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Posts posted by m0n5t3r

  1. Don't think so. Certainly hope not, I have a few expensive pre-orders with them.

    My YF-29 was ordered through them and arrived just fine.

    Maybe try contacting them through facebook , unless you're one of the 8 remaining people on the planet who don't have a facebook. ;)

    there are eight of us!?! :o:lol:

    @ OP - hope you get to settle you problem with AE... get your money back at least. :)

  2. bet the VF-1J will be sold out the fastest and the VF-1S will have a lot of stocks left over.

    man, i wish i had even just a smidge of painting talent. :(

    if they were able to mould the optional parts in grey, why not the whole valk...

    wasn't there a non-painted built one sold a year ago?

  3. ...it's just that everyone who has to pay extra because they can't find one at retail price thinks it sucks when they have to pay a speculator/scalper twice retail price.

    people don't just think it, it actually does suck... it's not a figment of anybody's imagination. heck, even the speculators and hoarders will admit and say - "heh, it sucks for you, but you have no choice but to get it from me now at the price that i dictate..."

  4. nope, I actually got it from their Makati branch which was totally unexpected. I just went there because a toy buyer was going to be late and I decided to take a stroll there while waiting.

    I would say you would be in for a nice treat with the 19P. This is one already outstanding and I can't wait to see how better the 19P could be (Yamato usually does some minor tweaks, right?)

    I myself am waiting for the VF-19P. Not sure if I'd be excited to get the sound boosters for this one since I prefer to display it in fighter mode (probably until I get a proper cab that can accomodate a Battroid).

    ahh... i've been eyeing the one at Festi for quite awhile... hehe.

    mind PMing me the price Malvs gave it to you for? :)

    you might change your mind about the sound boosters once you successfully sell off your other "stuff"... :rolleyes:

  5. I finally got mine and I was really impressed by it. I love how everything was solid in each mode and the box' size was really practical. It's a good thing I saw it on a local hobby store since I wanted to get it on Amiami's sale price (only I couldn't because of the recent exchange rates).

    The left ankle on mine gets a little loose on some angles but it's not really a problem in Battroid mode. After all, I don't like making too much outrageous poses with my Valks. I still could get used to posing Gerwalk, though, since I find it to easily lose balance due to the design of the Valk itself. I could make it stand, but I don't know if it can really hold an aggresive A-stance with the nose really pointing down with just a tiny space from the surface.

    Nonetheless this is definitely my toy of the year. I love the Fire Valkyrie a lot and Yamato did the best to make me a satisfied fanboy.

    congrats on the purchase bro... did you get the one at GT Festi?

    i'm still playing the waiting game myself... :rolleyes: ...wating for the 19P.

  6. Free bump. I also have one of these, and it's far and away one of my very favorite display pieces ever. I'd have never guessed that so much anime magic could actually be engineered into something workable, and this toy does it remarkably well. I hope this one finds a good home.

    ditto... my Scott is still in the box but i've messed around with Rand quite a bit. ;)

    for those on the fence check out in action pics here - Scott ; Rand

    another free bump coz I love these toys. ^_^

  7. now that was a great episode! loved it from start to finish.

    Panthro's size and demeanor really put Lion-O's youth and immaturity in perspective (for me). He looks so small and inexperienced next to Panthro esp. when

    Panthro disposed of the other hundred or so lizards that Lion-O didn't anticipate.

    I also liked the flashback about how Grune turned to the dark side.. even the music when they we're fighting and Panthro fell felt a li'l like Star Wars :lol: ... and that last bit of banter between Lion-O and Panthro was a nice touch.

  8. I have a problem getting the beam canon to "lock" into place in bike mode on Rands and I'm stumped...it kind of barely sits there and looks right, but I know when I got it it was actually secure....any help????? :wacko:

    i also couldn't lock it in at first, but i tried again and it does lock in securely... just push it back in firmly and there's a click to know that its locked in. hope that helps.

  9. More will almost certainly be available upon release, the question will be HOW MUCH will they be available for?

    i'm wondering where the "more" is for the YF-29... the 27's restocks came out like a month after its initial release... i'm worried that Bandai might become more conservative with the production numbers for the v.2 (thinking that v.1 owners might not want to double dip) which will drive prices up even more... the current JPY exchange rate alone is making me think twice before purchasing anything new. :(

  10. This episode was much better than the last one, and with that end I can't wait to see next week's episode.

    It's already confirmed that each season will have 26 episodes and that they have planned two seasons for now.

    Here is a list with the tittles for the first 26 episodes, I'm not sure how official this list is but it's been accurate until now, just beware that there are some spoilers.

    Omens (Part 1) - July 29, 2011

    Omens (Part 2) - July 29, 2011

    Ramlak Rising - August 5, 2011

    Song of the Petalars - August 12, 2011

    Old Friends - August 19, 2011

    Journey to the Tower of Omens - August 26, 2011

    Legacy - September 2, 2011

    The Duelist and the Drifter


    Sight Beyond Sight

    The War Forgers

    Into the Astral Plane (Part 1)

    Into the Astral Plane (Part 2)

    Lost Causes

    Trials of Lion-O (Part 1)

    Trials of Lion-O (Part 2)

    Native Son

    Survival of the Fittest

    The Pit

    Curse of Ratilla

    Birth of the Blades

    The Forever Bag

    Recipe for Disaster

    The Soul Sever

    What Lies Above (Part 1)

    What Lies Above (Part 2)

    whew! thanks for that info...

    sorry for jumping the gun with the rant... blame >EXO< for that! :p^_^

  11. I liked the story but at 8 episodes a season, I just want them to get on with the core story or Thundercats vs. Mummra and co. (nutants?) 4 more episodes to go and halfway thru the season. :(

    Excellent ending though.

    8 eps only? at the rate they're going, i was expecting this to be like Avatar-Airbender or SW-Clone Wars and have 20+ eps a season. :(

    life lesson? que sera sera? when translated to our local language, is actually considered a bad trait... :blink:

  12. finally!... Panthro joins the team! Thundertank in action!

    same as in the last episode, the last 2-3 mins. were the best part of the ep. I hope the writers come up with edgier or maybe funnier side stories for episodes that are gonna have them... moby dick and ferngully didn't exactly keep me on the edge of my seat. :mellow:

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