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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. this should be a poll, i would luv to see the results of it. think most of us can tolerate haterist like an ankle biting lapdog, its just hurin just rubs us the realy wrong way.

    (runs back into the mob with pitch forks and torches)

  2. should one pay more for the 1st edition or is the value of both the 1st and 2nd editions the same?

    in a collective perspective you proly pay more for the 1st edition 1:48 roy if its in the box unopen.

  3. I still maintain that the weapons collapse into the fore-arm. It's clear as day in the animation (frame by frame).

    You can even see the pistons that move them in the picture provided by Nanashi.

    my problem with the collapses into forearm theory is: where does the hand go?

    I think that the weapons may fold down to be more flush/protected when not in use but is still not standard to the yf-19.... I figure if it was, isamu would have used during his dogfight with guld.

    the hand doesnt realy need to retract into the arm, but yah looks to be a potentional weapon system test like a cop's hide-a-way pistol.

  4. there wasnt much to talk about it other than it destroyed a monster or a heavly dmg monster since it has those lightning thing going around it like when dyrl roy's vf-1 b4 dying and in the sci-fi movies like aliens with the atmosphear processing plant.

  5. Is He compensating For Something????????????


    i know what your thinking but i would say is lac of brain cells for this case... well scratch that lac of working brain cells :lol: .

  6. it can turn well in space if you control the boosters right just lol things would be tearing off.

    max: fire missiles!!

    max: .... oh i forgot i ripped off my wings when i try to launch

    max: .... oh yah i forgot im still in the hanger cuz theres no way it can be launched.

    max: better reglue all the broken pieces.

  7. Do we have any confirmation whether or not ninjas will be involved? Because that would be really cool if the ninjas piloted the Veritechs and threw giant metal throwing stars and stuff blew up and the ninjas all yell out "Shadow Force! Step to this and you get wrecked, honkeys!"

    It also should involved a heavy metal band seeking to grow Protoculture flowers using their wicked axes to generate Shadow power, which gets the ninjas all revved up to go kill and stuff again.


    then the power rangers pop in spandex wearing valks that combine into a giant lameazoid and gross out viewers left and right?

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