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VF-25 Messiah

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Posts posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. There's a shot of Sheryl thinking about the memorial left for the dead in the aftermath of the last Vajra attack during that scene. I think that she's acting more on the sense of responsibility that she has to fill in for Ranka now that she's left Frontier.

    It was also nice to see how worried Sheryl was when she thought that Ranka might be dying from the same illness.

    Whatever her purpose, becoming Leon's tool would still be tragic. Wasn't implying she wasn't acting on anything but the best of intentions however. Same could be said about Ranka when she was recruited by Leon (or enlisted rather... leads me to wonder did Sheryl have any 'choice' in the matter at all? Then again, Grace won't be inolved this time so Sheryl has little reason to refuse)

  2. It's not strange that Grace survived after all. Grace is a cyborg like Brera after all and we have all seen what Brera can do.

    The new president sure can act. Sheryl doesn't seem to impressed with what he and Luka said to her. Still remembering being dumped the first time.

    (I don't understand a single word of Japanese)

    She seemed unimpressed until they revealed she will have the same abilities as Ranka. Also Grace is out of the picture when it comes to management anyway. Being that she seems to have little time left, I can see her taking the bait, which would be tragic. At least it's going to be an interesting finale.

    Another tradegy would be Elmo getting screwed over by Leon, again.

  3. so they'll basically not treat sheryl so they can have another fold wave generator?


    or is she already beyond saving anyway?

    what were alto and sheryl talking about that led them to hug eachother?

    never wanted subs so bad.. :(

    Already beyond saving, if they're to be believed.

    And very roughly:

    A: "Stop it! It's enough already! enough..."

    S: "So you've heard?... I see. I at least wanted to keep this from you. I wonder why, when I understood about the sickness, that was the thing I thought the most. "

    A: "It's enough. You don't have to force yourself to smile anymore. You don't have to sing. Sheryl."

    S: "No! I'm going to sing!

    A: "Sheryl..."

    S: "I only have singing left! Only that is proof that I lived. So...I... But I'm afraid. Afraid and lonely. It's strange. Even though I decided I would live as Sheryl Nome."

    A: "I'll be there. If you're going to sing, then I'll be by your side until the last moment."

    S: "Alto... Alto... give me courage. Courage to keep me singing forever."

  4. Sorry to be dragging this out due to the lack of a raw. Was Luca stating this though without any on-screen or spoken evidence that they had pulled any diagnostic tests (brain scans, bloodwork) on Sheryl?

    Sheryl never had a proper blood test in the hospital since everything was switched around. If Sheryl is an engineered human with some Vajra dna (unbeknownst to her) she may be able to either withstand the toxin or her body may find an equilibrium point.

    I know I'm getting very technical here, but I'm still bothered by Grace makign the blood vial switch. It's clear from the last few episodes that she didnt' fully understand "the mysteries behind the Queen" until she had dissected the Vajra, who to me had looked like had something found inside it... if those same items are in ranka and sheryl, then hmmm...

    I'm assuming he's stating stuff from the papers he gave Sheryl. What tests they did remains unknown, but seems it had to involve a blood test, since he's talking about that, however that part i'm having trouble understanding, wish i had closed captions so I could look up the unknowns

    He begins saying that she contracted with V-virus and been a carrier for 11 years. She more or less confirms, after he does the above explanation. (I changed it a bit since you quoted me)

    Sheryl in the middle retorts by asking him "Are you having fun? Using such complicated words to tell me I'm going to die?"

    Hearing that she will have the same abilities as Ranka, causes Sheryl to wonder wether she too has the disease. To which Luca replies no, saying that Ranka's abilities are an unknown.

  5. Details are great. Thanks guys for posting them :) (Firewalled behind work so can't access raw.)

    Looks like I guessed right on the virus amplification resulting in Sheryl's abilities.

    What else did they say about the virus in Sheryl (e.g., scans, blood work) or previous human infections? Right now, we are only supposing Sheryl will die based on what Grace said and in that we saw the hydra go bonkers.

    Immunologic reactions are dictated according to several variations -- speciies specific and even down to our own individual DNA. What kills one person could be fought off by another. Not that Kawamori has to follow general science, but I dug up something on V-type infections and they do exist in regular medical literature... just google v-type virus

    I believe Luca states the virus shares traits with Vajra body fluids and blood types, and it is possible to create a serum to treat the disease from because of that. However once the virus reaches the brain it starts producing a certain toxin, and once that happens it's no longer possible to treat it. But it's in this state that her voice has started to emit faint fold waves. That's about it. Also its a blood disease, so the rate of contraction is low.

    EDIT: some parts about the similiarites with Vajra blood still eludes me.

  6. I think I heard, and I may not be correct on this, that SMS is to be used by NUNS, or become the new NUNS. However, given what happens later (Alto & Luca vs. Ozuma and SMS Tawny VF-25s), I'm starting to think that it may have been NUNS taking personnel from SMS (going further out on a limb here: possibly due to an agreement with Bilrer or something.)

    I believe Leon arranged it with Bilrer to have the SMS to be completely absorbed into the NUNS. Of course before that happens Ozma is found, Leon's treachery is found out, and 70% of the SMS end up defecting from Frontier instead.

  7. I think now even Frontier is divided in terms of

    Sheryl vs Ranka fans. LOL! Quarter looks like they will join up with Ranka and show Frontier "the light".

    Seems they were planning to take out Battle Frontier first. However it changed to folding away? Not sure. But it seems 70% of the SMS defected.

    SMS was going to be absorbed into the NUNS just before they defected.

    Ozma really has some of the best lines in the show. Way showing those punks up. Telling him that he only lives on the moment, riding his emotions as they come, (acting princess anyone?) He asks him just what are his wings for?

    Seems that Sheryl will die once the V-type infection has completely spread into her brain. But before it comes to that, she's now starting to emit the same abilities as Ranka does. Her earing will be crucial for it to work. Klan told Alto that Sheryl is dying.

    Leon trying to assassinate Grace under the words "One conqueror of the galaxy is enough" shows just how much he fears her. And the fact that she single handled killed all those soldiers is proof that fool decision of his gonna bite him in the ass.

    It seems MDE-rounds aren't the same as the Fold-Bomb used in the last episode. Might be mistaken but the regular missilies used in this episode during the Vajra hunt seemed to be MDE-rounds

  8. You know, based on the episode descriptions hidden behind all the spoiler tags, I wouldn't be surprised if we get

    a reverse SDF:M ending. The massive alien fleet defolds over the planet and begins to lay waste, wiping out most of the civilization. Except the massive alien fleet is the Frontier fleet. And it's Ranka who acts as the catalyst to get part of the fleet to join forces with the Vajra, turning around and pointing their guns at Leon and Grace. Or maybe more DYRL style, with after the initial bombardment we have two fleets in orbit, pounding away at each other, Galaxy and Frontier, with the SMS and the Vajra caught in the middle.

    That could be a really awesome finale, and I can see how they could wrap it up in the next few episodes.

    That reminds me of

    some old magazine interview in which Kawamori supposedly said (in regards to the Frontier fleet): "Wouldn't it be interesting if they were to get a culture shock?" Anyone else remember this and where it was from, or is my memory playing tricks on me?

    Anyway this is the ending I've been thinking frontier is heading for if it's going to be wrapped up completely by episode 25. Seems I'm not the only one.

  9. Great, now what....

    Lelouch got double geass eye and killed his own parrent (Yes, Charles and Marianne). Suzaku as knight of Zero and C.C. as his queen bitch.

    Code Geass R2 end here.....

    Well, Schniezel says no that. The way the OotBK are dancing in his hand I'm sure he's going to lead them against Britannia, leading to the final battle of the show. This is actually turning out more or less like I expected it would. (Though I didn't expect Suzaku to join Lelouch quite this soon, it was inevitable and rather obvious once the two started seeing each others POV; Suzaku speaking about the ends, Lelouch about the means).

  10. Nice reference to Fat Man and Little Boy by calling the DE Bomb 'Little Girl'. Is anyone else getting tired of the lack of information behind the Vajra? There doesn't seem to be a motive or purpose, nor a history or origin and it's really getting to me.

    Motivation and purpose can be probably be attributed to Grace and co provoking them. Have my doubts we're getting much answers with only 4 more episodes to go though. Ozma's laying low and digging might yield something, but perhaps more of the goals of Grace rather than the Vajra.

  11. The question is intended for people who watched SDFM TV first without DYRL or RT contamination. :p

    Guilty as charged! Never seen a single RT episode... uhm what was the question again? :unsure:

    If I hate Minmay? No quite the opposite. Don't really see why anyone would.

    Also content with how that triangle played out. (Though Hikaru kinda turned into a dolt for two years after episode 27)

  12. Well...just because the show's ending doesn't mean the fanbase will instantly move on. And with the DVDs coming out, more and more people will get exposed to the show. Several shows (First Gundam, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop...there may be others) didn't get their popularity until after the televised run had finished.

    They'll find ways to promote the upcoming events/products, and there will be a receptive audience for them.

    I'm still hoping for seasons 2 as long as it was 'planned all along' just kept unannounced until the end. Or that we'll get some frontier encore or frontier dynamite etc

  13. I'm not entirely convinced that the last episode will be 25 despite that magazine displayed it as "final". Wasn't it stated before that the final episode would be aired on Oct. 16? Either that magazine is at error or we mistook the series ending in October. I just hope its the former than the latter.

    There is no question in what the magazine says, but its entirely possible they're mistaken. Does anyone recall where it was said the show would end in October?

  14. Kreshpy is going to post it here after having misposted it in the mecha/technology thread.

    However, I must say that the Japanese TV guide is listing only episodes that will be aired in september, so I say it's still undecided whether the 25 will be the last one.


    Given that the 09.25 entry says "Last episode" it seems to be rather decided to me. Just wondering how they're going to wrap everything up in 4 more episodes...

  15. I only watched the episode once. I'm not sure my Japanese heard it correctly, but I think Ranka said she will be going for the sake of Ai-kun's kind. I'm not sure if she said where she was going though (I assume they'll be going straight for the Vajra hives).

    She said that she's started to remember things from her past, little by little, and while she finds it frightening she feels that it is something she needs to know.

    That seems to be her main reason for her leaving. Then she mentions she should at least return Ai-kun to his friends.

    So she seems to be leaving more for her own sake, rather.

  16. I just noticed some ppl here seem to think that

    Leon ordered Island 3's destruction. I think you all got it wrong. It seemed that the Zentradi there were evacuated and then Luca showed a DE Bomb inside the SMS base to Alto (revealing that was the thing that destroyed Galia IV I believe... hence the anger in Alto towards him). Ranka lured the Vajra to Island 3 and then they activated the bomb, destroying all the Vajra in the process...

    It was Luca's idea to begin with. Alto reacted the way he did at the prospect of using Ranka as bait.

    I didn't see any indication of him even realizing the device was the same that destroyed Galia 4.

  17. I think so. Odd how they'd want to blow that one up. Are the Zentraedi that much of a risk to their plans? Isn't Island 3 the one where the Vajra hid out until episode 2 (or 3)?

    Yes its the one with the Zentradi mall, but also the one with the Vajra research center. You know the one Ozma was gonna infiltrate in episode 17. That's where the DE and Fold-amplifier thingy was stored so I'd imagine it was chosen because of that.

  18. Why haven't Cathy & Ozma made a dash for the Macross Quarter or Bilner's house?

    Is Ranka going to go live with the Vajra?

    Did she get her memories back?

    Why does Leon hate transforming Battle Frontier so much? That truly is evil!

    Why didn't Luca get up off his stupid ass and tell Alto about Aikun being Vajra?

    Will all of these questions be answered in Northern Cross???

    1. They're probably staying low to avoid getting killed by Leon's agents. Was a shot of a lot armed people in black suits in the Lee residence.

    2. I'm presuming Ranka left because she got some of her memories back from the incident 11 years ago. Might have realized she's the reason for the Vajra coming.

    3. She got at least some, if not all of, her memories back.

    4. It's probably kawamori going "Ok since fans complained about Battle 7 always transforming, Battle Frontier will NEVER transform. muwahaahaha!"

    5. Luca didn't exactly have a reason to tell Alto that Aikun was a Vajra. He was presumably dead.

    6. Who knows?

    EDIT: forgot the first question.

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