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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. wow my eyes hurt reading all that.

    k to kill all fusion technogarbin.

    Unless man can create a stable fusion reaction for minimum of a year. no one knows jack about it. right now we still makes fusion reaction for very little time, be like lighting a match and saying your an expert on how wild fires work.

    the plasma thing well i couldnt read all of it else ill hang myself from the info overload. i say it like my grandparents thought about how microwaves worked when they first came out. its magic!!.

    better off deleting this thread.

  2. pretty cool looking bit of vf-19, qrau, and glaug all mixed in.

    Ya vinnie realy flew off the handle on that one but we can bame on bad yoshinol he had.

    its bit funny but this reminded me of another battle with gba manuals. link

    their pirated scans like nanashi's pics but the true owner doesn't give a rats ass about doing something about so i think its all good, more ways to view a certain resource.

  3. Thanks for the pic Nanashi!!! As for Gerwalker, now that you mentioned your calculated dimensions for that beast, boy is that sucker big. Maybe it's dock is located in some deep harbour. Tugboats, a lot of tugboats would be used to guide it to it's dock.

    A lot of tugboats indeed. Surfacing this thing for recovering the fighters would be another difficult task... but considering that we have an alien vessel with overtecnology everything is possible.

    Nanashi, what I don't uderstand is this phrase:

    "It's an ubiquitously strong alley" what's the real meaning of this?

    I know ubiquitously means "existing or being everywhere at the same time or constantly encountered". As for the rest, he meant "strong ally". Dang! I don't get that sentence too!

    guess you can say hypercarbons and go with it but i find it easier to read his translation by going what he meant and not what it means.

  4. AI will never topple man, it may make it hard but it will never defeat human ingeniuity thats why drones replacing pilots is bullshit.

    Feh. With both Isamu and Rei out of the way, there is nobody to stop Sharon from taking over the Macross. She then flies off into space and hypnotizes the first rogue Zentradi fleet she meets. From there on, galactic conquest is an inevitablility.

    Sharon apple vs Protodevin of macross 7?

    edit: forget to in proto :lol:

  5. Yes, the key is you must first UNINSTALL the old drivers, reboot, install the new "sun.exe" file, reboot, and then everything should be fine. If that fails, you could try extracting the "life.dll" file.

    ~~~~~Norton Antivirus warnin~~~~~

    Life.dll infected with w32.mw



  6. bit funny and sad that it says do you remember love on each side of the box, guess who ever did this didn't remember to give enough love to the package to not destroy it.


  7. what i do is go to my local jewerler and get them to custom make the latches or o-rings or whatever you call them. its bit bulkier than the o-rings but the quick release latch makes it easy to remove and put back on the strap. my only prob is since they only work with silver, gold, and gems it was made out of silver for cost purposes.

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