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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. Interesting. Guess I'm clear to buy then. The bugs were the only thing holding me back. I really just want the headset but the game for $10 makes it a no-brainer.

    Well go to the official socom forums if you think this is ok... or you can learn the hard way by not being patient, buying the game and have it break your PS3... its your loss...

    Dont believe everything you hear... sony probly has all their fanboys saying that the system is great and that everything is ok on their payroll...

  2. Time to watch Frontier...

    AMD (1802 MHz)

    Memory: 1024 MB

    Microsoft Windows XP

    Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 9600/9550/X1050 Series x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2

    Maybe I need to download the smaller Luna files, but I'd hate to sacrifice video quality for such a beautifully animated series.

    Any computer experts have any ideas or suggestions?

    Yeah unfortunately High rez HD files need a pretty beefy system to run them on... It would be a good idea to invest in a modern PCI-E graphics card and a dual core proccessor with some extra ram. 2gbs should be enough...

    It sounds expensive but right now you can get a really nice graphics card for 150 or less. Processor prices have gone down a lot too. I have a friend that spent only 300 dollars on all the base components he needed including the mouse keyboard and chassis. Not only can it play HD files, it can run the latest games too. www.pricewatch.com is a good site to find good comp hardware over the net... www.newegg.com is another good site.

  3. I don't wanna sound like I absolutely hate SOCOM (infact I think its great!). But there are some things I think need to be fixed before it gets the praise it deserves and right now the problem is the servers... It looks like the game is so popular that sony cant handle the amount of ppl trying to login...

    There are also quite a few bugs in the game itself that make it unplayable... Like random freezing every other match and server disconnects, also very long loading times and lots of lag make the game unplayable. The ranking system in the game appears to be down so there is no way to unlock new equipment and gain a higher rank... Overall I feel like sony rushed the product out to the market to make christmas sales... hopefully by December things will be fixed completely but until then im not gonna bother playing... at least the headset is nice...

  4. SOCOM time! The included headset is worlds better than the Jabra Warhawk one. Worth picking up for that alone.

    Maybe so but im really dissapointed in the new SOCOM game... It looks like ASS... the graphics are PS2 graphics with less weapons and customization... Not to mention the crappy character models and lack of things you can change on them... LOL even most of the stuff in the instruction manual isnt even in the game. Like quickmatch, calenders and tournament mode lol... Wow sony really dropped the ball here by hiring a second rate developer like slant six to do this game... Where is zipper? NE one know?!

  5. Here's my take, 2 sets of hands I can live with, 1 set with tabs for gunpod, the second set much like the 1/72's for holding the shield. God and PLEASE tell me they wont pull that same crap unless it actually fits. I've got this nice big gap between the body and the shield in fighter mode and it's just about as horrible as the gaps on the hips.

    There were always ways around the hands in the gundam kits, for instance there were alternate molds that were available so you could get poseable fingers for them, and later with a lil bit of cutting you could do the same with the latest releases i think starting from the OYW Gundam.

    That's just my take again, 2 sets, not 3, or 4, you tend to loose things easier that way.

    I can definitely see where your coming from about too many hands to swap for every little thing... and I do admit it is kinda annoying... gundam figures usually have like 3 sets of hands and it is really annoying when you have to swap hands for a gun and a blade. Although its annoying the fixed pose hands offer far greater stability than any articulated hand could ever provide. Id rather have a few sets of fixed hands than one lousy set of moveable hands that can't hold the gunpod right...

  6. I just finished watching macross frontier tonight and I have to say its probably one of my favorite animes of all time and possibly the best modern mecha anime series to be released to date. The story and the characters development seemed to flow smoothly throughout the series... It also didn't take a hairpin turn for the worst and everybody seemed to have balanced character development. I felt like I really got to know most of the characters well but there were some I didn't really care for...

    Michelle was kinda pompous and wasn't very funny IMO so when he died I was'nt at all sad or shocked... as he seemed like the perfect throwaway character that got hardly any screen time...

    The origin of the vajra was never really explained well at all IMO...

    my guess is that they were a creation of the protoculture race and that somehow their own creation destroyed them...

    Near the end of the story I could kinda see where things were headed and it was fairly predictable but I was still satisfied with all the intense action the climax had.

    I guess for me to learn more about the whole series id have to do some research on wikipedia or something because I find the plot somewhat convoluted and not explained very well.

  7. I just finished watching the last episode of macross frontier... I have only seen the HD lunar anime subs and I have to say that they're pretty accurate. (or at least appear to be). I also like the fact that every little song or background speech was also subbed so on the side so you can learn whats happening in the background as it relates to the characters dialogue.

    Some ppl were complaining that the lunar anime files video quality was bad but it looked fine to me... Just remember to use media player classic to play the mkvs and you should be fine.

  8. Umm you do realize that the characters do talk while text is shown when you talk to characters right? Thats how it was done in oblivion and oblivion is a great game! Infact its the best RPG I have played in a long time because its not totally linear like mass effect or any JRPGS that have come out this year... The free roaming gameplay in fallout and oblivion are what make them great games because you can carve your own path.

    I can see why many ppl might not like oblivion though... its a very western style RPG and its doesn't guide you or hold your hand in the beginning so its kinda tough finding out what to do and where to go... But if you put forth the effort to explore the game and have patience with it, you are greatly rewarded.

  9. I was gonna order some things from his site but I heard that he doesn't always process or ship orders in a timely matter so I stayed clear and from the looks of things im glad I did. I understand things come up in life and having a baby is a special event but that doesn't mean you should shirk your responsibility... You still gotta go to work regardless of family events unless its an emergency.

    I hope everything gets squared away if it is a dire emergency... goodluck.

  10. The funny thing is that if yamato was making this toy and it looked exactly the same as the pics we have now, ppl would accept it... Just look at the old 1/60 valks... nobody complained about them when they first came out and ppl just accepted the product that was given to them even though it was far from perfect... seems like there is a lot of yamaturds in this forum...

  11. You would think, after a good year now, they'd have just recalled what they had out there, fix the shoulders and no harm no foul, unless it's just cheaper this way, which I can't believe really is.

    I don't think yamato has anymore control of a product even if its defective once its out on the market... the most cost effective thing they can do is send ppl replacement parts. It would cost waay too much to recall a certain item that has already been distributed globally.

  12. Ive seen about 15 episodes of turn A and I like it so far but it is a very slow moving show... It seems to put more emphasis on nostalgia and story than anything else. It also seems like the conflict between the two sides in the series is not taken seriously with carefree risks and low death rate...

    I like the show so far but wish it was a little more action oriented. Seems like Tomino was feeling a lot more positive when he made this series... The theme of understanding and caring for one another is a big theme in the story also and that's what he is trying to convey.

  13. For those of you who have dealt with them before (I assume quite a lot):

    I don't recall being prompted for a password when creating an account. There is an option to retrieve a password using Customer ID#, which doesn't show up on my "Order Acknowledgment Email." But then, at the bottom of the email there is a note:

    Please note that this order will not be entered into our accounting

    systems until October 6 because of the weekend. At that time, we will

    send you an order confirmation message with your customer ID, order

    number and other information.

    So... I can only get a password after they've sent my customer ID information? Seems like an odd way to do it. Sorry if this sounds like a retarded post (which in some ways it is), just wanted to make sure I'm not loosing my mind here. :lol: And I thought I'd check here, since apparently HLJ closes down during the weekends.

    Your question is totally valid... I had the same experience with a previous order from HLJ recently. It was my first order while simultaneously making an account and it was over the weekend too. HLJ only completes your account information and provides you with a password that you must change at you own discretion. Only after orders are complete they give you your password and provide you with all the necessary info... Its kinda weird but I guess that's how they do it in japan.

    NE way im wondering whats been going on with their processing issues... It been 5 days since I ordered something and it still hast shipped yet... what gives?

  14. Well I've never had that problem with my VF-0A. Do the missiles go on at all or are they just very delicate and fall off easily at the slightest touch? If the later is the case then you should be ok... After I put all the attachments of the ghost booster on my VF-0A they always fall off easily at the slightest touch.

    If you are having problems with the wing attachments then you might want modify the wing pegs by drilling them out and putting tiny magnets on the contact points of both the attachments and the wing.

  15. The Armored core series isn't for everyone and its a very niche game at that. I just finished getting all 3 endings last night. Which resulted in me getting every single part in the shop for free as a reward. I have to say though the single player mode is more fun than any of the previous installments in the series and the missions are very fun and rewarding. The goal for each mission is to try and get an S rank for every mission. Because if you do you'll get extra parts or FRS memory to tune your Next.

    I'm still trying to get an s rank for every mission so that I can get the best parts in the game. As thats the only way to get them.

    The online is also a great new feature that is now more robust than AC4. The co-op mode is a great way for ppl to work together on those harder missions that require a partner. It is also an easier way to get an S rank as opposed to doing it yourself. The only drawback is you have to complete the missions in single player first...

    I haven't played vs mode online too much but its pretty fun and competitive and you really have to know what your doing, because most of the ppl playing online are from japan and already have uber designs that can tear you to shreds quickly. The key to winning online is to try and make either a mid weight high flying machine thats fast with balanced weaponry or a heavy tank type AC with tons of heavy weaponry so that you can dispacth your opponents quickly.

    I have only one gripe about this games online... IMO there are waay to many blader AC's out there and most of them are jp players... the new reg 1.20 file has made the blades too overpowered to the point where everything else seems useless against them... especially if they're a fast lightweight AC.

  16. Well with all this talk about reviews I think the reason why many games get average or below average scores is this. While some games are downright awful to most ppl there are always some games that capture a niche audience. The koei games are an example of this. Even though they always get a 7 or less ppl still buy them because it caters to a niche in the gaming market that no one else has touched.

    One game that I always liked and never seems to get a rating beyond a 7 is the armored core series... Many reviewers just aren't used to the tediousness of the game and all its technicalities. But I still buy every single armored core game that is released and I still thorougly enjoy it despite what the reviewers say. This is the very reason why games that get an average or below average score still make enough money for the companies that make them to continue the series.

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