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VF-25 Messiah

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Posts posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. So are the Vajra getting cultured now? As far as I remember weren't they supposed to be brainless walking weapon factories? Them getting disoriented by "song" jamming I can accept, but actual active fandom?

    They're just attracted to the song. Though I think it's been hinted for a long time there's more than meets the eye about the Vajra. That everyone on Frontier thinks they're mindless brutes is going to be the main obstacle in settling peace between them. The key though, will be like in this scene, Music. It's Macross after all


  2. Come on, 3 huge Vajra just chilling in the audience and antenna-dancing to the music like some fanboys? That's stretching it a bit too far. How did they get their tickets? They don't look like they could just sneak their way past all those military patrols and cheyennes, being bright yellow and 3m tall+wide... I hope those really are just some very crafty cosplayers with strong backs.

    Well, the town is teeming with Vajra balloons and people doing Vajra cosplay. Perhaps the trio were already inside the school grounds?Anyway thought it was hilarious.


  3. Like I said waaay earlier

    I remember I once read in some forums that Kawamori said that this series was supposed to be the end-all-be-all Macross series... and that any misteries left from the other ones were going to be finally solved on this one...

    Perhaps he only said that to boost the ratings... or perhaps not...

    Well, if it means i'm not getting any 30th anniversary show, I don't want it. If not, by all means. Anyway, probably just me being paranoid.

  4. Dimension Eater rounds....


    Brera and Ranka searching for Ai-kun in town had a very Star Date feeling to it, even had What 'bout my star playing.

    Cathy and Ozma pretending to be on a date while doing some kind of investigation was cute, but Ozma really does an unnatural act.

    Grace believes she's solved the mystery concerning the "Queen" that neither Mao or Ranshe could solve

    Also, Alto doesn't buy Sheryl announcing that she's given up singing. He tells her that He'll be flying stunts at Ranka's live, and tells her to definately go.

  5. That is one bad typo for the thread title :mellow:

    Anyway, wasn't it found out that the idea that the Megaroad being lost was only a 'what if' scenario or some such, and the only thing close to an official answer was Kawamori saying "God knows" when asked at some convention?

  6. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but what time will the stream go live (US eastern time)?

    normally it'd air in 30 minutes on MBS i think... but it may be delayed due to olympic baseball, apparently. Not sure when it'd air next if delayed.

    EDIT: To answer my own question, its been delayed 90 minutes on MBS.

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