. So if anything, it's just another lesson of many that hammers into our heads that life isn't apparently about us.

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