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Posts posted by m0n5t3r

  1. Are the diecast parts of the vf-1 kit unpainted? I noticed that the swing/hip bar looks unpainted.

    I'm looking for a type of paint that will match the DYRL white and will not chip off easily during transformation. These diecast parts endure a lot of heavy contact with the plastic during transformation w/c makes them prone to paint chipping.

    Again, awesome custom.... Very nice clean lines.

  2. kinda having thoughts about selling my -17D w/FP's & -19Kai now...

    unless you really need the money or really hate Mac7, keep 'em.


    I found this just lying around at a local store (got it for $60):


    now my Max 1S can also sport his own SSPs.

    dapro, on 13 Apr 2013 - 06:27, said:snapback.png

    That is actually an awesome price. Where did you get it?

    got it from a local seller.

    there's still a couple of 30th VE-1s and VF-4Gs locally, but just too rich for my blood.

  3. don't want to give anyone any false hope or anything but there's a tweet by arcadia from 4/12 that quotes a mr. k saying "i look forward to our continued relationship"


    there's hope for an updated YF-19 and a TV SDF-1!

    Plus, like others have mentioned, i do regret not getting a couple of obscure valks that got little screen time (VF-1D VR and Hikaru's VF-1J training valk)... but I do have all the valks that really matter to me.

    ...and what about that $466 VT-1... craaaazeeeeee! I'm glad I bought 3 cheap for me and a couple of other Macross collectors here years ago.

  4. Just bought a 30th anniv. VF-1S Hikaru to replace my old one (old crotch, tinted canopy and slight discoloration) w/c i sold off a couple of weeks ago. Got it for ~$125 w/c is pretty good considering the crazy prices these days.

    I really wish we had gotten a new YF-19 before Yamato went under. It was the only valk i was waiting for them to make. :(

  5. Finally found time to watch the 2 latest episodes.

    Just finished watching the first ep. Looks very promising. I'll definitely be following this series.

    I hope we get to see Olivia Wilde's character and it'll resemble her just like how Flynn/CLU resembles Jeff Bridges.

    There was some interesting backstory this week. Also a grear render of Quorra, they really captured Olivia Wilde's eyes.

    At least i got my wish before this show kicks the bucket. :)

  6. The other store I was scanning was Japanese Toy Wholesaler who sold out of cases within a few hours, I was away when their orders opened... and I don't want a case of 6.

    Now we need to find out who ordered those cases! Hopefully not them ebay price gougers.

  7. I do wish they would really reconsider the Fast Packs. I'm just planning to get a VF-1S Hikaru and the last thing I wanna do...

    What would be great is if Yamato came out w/ an accessories bundle... SP/SSP w/ side and neck covers, seats and mighty block stand.

    What would be even better is if Graham recommended this to Yamato and it came true. :)

  8. Finally found a spot to display my paltry MacF collection. YF-29 plus what's left after i sold off my ver.1s... hopefully i can get a VF-25G -_-


    ...and here's the rest of the collection sans my Mac0 valks...

    7374406620_58b64d4116_t.jpg 7189185393_7ccefa850c_t.jpg 7189185479_23c73af94d_t.jpg

  9. Just started collecting macross stuff so totally missed out on the previous hlj sale. Thinking real hard if i should get the four VF1S & VF1J 30th anniversary releases coz what i really would like is a super pack bundle to go with them. Anyone got any news of any near future releases of a separate super pack or a bundle?? Should i wait out for the bundle?

    IMO, get them now. Yamato is not known for reissuing SP/SSP bundles. Also, most other sites have sold out the 1D, 1J and TV 1S w/ option parts, so its not a sure thing that any of the option parts reissues will go on clearance at HLJ.

  10. Congrats to all who got their YF-29...

    @ultraman zoffy - very nice trio of valks there... The more i see the YF-29 the more i'm leaning towards the YF-29 > VF-25 club. I have to watch the movie again and see it in action. I love the classic look of the 25 but its like when i first watched Mac+ and saw the YF-19... I was totally blown away by the coolness and advanced look of the 19. Really, the only thing holding the 29 back is the color scheme... but it's starting to grow on me. :)

  11. Here is the latest addition to my collection.


    Everything's brand spankin' new... Very nice.

    But i'm surprised that they made the VF-1S's visor dark again. The original releases has a more transparent green color.

  12. Then why would they even put up the item this early on HLJ? That wouldn't make much sense, but if that were the case, I'd give a big F U to HLJ as well.

    The HK online store i mentioned also put up the VF-25G up on their site, but like HLJ, it's at 'no stock' or 'order stop'... But yeah, this is scewed up. They're creating a frenzy by putting it up but won't take preorders coz of "unstable supply." Isn't the purpose of having preorders to guage the demand??? I swear, Bandai is fcking w/ me and the rest of the people who bash their Tamashii Limited sales strategy.

  13. I got an email from a HK online store i ocassionaly get stuff and preorder from that said that they are not going to accept preorders for the VF-25G and to just check back when the product becomes available. So it's possible that you guys are camping out for nothing and will be camping out again on September for a mad dash at getting a VF-25G.

    F U Bandai!

  14. Second time around, I still don't like fighter mode, I don't like how the legs connect (or don't very well). However, I have come around to battroid mode. I think I will keep it displayed like this. Also, this time the shoulders don't pop off every time I try to move them, unlike the first time I had this toy. That's pretty much what drove me to freak out and sell it the first time.


    For me i prefer it in fighter mode coz there's just too much on its back in both battroid and GERWALK mode. Which is the reason why i passed on this the first time around... Plus i was hoping for a better color scheme. I like that its nice and sleek in f-mode w/out any kibble.

    The MacF DX valk that i really didn't connect w/ is the VF-27. I thought i'd grow to like it since i'm fond of my SV-51 Nora. At least Nora's hot compared to a freak flying a hot pink plane. Plus it looked dated when i saw a pic of the 27 beside the 29 and the renewals. After owning it for 2 years, i sold my DX VF-27 so i could get a YF-29. Good thing i was able to make a little profit from the sale since the YF-29 is damned expensive. :)

  15. Still waiting for Yamato to announce they'll sell these option parts separately. Prices now are just too much for me esp. when compared to how much i got most my VF-1s 2-4 years back.

    Maybe Graham would be kind enough to suggest this to Yamato.

    I only really need a couple more side and neck covers... Ok either way if the seats are included or not since i already have the new VF-1D and its the only valk i care to display with those option seat parts.

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