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Posts posted by transfan52

  1. I started playing MS Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield recently (check out some videos here: http://insomnia.ac/japan/the_dome_screen/ ) and I'm starting to get hooked.

    It's expensive as hell... 500yen for two games, although the impressive presentation kind of justifies it. The game itself is a pretty simple game, but you accumulate points and unlock new mobile suits and new armor so it's enough to keep people coming back to it, I guess. Over a year old and still regularly played, it isn't uncommon to see people waiting to play it... so I guess it's been a pretty decent success.

    Man I wish I could go to japan just to play that game! Its a gundam fans wet dream!

  2. Hey guys I just bought another valk stand from yamato so that I can display my 1/48 VF-1S in Gerwalk mode... I looked at the manual but it doesn't say ne thing about what mounting peice you need for the 1/48 valk for gerwalk mode... if someone has any idea please let me know... thanks! :)

  3. personally I think yamato is making a mistake with the scruntched up cockpit... it looks waay too cramped in the back... I cant see someone sitting comfortable in the backseat that way... and from what the line art shows the cockpit is at least a 3rd larger than the rest... IMO yamato just doesn't wanna waste time and money on a unique mold so instead they're giving us a slightly modified mold... but it is almost the same thing.

    Cmon it cant be that difficult to redesign and change some thing to make it more accurate.

  4. Well this is the thing... the VF-0s yamato has produced so far haven't been very good quality control wise... So not many ppl want to buy them, even diehard fans have a hard time justifying a purchase because of all the breakages and what not with the line. There are still plenty of VF-OS's floating around on other online toy shops as well as on ebay... So I can see why yamato is waiting a bit as they don't want to flood the market with a low selling product yet.

  5. Star Trek movie official site, head to downloads to see the posters/bgs that make up the starfleet badge and shows Chris Pine as young Kirk, Zachary Quinto as young Spock, Zoe Saldana as young Uhura, and Eric Bana as Nero. Nero looks interesting. Looks like someone chewed up his ear.

    Addition: here's the four posters put together, taken from trekmovie.com.


    Oh god these actor look terrible... they look like they came straight out of a teeny bopper soap opera... DO NOT WANT!

  6. Hmm by looking at your post the only gods you should be thanking are the japanese shareholders of kaiyodo! LOL I can see thhe old japanese men in the board room now saying "Thank god for our soaring profits now I don't have to settle for malay women at the local brothel! I can now afford authentic Japan women now!" :lol:

  7. Macross Valks

    1/60: 5

    1/48: 2


    1/15: 1


    1/12: Scopedog Red Shoulder Ver.2.0 with chirico cuvie

    All I can say is that I dont want to go overboard with my collection because although it may impress you guys IRL ill just get ridiculed for having too much geeky toys...

  8. So far after seeing the leaked trailer from SDCC I like what I saw... the SFX appear to be pretty good along with the visuals which are accurate... I like that Jeff Bridges still plays a major role in the movie... I just hope that the movie has a deeper and bigger plot than the last one which was still very good IMO.

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