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Posts posted by m0n5t3r

  1. here's the old "shoulder hinge replacement" thread - http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=929255

    sorry to hear about your VT-1, but you're a couple of months late coming here to look for replacements. I don't think contacting Graham at this point will do any good since he already gave away all the replacement hinges he had...

    if you know somebody living in Japan, you can ask them to try contacting Yamato - http://eng.yamato-to...pany/index.html ...i think as long as you're a Japan resident, they'll send you the replacement part/s you need.

    This is the Yamato Customer Service number:


  2. i agree that the DX v.1s were more of a "WTF Bandai!", esp. after they announced the v.2s just some months after releasing the 25G Tornado and re-issuing the 25F... WTF indeed.

    i've been really careful buying stuff these past few years, but my "meh" purchase a few years back were these:


    i tried hard to like 'em in lieu of the 1/60 versions, but being small and not transformable, i quickly lost interest and eventually sold them.

    how could you be content with those if you could have these instead :) :

    post-8437-0-85429900-1320533675_thumb.jpg post-8437-0-41718300-1320533705_thumb.jpg post-8437-0-05930900-1320533719_thumb.jpg

  3. for sh!ts and giggles, go dig up the original dx 25 thread and read how many members vehemently defended the v1 DX 25. It's quite the laugh riot.

    Yeah some of them called them PTs when they most certainly weren't when compared to Yamato's.

    i can't forget that one guy who mutilated his v.1 VF-25F's legs just so it can have a decent GERWALK mode stance.

  4. I'm glad I didn't get mine now. I'll wait for Yamato to snag the rights to Frontier even if it takes forever. I'm going to transform my Koenig Monster to see if it isn't falling apart since I've had it for about a year now.

    check the joints for the arms (the ones that connect to the shoulder and to the arm cannons)... a couple on mine has cracks where the hollow pin is inserted.

    it doesn't really affect the toy atm, but seeing as how people here b!tched about the cracked shoulder hinges on the Yamato v.2, i thought it worth mentioning. at least Yamato remedied the problem and provided replacements.

    i might just go with you on this one and wait 'til Bandai's hold on the Frontier license expires... i have to avoid this thread and other Bandai DX valk threads though, lol. :lol:

  5. it's more the overall fit of the different parts of the 0A Shin that's bad... esp when you compare it to how solid the v.2 VF-1s feel. As for the shoulders, i've been really careful with mine when i transform it, so no issues so far. I also loosened the screws for the shoulders for good measure.

    aside from the shoulders here are some of the other problems with the VF-0 series:

    1. droopy front fuselage in fighter mode - chronocidal documented how to disassemble the nose/cockpit part and then bend the die-cast slide bar upward slightly in the "What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai etc" thread.

    2. the connection between the upper thigh tabs to the chest lerx part is very loose in fighter mode. you can use super glue or nail polish to tighten the tab connection.

    3. the lower leg tabs that connect to the backpack in fighter mode also doesn't lock in very well. - this i've given up on. <_<

    EDIT - 4. almost forgot... it's a pain in the @ss to keep the missiles on the wing hard points.

    on a side note, i recently just discovered that the neck of the VF-0 toys are actually extendable. :blink:

    good luck with your 0A Shin. i love mine, but it's really just a display piece and not really a toy you can play around with.


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