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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. It's a game....don't worry about it being canon. Because it isn't.


    The games are just based on the story. You do not need to pull your hair out wondering why they changed Komillia's hair color.

    But. Aren't Digital Mission VFX, VF-X2 and Macross M3 all considered canon? Heck. They were even included in the 20th Anniversary DVD (in the timeline). :blink:

    They're all video games too.

    proly the basic details but the fine details it wouldnt be considered canon.

  2. depends on line of sight and environment. if guild or isamu was in battroid on a super clear day and can see for miles and miles it would be eaiser to track ghost and take it down during its pass. on less than frav conditions fighter and in city maybe gerwalk if you caught it searching for you.

  3. i was thinking it looked more like the missiles with the dorsal thing nash posted awhile go.


    You don't mean the unmanned missile fighters, do you?


    nope it looks more like this


    Rearward... sort of however there is no central nozzle hole-the end of the thing comes to a point.

    while thats true you still have to consider is it a animation error. not like macross has a shortage of that.

  4. It sould also be pointed out that the 7.62x39 is really limited in accuracy by the AK-47 design. If you ever see the old slow motion footage of an AK firing, you'll be shocked at just how much the AK design rattles around during firing. It almost looks like it's going to shake itself to pieces.

    And another factor in its effectiveness against "soft" targets, ie humans, is that the bullet weighs nearly twice as much as most 5.56 Nato rounds. I think one of the standard loads is something in the order of a 123 grain bullet, compared to 50-60 grains for the various 5.56 loads from the past 40 years.

    good thing i have a sks then. sure it only holds 11 rounds but it flings the 7.62x39 fmj with very good accuracy with just iron sites alone. for soft targets i still perfer a 30-06 to reach out and tap something.

  5. It's so funny, because I get a lot of PMs asking if Minmay is giving the bird specifically at them... I don't get why people take it so personal... but then again sometimes I feel like she's giving it to me... :unsure:

    heh hey your minmay is flipping me off i whens yamato making a minmay action figure with pop up middle finger action and kung fu grip? :p

  6. The U. N. Spacy captured a spiritia absorption gun pod and modified it so that it could be used by the VF-17....

    Information will be added.

    thought it was the the spirital capture beam on the head on the vartua valk, and it was adapted for gunpod use for a vf-19?

  7. What's the name of the new body armor that looks plastic, but has larger shoulder pads that cover part of the sides of the arm? i've seen it a few times, but can never catch the name. There's supposed a helmet that goes with it, too (although the helmet just looks like a PASGAT to me).

    think deltoid covers. think someone was saying its an add on to the interceptor armor to provide more coverage.

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