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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. hey man, it was your "interstellar civilization" post that got me thinking about it in the first place, so props to you. that being said, anyone else care to join the MACROSS (Mutual Admiration on Civilization-Related Opinions and Sentiments Society)? hehe.
  2. Wh-hat?? so that was the plan all along? lead us to believe that Misa is back in misaforever's heart, but it was actually just a prelude to the klanklan slap scene? so ultimately it would still be klanklan, and misa would still be forgotten! what a ploy! a sly and almost perfect plan! but foiled by Major Focker! good catch sir!
  3. i agree. it could actually be that simple. we have to keep in mind that for some people, this is the first time they got to see the SDF-1 Macross (yes, we have to face the fact that some people haven't seen SDFM or DYRL, or hell even MacPlus). So for these people, alto's words must have thrown them off the loop ("huh? why did he say macross? that doesn't look anything like the frontier!or the quarter!"). in that case, the ep 13 preview mentioning it as a/the first generation "macross" ship as opposed to the frontier, would make perfect sense as an explanation. "kawamori, you mean you made a macross series not just for us?? whyyy?????"
  4. i'm definitely hoping it's a mobile government. it gives an entirely new meaning to the human colonization of the galaxy. if a race or species has already done away with a earth-centric point of view, then it truly is an interstellar civilization, as opposed to an earth civilization that just happens to explore the galaxy a lot.
  5. hehe. now that was a left hook i didn't catch. yup, fell asleep on the wheel again, that silly girl.
  6. yeah it's probably a japanese idiom or saying. and sheryl didn't get what it meant at first, and took it literally. she only found out what it means later on. too bad for us, we haven't. but i'm hazarding a guess that it means something like "someone growing on you" or "feelings creepin in without you knowing it"... oh, and my bet's on Michael as the one who told her. poor guy's gonna get his ass whupped.
  7. AHA!! so that's why the NUNG president is on a fleet. there IS no Earth anymore!! i am officially dumbfounded by the possibilities. so it turns out, global wasn't off his rocker when he insisted on the human emmigration project after all. hehe.
  8. we'll never know for certain about NUNS and NUNG behavior until they start explaining in the next episode how it disappeared from earth in the first place. for all we know (and this is the silliest idea i can think of), the moment alto saw the macross is the exact same moment that the ?afos? folded it from earth. so right when alto was saying "macross", all the people in macross city were screaming: "WTF?! WHERE's the Macross!!!!!"
  9. so far, her only setback was caused by something beyond her control. and to the last moment, she fought like hell to overcome it. Sheryl Rules!!
  10. if they show global, then they might show the bridge bunnies, and... and... No! I REFUSE to see them aged!! edit: well, it's official. in just one day, we surpassed the ep11 thread already. blame it all on the spaceship.
  11. well, with recent developments, let me be the first to hazard a guess that both the NUNS Commander and the NUNG President aint on the Macross. there, i said it.
  12. another ruin? and this time to tell about the vajra? instead of leaving all these clues, couldn't these damn protoculture have just used the time on their hands to...um, i don't know...find a way to SURVIVE??
  13. ha! had a feeling this thread was going to be revived. if just for the Macross showing up... HELL YEAH!!
  14. another thing... sheryl, don't you dare give up without a fight!! hehe. poor sheryl. i feel for her. damn, this series is amazing. one moment it's ranka, and now it's sheryl. brilliant characters. just realized. if not for the last 10 or so seconds of the episode, most of the posts would have been talking about either the zentraedi or the love triangle. what a difference a single spaceship makes.
  15. right you are. and i wonder who you're gonna use it against first... wait. scratch that. after reading your "channeling-induced" post in the ep12 thread, i know who!
  16. Brain fried. Tsk, tsk. That Macross cameo appearance was just too much for some of us...
  17. Damn. DAMN. the tears in my eyes. i can't stop laughing you bastard.
  18. na, that's nothing. Wait til VFTF-1 watches this episode... his F-U will come in the form of a thesis.
  19. The Macross, or the one that pulled them down (?Aphos)? i think it's the latter. Macross just happened to be on top of the ?aphos.
  20. WHAT THE...? Damn you! Damn you all!!! Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze!!!
  21. you mean to tell me that it was an actual, voluntary decision to launch the macross again after all these years? something happened in between macross 7 and macross frontier that was BIG enough to cause the NUNG to launch the flasghip? and shoji kawamori SKIPPED OVER AN ENTIRE SERIES that should have told that absolutely mind-boggling threat to all humanity??!!! Damn you kawamori!!! hehe. my theory's the flashback. but you could be right. and it would be way cooler anyway than just to have another global's report history lesson about SDFM.
  22. well MY jaw's still stuck to the floor... my god, ALL BETS ARE OFF. they've suddenly taken this series to another level. to see the Macross there... i'm still effin shocked. bewildered. giddy. fracking excited. bring on the next!! reading through all those spoiler-tagged posts, i just found it interesting that the first instinct of the majority is to outright deny that that was the macross. it was like their childhoods would be ruined if it actually was. If it is the macross (which i 100% believe it is), then color me HAPPY!! it just brings tears to my eyes... actually, the whole episode almost made me cry. at the very least, i had this lasting smile all throughout. that was old-school Macross! with the Zentraedi (god i MISSED you guys!), the power of song, the zentraedi fanboys, mecha warfare. love triangle intensified. wowowow. i loved it!! (and first time macross fans are now scratching their heads: "why the hell was ranka singing able to stop those zentraedi?? wtf?" ). (on the other hand, this would be the perfect time to slip those first-time fans a copy of DYRL. welcome to our world. ) back to the Macross... i don't see why it being there is a source of concern, or a problem with continuity. a lot may have happened between the timeline of Macross 7 and Macross Frontier. maybe, as some have proposed, the disappearance of the Macross from earthspace is what gave rise to the creation of NUNS. anyway... As for the Macross in the preview for ep13... isn't that the flashback? part of the "recent history lesson" that we're likely to have at the beginning of ep13. or were there VF-25s surrounding it? didn't really see it that well yet. oh well... i'll speculate and post more once i watch the subbed. ! for now... i gotta wipe the tears again. Ma-ku-ros!!
  23. sadly, a statement as big as is an effective way of replying to any possible topic. for example: member 1: so when the alto chose to pick Sheryl's bday present, does that mean that he effectively chose sheryl over ranka? member 2: no, that's definitely wrong because... member 1: WTF!!! OMG!!! you're so right!!!! can't be helped.
  24. OMG!! OMG!! OMFG!!! I gotta see this episode now!!! (brain has overloaded) can't. wait. for download. must watch from a video site. office lunch break, can't you come faster??!
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