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Everything posted by spacemanoeuvres

  1. They are typically a little slow but that is egregious.
  2. I can understand why; the boxes are huge! I can’t bring myself to toss anything so my closets are bursting with these. I don’t have anywhere near as many as you but it’s a problem haha
  3. Amazing collection! I love the Yamato 1/48s How do you store the boxes?
  4. There’s a joke in here somewhere? I think it involves a pot and a kettle but I’m not clever enough to put it together lol You got me pretty well figured and I ain’t mad at ya
  5. That’s odd; this is reminiscent of the 31A. I wonder if some folks will not receive their copies until almost a year from the release date.
  6. You’ve summoned the NY PR bot! Slave IV; tell us why we should be grateful for this outstanding customer service from NY.
  7. You've summoned Slave IV the NY PR bot. Slave, tell us why NY is the fairest of them all
  8. Yeah, they're shooting for late June but that may change due to the current issues with corona virus.
  9. It's definitely become harder to secure an order over the last two years or so. The next DX PO is going to be heartbreaking lol
  10. it's all in good fun. I still use NY if I can get an order in. I have 4 SSP on order with NY and haven't heard a peep. That's part of their "you'll get it eventually" guarantee that many of us are all too familiar with haha
  11. You’ve summoned Slave IV again lol Slave tell us who your favorite store is and why it’s NY.
  12. Smart move! I would have done the same but I couldn’t checkout with the out of stock item in cart haha
  13. I missed out at HLJ because I had an out of stock item from the last PO madness in my cart! By the time I removed the old item and tried to checkout again it was gone
  14. It’s a great figure. I still want to pickup a second copy at some point; dat shipping tho lol
  15. Almost same thing happened with me. It was a different figure and they already had the item listed at scalper price when they offered me credit at the original PO price.
  16. This is the first PO I have been able to secure at AmiAmi since the DX VF-1J. Pleased to have an order with them.
  17. Received confirmation email from AmiAmi. I think I got one fellas
  18. I think I got one at AmiAmi. Waiting on confirmation email
  19. It's been a minute since PO madness but I'm already getting palpitations in anticipation of the spinning wheel of death and imminent cart jacking lol Let's go boys!!!
  20. There's a couple more VF-1 listed for "Pre-Order" on AmiAmi: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?scode=FIGURE-042566-S001 35th Anniversary Painted Unit(Pre-order)(Single Shipment) 14,780 JPY https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?scode=FIGURE-033313-S001 Maximilian Jenius Custom(Pre-order)(Single Shipment) 19,180 JPY sv-51 as well https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?scode=FIGURE-048606-S001 D.D. Ivanov Final Battle Version(Pre-order)(Single Shipment) 32,380 JPY
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