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VF-25 Messiah

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Posts posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. Hi, all! I love all the songs on MF. Northern Cross & Don't be late are on the top my list.

    Anyway, can somebody confirm if this is a new song for MF? Sorry can't read/speak jap. I saw it on the ending credits on ep 23.

    It refers to the footage for the ending credits.

    It's crediting the choreography to someone named Junko, while May'n performs them.

  2. I doubt that Frontier has a single 24 since now that SMS is gone they don't even have any 25s. Also, with Grace and her minions gone they probably don't have anymore 27's. Good luck in the coming battle.

    Doubt anyone has a single 24, outside LAI. There's no indication it was ever massproduced as it was. In short, no VF-24. Just like there are no VF-21's. Instead we have VF-22's and VF-25's. Gonna stick with that until they show us otherwise.

  3. TRUE, very true...but the idea of going through all that effort of making the design of one, and not even showing it (never has macross displayed up a valk design and never used it) if alto is willing to pilot the new vf-171 then why not this one. For all you know they might do what they did in mac 0 and just upgrade or something like that, that fits the plot.

    Frontier upgraded their vf-171 is because that is what they have a lot of. An upgrade for to the YF-24? It's called VF-25.

  4. yeah I kinda forgot about this its been so long ago watching the ep. Didn't they say something along the lines like they started its development but then the 25 basically outdid it in every respect so it was possibly abandoned? I really can't remember now you've got me all curious I have to go rewatch that ep! :wacko:

    Uhm no. They're saying they had underestimated the combat ability of the SMS. Big reason for this was because the performance of the VF-25 was not what they expected (They expected it to do worse). Why? Because they did their estimations based on the YF-24. The finished product, VF-25, ended up doing a lot better however.

  5. Growing increasingly... indifferent to the outcome of this series. That the quality of storytelling seems to be dropping with each passing episode isn't helping. Also growing increasingly bored with the remaining characters... most that I still liked are either dead, or can be found within Lelouch's faction, meaning I don't care much if the BK's, Schneizel's faction or the super-UN are all wiped out....

  6. leak the spoilers no matter how ridiculous they are nyahaha! XD

    besides, this is a spoiler thread anyways XD

    Think the general gist of their conversation is that the last mentioned chan doesn't contain spoilers but rather is filled with "sick ***ing sh*t" that will generally infuriate and/or nauseate most sane people.

    EDIT: Let's drop it anyway. No chan was ever good for spoilers found nowhere else.

  7. On a different note, anyone else feel incredibly sad watching the last scene in the preview, where Sheryl appears to be performing, in slow motion, and just looks truly happier than we've seen her for a while? I can't shake the feeling that it's a death flag. But it's just a preview, so I'm doing my best to ignore it. :)

    I never really feared for Sheryl, and I still don't. Convinced she's gonna live and will continue to be so until I see her actually go down. Then I'll be surprised.

  8. One thing still don't make sense - Leon say the Vajia is planning to use Ranka as their weapon to destroy human. Now how the hell can that work? To human Ranka is just a girl that can sing. There is no human-brain network for her to hack, or a super birdhuman for her to drive.

    I believe that's what Leon is telling Alto, hoping he'll dispose of her. She's not really a threat to humanity, but he wants her out of the picture because it'll ruin Grace's plans... we'll know soon.

  9. Actually the Formics had only ONE conciousness....the queen. All individual bugs that she controls are but a tiny appendage to her, much like your fingers or even your hairs. Its not a collective hive-mind as some have suggested. I think this is the same for the Vajra that it only has 1 or few queens that are sentient whereas the rest aren't.

    If so, is Ai-kun a queen then? He/she sure seemed kinda sentient to me.

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