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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Well, they're releasing those two YF-19 repaints which had more people against them. I think this Gray Focker has been positively received by most? I'm even thinking of buying more than one.
  2. When it's Sunny's birthday she will receive her very own Raiden body parts, but eight pieces will be missing, and thus begins her MGS5 to find them. LOL, yeah, I know it's lame... but got bored here at work.
  3. Oops, was still intending on what my initial post said on the previous day. And it looks like it could be two games. And thinking back the remade MGS3 was announced about a year after the original's release. So it could be the revamped MGS4 but playing through Raiden's story? As for that being Gray Fox in the suit, I'm feeling it could be an artist's new interpretation of Raiden. Remember the changes old snake went through before MGS4 release?
  4. With the DYRL re-release in June, and this repaint, I don't think a TV 1S will be anytime soon...
  5. Yes I would. Though as long as it's not the same colour scheme as Plus, or that **** of Basara. A 19 in military naval grey colours would be awesome.
  6. Well my 25F was sticky taped 3 times, on the outside, and inside on the plastic trays. This explains alot. Anyone else with their VF25 wrapped in sticky tape? I feel for you regult, these toys just ain't worth the price tag and hype due to the pathetic QC and finishing.
  7. To me that's still Raiden. Though clearly the new render has more detail and tiny alterations to the designs and makes him look slightly different. And besides, Raiden is a chick.
  8. Well we lecture the visual finishing of 3D (Textures, lighting and etc) and no, in my view it's not that. Presently these transformer designs are more of a headache cause of the amount of pieces, with each tiny piece having their unique texture, bump, and lighting. And the render time is insane. They've actually got more to worry about considering that these movies are the biggest projects rendered (The render farm is insane in size and techies looking after it). From what we know is that Bay chose this complex look for the robots for the fear to not make them look too "Cartoony" to an audience, and above all have them appear more like organic creatures made of mechanical bits. I actually like the approach, but I also do agree with you that they tend to be too busy, and difficult to distinguish. Bumble Bee and OP are cool, but the Deceptacons are not nice, especially Starscream.
  9. You could be right... Cosplaying. Which means the other guy with the beret and patch is Johnny.
  10. This thread is a nice read. MGS3 my favorite, though I would prefer a take into the future for the next installment. MGS4 engine IMO needs to be ticked to have larger maps. After playing MGS4 twice, it's pretty much has less to offer. Wouldn't mind stealth infiltration in cities filled with crowds of civilians and traffic. I'm still hoping to see Solid survive and become a mentor to Sonny. The idea to play with a female would be a fresh change to the franchise. It could very well be two games in announcement. MGS4 redone with extras and etc like it happened to the previous installments. (Maybe this version following through the story as Raiden?) and obviously then MGS5. This could also explain the Raiden the Big Boss clone images?
  11. LOL Still the beginning of LOTR is very vague for someone that didn't read the books at first.
  12. Well, we've had now Roy, 3 types of Hiki (5 with VD & VT), 3 types of Max, 2 types of Kaki, oh yes and probably the dark Focker as well... So without the Max and Millia 1J's, every Hero Valk is basically out. Within a year they've made into v2 every 1/48 from the TV and Movie plus even more... except for two...
  13. I don't think it's a hate. More like questioning the wasted opportunity for a totally revamped paint scheme on the 19. I like the 22S, but too expensive as I'm holding out for future VF-1, and hopefully that VF-0D. If the 19 had some radical scheme like Low-Vis, or was painted in Focker colours, then I would buy it. But these two repaints are pretty much the same pattern to the original design. And for 200us, sometimes people want something completely new.
  14. I fully agree. 100us plus another 40 to 60 for shipping depending on which side of the world you're in, it's alot of money. I still feel if they released all the hero Valks first, people would still buy the others afterward without a doubt . The VE is an example of it's following.
  15. Though if Skynet knows of Reese being Conner's father, then don't build the time machine. Then Reese can't go back, and Conner can't exist. Oh wait, that even brings into question the whole series. LOL Time travel is very tricky, especially if you write as you go along on the set. I do agree that it is very lame for a story not to be properly explain the plot during the film. Then again, I didn't read LOTR, and after 9 hours watching it, I was still questioning why not recreate the rings instead of chasing them for 9 hours. LOL
  16. Point taken from both EXO and ff95gj. Though this is what I don't get. It appears we're even getting the Dark Focker repaint before these two iconic valks? Selling strategy true, Yamato clever these days true, but still this not making sense. Especially when you look that even with the smaller GN-U Dou line that every hero valk and CF present recently, but no M&M. Back to two seaters. I really would like to see one in focker colours and armed.
  17. Ohhhh, I'm scared now. Internet army. All good. And guys, I meant no offense to anyone, was just sharing my view.
  18. I'm not going to argue which one is more popular amongst the fans between this VE and the Max & Millia. For me the 1J's in Blue and Red will always be more iconic. However now imagine if this VE wasn't made yet. You guys would be bitching why every CF imaginable was made first. And considering that the molds are done for the 1J, and every Kakizaki and Cf is made including these 2 seater, for me it's frustrating how two of the most iconic Valks haven't yet been scheduled for release yet. Heck we're even getting two completely out of nowhere YF-19 repaints. With that said, the VE honestly ain't pretty compared to the others. It's not a fighter, it's clunky in design. And in battroid it looks a giant pizza slicer. Slice them up for them hungry Zentradis. LOL Yet as a military design it's truly awesome. Still eventually I will also buy it. And gonna give it superpacks and a gunpod.
  19. It's nice... Would look cool with SP and a gunpod... But why is this before the Max Millia 1J's...
  20. True, True, True. For that much detailing, the tampa graph printing and paint-tips would have to be more expensive than usual. Also, since it is a Macross Item, I do believe they would have to get permission from the License holders? (Could be wrong on this one) Which means that the design is not solely up to Yamato. Though with that said, a Focker colour scheme YF-19 IMO would have sold better. Or a YF-19 in the colours of CF VF-01. Why not a YF-19 alla Milia or Max. Or just a Low-Vis 19!
  21. LOL, but valid point. Female pilots are meant to be sexy.
  22. Well, was given the VF-25F as a gift yesterday. But I'm totally disappointed. Elbow hinge already broken before I even removed it out of the box. The whole thing is floppy. Can't stand. Plastic is fragile, and the paint job is too dodge. Didn't bother transforming it to avoid further frustration. I'm now convinced that Bandai has different departments at different quality levels. And also that the toy department is situated thousands of miles away from the model department, and don't even know of each others' existence. Was it so damn difficult to use the Cad model of the plastic kit, scale it down and use reinforced metal hinges? I've got various Gundam's from the FF line, and this VF looks like a bootleg compared to them. Really, really disappointed. I'll stick to Yamato and Kaiyodo for Valks.
  23. I'm a Lego builder for years, no yellowing on any grays. If you play Lego with washed hands (Not right after a burger or a tennis marathon) they won't go yellow. Hence why when at Lego shows, the older collectors have models from the 80s still looking brand new. But Lego played by kids, well yeah, you can spot the yellow beneath the light on most colours. Even the white Lego of the late eighties if played with washed hands, is still white.
  24. Is this Kaki Tv version tinted yellow on the wings and chest instead of being white like the other non-beige areas? Anyway, for me no Kakizaki, too many other Valks, and with Yamato probably doing the whole repaint variation thing, 1J's 1S's in different schemes is more to my tastes.
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