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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. Check the blacklisted dealers thread here if i were you. That's all i'm going to say.

    I ordered mine from him and it came fast and was in good condition... Everybody has their F ups at times... On ebay I had a bad experience with Tisinc but thats the past... IMO hes a good seller and no longer sells through ebay...

  2. I remember when I came to Japan a short 5 years ago (has it really been 5 years?!?!) and getting an internet connection was a big push - and that was only the connection that comes over the phone lines. Nowadays, they're pushing fibre optic connections, but it's not as big nor as noticeable a push as the "get your first internet connection" was, 5 years ago.

    I'm not saying that the internet hasn't been available before then. Just that it wasn't very affordable except for places like universities where uni students could get it for free (after paying tuition, etc..). So that, coupled with getting affordable computers that can do 4 byte characters with ease has delayed things internet in Japan.

    Though, I probably am fuzzy in my facts, and the beer in my system may be twisting things. ;)

    no you are quite right... you see phone service and internet is way more expensive in japan than in america... The prices of phone service in japan was originally high in because of WWII and the lack of infastructure available to support telecommunications networks. now japans infastructure is pretty good by todays standards but the phone and internet companies have kept prices high to maintain heavy profits... This is why most ppl in japan don't use hard wired phones and prefer cell phone service because it is much cheaper.

    This could obviously be another reason why there isn't a huge fansite dedicated to macross, because of the sheer amount of money it would take to have a high speed private server hosted over the internet.

  3. Yes to Salamander, no to Gradius.

    Gradius sucks. Even Gradius 5, which has recoverable options and a higher minimum speed. The power-up system just needs so much refinement that no one's willing to do because it tampers with the formula.

    R-Type got speed right(eventually). Instead of making speed a one-way street dependent on how many power-ups you grabbed, make it adjustable on-the-fly.

    And I'm doing everyone else a dis-service by ignoring them. Rest assured, I'm aware that many other games had controllable speed(or one sane speed) well before R-Type Delta. Parsec(on the TI 99/4a) would be the first controllable speed I know of, though irem did it in Image Fight before most of the J-era developers thought of it.

    Though... even from the beginning R-Type's speed wasn't the death-trap that Gradius' was. You start survivable, and can't accelerate to uncontrollable.

    The fact that Konami never fixed this, and it took an outsider to realize something was wrong(Gradius 5 is developed by Treasure), is just sad.

    It seems like your just bashing gradius because you had a hard time with it and couldn't take the manly difficulty the game had to offer... I have beaten every gradius game except for that obscure 3D arcade version and while some of the games were extremely frustrating... (I.E Gradius II arcade version) I still managed to beat them with a little bit of luck and alot of effort. Salamander blows in comparison... Gradius 5 was just awesome and is the best shooter I have ever played. Shooters are short game that need alot of challenge, they are no fun when you can just plow through them on the first run...

  4. Although ive never lived in LA id say living there with a pleasant experience depends on how deep your pockets are really... if you want a nice area by the beach its gonna cost an a$$load of money...

    Aside from the posh areas and cool anime shops in little tokyo there's not much else that appeals to me there. I guess california in general is overated and the cost of living there outweighs the benefits IMO. But if you have the money more power to ya.

  5. I really like the customs armor and the paint job it looks really good and somewhat more realistic than the anime version of the GBP armor... Its too bad there aren't that many conversion kits or customs parts out there for valk toys... Id be all over them.

  6. *sigh*..... <_< That's not right. If they have the hide to keep selling items 99% prone to breaking they should ATLEAST give you the option to send it with other stuff (already have to pay money for replacements which is still a big kick in the gizzards). that's f'd.

    You can thank the ppl in charge of harmony gold for that... They are blockading anything macross related from being sold or serviced from other companies in the states... american imperialism at its finest...

  7. I dont mean to complain or anything as I havent had one bad yamato product yet but im well aware of yamato's history of defects on their first run products... It seems yamato can't and never will get it right on a new product line... Once is already too much for an expensive a$$ toy. If your paying over 100 dollars on a toy it should work... Im glad im waiting this out for the VF1A

  8. I have a feeling that *edit* some people with broken models have transformed them too many times or are rough with the models. If you only need it as display and don't have time to build the model, then you won't need to transform it more than once or twice.

    And if it comes broken in the box, according to HLJ's return policy (if that's where you got it from), they'll accept returns for defective products and will pay for shipping.

    Hope yours turns out okay :) Keep us updated!

    I dont know if HLJ does this anymore but I heard from other members on this board that they also offer replacement parts if you need them for the VF0A they do charge you like 15 dollars though for the parts.

  9. So what's a decent price for one of these .... maybe $200 now? with shipping?


    I got my shin combo at tisinc99.com at 169.00 USD before shipping. The one I got has no issues either, all the joints are tight on it too... Highly recommended.

  10. salon wccgon bandai stand , surprise , vf-25f final version :rolleyes:



    Now that I see the toy with the crotch agled it looks like total $hit... It looks like the robot has a dong man lol. I would never buy a toy like that unless I want to be called a happy person for owning it. NE way im glad bandai didnt go with the angled croth peice because thats really gay... IMO

  11. It's a parody of this:


    LMFAO thats got to be the funniest thing ive ever seen on the net regarding this issue. I really dont care what system ffXIII is on but im tired of sony fanboys saying that theyre system is superior to the xbox 360 because its japanese... LOL when has a peice of hardware claimed ethnicity...

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