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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. heh small brake problem more like small fire problem.

    I assume he's saying the breaks caused the fire. What I don't get though is the bidding. It's up to $6000. The whole thing is toast. I've seen cars in better shape that you couldn't sell to a junk yard for $100. And like zeo-mare said the guy has a reserve that HASN'T been meet. Can someone that knows more about Lamborghinis explain this to me? I feel like I've got to be missing something.


    other that its surounded in burnt metal. they can salvage the engine and tranny, maybe the chassis itself it they put alot of work on it.

  2. i dont see how they going to make a 5th movie. if they make a 4th they can sqweeze the formation of the resistance and the fall of skynet even though with t3 messed it up since why would a virus/ai nuke itself to kill most of the humans.

    How would you propose on getting rid of all the humans? Skynet was all over the world....nuking the majority of the world wouldn't have killed it....

    easily biological weapons. robots dont need to fear a organic virus that makes humans die in a horrible horrible way.

    like steven kings the stand.

  3. I have a theory: the island is not a Protoculture vessel nor a city, it was supposed to be an artifical hatcher, a confined ground where the specimen could live on his own but not escape.

    Since the Protoculture has arguably a life span not different from that of humans, they couldn't afford spending their whole life studying a specimen, and after all few years were too early to judge a species worthy, so they came home. Just in case they left AFOS, so that if the species were become too dangerous and developed interstellar travels, the AFOS was supposed to stop the experiment before it was too late. At least that's what I have understood.


    sounds like one of those low budget movies i saw where a giant floating mountain comes out for the ground and has like an alien and observe and records the life on the planet before wiping the slate clean as to kill all life on planet to start up again.

  4. ... oh and if the american taxpayers were allowed to have any input on military gear we most likely would not have a military and be speaking german or chinese right now.[...]

    I disagree--if American voters had direct input into military gear it would probably LOOK post-Aliens badass. Whether it would work any better than GAP/Old Navy stuff is an entirely separate question. Probably not.

    hehe to quote hudson. "im the state of the bad ass art."

    for the knives my frav would be my mk3 but my m10 looks cool too.

    anybody have any pics of the interceptor armor that would go over the new uniform?

  5. i dont see how they going to make a 5th movie. if they make a 4th they can sqweeze the formation of the resistance and the fall of skynet even though with t3 messed it up since why would a virus/ai nuke itself to kill most of the humans.

    I think cause the human body is more susceptible to being nuked? After all, presumablly the AI would reside in a hardened bunker and therefore immune to being nuked.

    If the AI launched neutron bombs, then it would be even better...

    thats the thing. in t3 it says skynet wasn't a computer in a bunker but all the computers in the world. even if it infected an updated computer system unlike those old ones shown in the bunker john and his future wife got tricked into, skynet would still destroy vast parts of itself.

  6. Damn! Noriko beat me out with the Flag question... damn half hour drive home stupid traffic...  :lol:

    Helloo.. hellooo?

    And is it me or is lots of the new gear starting to look crummier and crummier, from an aesthetic perspective? Yeah, I know the of our soldiers' is to kick arse and stay alive, not leave really good looking corpses in cool looking gear-- but I've always really liked the US woodland. The new stuff, digital camo, ugly tan boots, weirdly shaped helmets with none of the mean aesthetics of the good old K-pot-- have us looking more and more like foreign militaries, who's gear has never looked quite as snazzy.

    This pic here looks soo... rag tag. German or Russian-like camo in digital, with a clashing tac vest. And the new Air Force BDU's are... well... *ugly*. Blue Vietnam Tigerstripe?! Sounds like a paintballer's wet dream. When's the last time the Air Force found itself in blue tropical jungle foilage-- not to mention that tigerstripe wasn't all that effective in the first place, even in green. I dunno... Air Force personel wearing woodland camo always gave even them a mildly badass look-- that they're US military, just like all the other branches. Wearing something that's actually marginally useful. Now it's like every branch wants to make their own fashion statement apart from the others. Maybe the Navy'll actually pick out something that doesn't look like "Me Too, but umm... Not really!"

    Ah well. Such is progress.


    im guessing you want something utilitarian like all grey/blue grey and perhaps bulky like powered armor like in sci-fi shows.

  7. while true m7 doesn't have floating rocks they have a temple with looks like stone floor that can analize dna in blood something like that would be more high tech than some flying rocks.

    also true that the bumblebee model was simplified but its still standard and insect wing research is still going on and by the way one of the scientist whos researching how it works and making a mechincal version that work was using that example so take it up with him if you see its wrong.

  8. Hmm, protoculture technology that fly's, and looks like rocks. Now who's reaching? While I'm sure the Protoculture "could have" re-invented the rock, if you think it only has something to do with hi-tech flying voice recognition rocks, then you're in heavy denial.

    being sarcastic is very sad for you. if your part of an advance culture that make godlike creatures im sure rocks fly with a command of your voice would be childs play while our top scientist could't figure out how its diffent from another rock that can't fly.

  9. I have done some reading on the subject as well and all though the article I read states that giants can't exist I have a hard time understanding why.

    That block that is doubled. Although it's volume increases to a larger number than the surface area it is increasing within ratio. That cube that started it all had a volume already greater than it's surface area.

    Example: my nine inch foot supports 175 pounds of wieght. If I increase it's size by double and it becomes an 18 inch foot it should be able to support 350 pounds just as easily as a nine inch supports 175 pounds. The ratio is staying the same.

    So in the building of blocks, 1 block changed to 8 to double it's measurements. While the volume went to 8 and it's support surface only by 4 .. that is all that is needed. Where this law comes into place is the crush limit but if the ratios are constant that limit won't be reached. However as long as the ratio's stay the same there should be no effect to the body as a whole. In other words the strength of a titanium rod only a centimeter thick has the same strength ratio as a titanium rod ten feet thick and can support the same weight ratio.

    I don't think I'm explaining myself too well and I apollogize but if this law was true by the means as being used in this thread then I could not go to a world that was smaller than my enviroment now. Even though in this world my body is proven to substain itself.. "if" I went to a world were humans were 10 times smaller they would rationalize my body should be collasping upon itself when all I did was move from point A to point B?? That just doesn't make since to me.

    As far as heat and oxygen respiration and what not... again if the ratios stay the exact same they shouldn't be a factor. Given the fact that my body has doubled in size which means it has doubled the amount of heat it produces should mean that it can breathe just fine through the double thickness of skin.

    The example of a mouse and horse being dropped is apples to oranges IMO. A mouse is structured different than a horse. Since this all comes down to weight ratios a proper example would drop a horse the size of a mouse and a full size horse ten feet and I would bet the smaller horse would be in worse shape because ten feet to horse the size of a mouse would be like 60 feet to a full sized horse.

    This brings me to my next point. The article also stated that if a human was shrunk to the size of a mouse that the bones would be to thick and therefor to heavy for the human to move. I can't see how this could be true if say you were put in a sizing chamber and every ratio of your body stayed the same, perfect scale, then the body should work just as it did before transformation.

    Being smaller doesn't mean more agile or faster from a ratio standard. Hikaru and Misa would seem to run as fast as mice to the Zentradi only because of the adapted perceptions the Zentradi have grown accustomed to from their size. Once the ratio becomes equal the Zentradi would seem to run just as fast as mice.

    To sum up what I believe, the square cube law works great on in-animate materials so engineers can caculate what they need to know. Like my foot example, bone structuring is like engineers placing pillars at certain points with certain articualtions so it can support more than it's crush limit. (Like a bridge) Until one of these scientist's creates a "fit" giant human and shows the world the world that it can't stand I won't believe that it's not possible. (what I mean by fit is not one like a 400 pound man standing on ankles the size of toothpicks)

    Hope I made some sense.

    better off to take that stuff lightly why giants cant exist. with all the calculations of the thinktanks done we still haven't seen a giant size human and recorded its true effects with grav on its body. think about those 600lb woman we see on tv that can stand and walk for awhile. while true they can't stand for very long it still very important the human frame can stand that much stress.

    mankind doesn't know everything yet and we cant assume that what ever can or can't be is true or false. mathematicly bumble bees can't fly but they do.

    about magic vs science theres not much to go on about magic in macross if you do then your proly looking too closely and not looking at the big picture but the magical elements from macross to mac7 and m0 represents elements man yet to understand its nature but looks magical to the eyes or people

    little link

  10. $180,000 for a pair of *-229* F100's? Seems waaaaaaaay too cheap. -100's or -200's would be a lot cheaper than -229's. :) -220's still in demand.

    pfft your suposed to say something unrealistic not geek it up :p

  11. wonder what the queen going to look like in the movie?

    shes gonna be the size of a t-rex and shoot eggs with enough force to go through 4 solid inches of titanium, and the crest on her head will be the size of a hummer and have a mazzive amount of retractable claws for no particular reason, and she will have fangs each 24 inches in length, and she will have 3 secondary mouths which will shoot out 30 feet and they will be like tentacles that can grab things and fight, and her body will have random blades and spikes popping out all over and the claws on each of her 10 arms will be 5 feet long and her tail will have a spear blade 15 feet long on the end and it will unfold into a giant fan-like blade, and and that about as X-TREME as a queen alien can be before you have to make some new kind of alien thats even bigger and more X-TREME than a queen

    EDIT: Horrible spelling.

    lol i was thinking about saying maybe it would be shooting eggs.

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