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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Well... I do say WTF when viewing the Mona Lisa sometimes... "WTF, is she smiling or not???!" NNOOOO!!! Not that. Avoid that at all costs. That and Urotsukidōji. ... On second thought, watch Urotsukidōji with your kid. I promise you, after that, there will be no more awkward moments. ever.
  2. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like it's at least worth a try.
  3. You... let him watch... just *choke* some episodes?? That is crazy talk, sir. Surely, you don't show someone half a mona lisa painting, even if he is a 14 year old.
  4. Hey, i wouldn't mind getting pwned, as long as I got to tap that. bigelow's hot. I would've been fine if either one won.
  5. Is Canaan any good? I have the series at home, and i've been debating whether to start watching it.
  6. Finally saw it over the weekend. mind-blowingly awesome (as if the series wasn't already). I agree with the emphasis on Kittan's sacrifice. And I loved the movie's version of the epilogue. At least here, we get to see what Simon has been doing -- and it's definitely a worthwhile endeavor, showing his dedication to Nia's memory. I just can't get over how awesome the final battle was. I just wish i could watch it on a real movie screen.
  7. AHA! It's official! We have a chain of stores owned by a Fire Bomber fanatic. BOMBA!!
  8. Dude, is that the Blade shop the one in Robinson's mall Metroeast (cainta/pasig)? Coz I heard the exact same thing! If you heard it from the exact same shop, then that means one of the personnel there is probably a fan (much to the chagrin of everyone else, i presume). But if you heard it from another branch, then the owner is most likely a fan, and he's ordering everyone to "PLAY TOTSUGEKI LOVE HEART ALL THE TIME OR I'LL FIRE YOU, YOU BASTARDS. BOMBA!!!"
  9. Might be a new promo. I only saw it the first time over the weekend.
  10. Aw, hell no. No, this was not taken in the 90's; this was taken just last friday. This is from a fast-food chain, and that's their equivalent of a McDonald's Happy Meal.
  11. Which gives way to a topic i've always found intriguing in the Macross Universe (post SW1): Economics. When a planet is found, who reaps the resources? Are the resources deemed owned by the Fleet that found the planet? For that matter, is the corporation that financed a particular fleet already riding along the Macross city within that fleet, or does it still have its corporate offices left behind on earth? Is it finders-keepers, or are the discovered planet's resources deemed owned by humanity as a whole (through whatever entity that representes it)? To put simply, if Company X finances the construction and deployment of Macross Fleet Y, which then finds planet Z, does Company X own planet Z?
  12. Good point. Although I'd like to think that the defense net should be able to stop a little thing, perhaps a WMD (Dimension Eater anyone?), from getting through. In that sense, I feel the net is a bit flawed. Surely, nowhere near enough to stop a major invasion, and also not fool-proof enough to stop a covert one. That being said, I wonder how well the "defense net" did against the Vajra invasion?
  13. What's even more disturbing is that a defense net that condensed and cluttered couldn't even stop 2 valks from making landfall.
  14. Is that the one with the Vincent Valentine rip-off? never got past ep 2.
  15. Was about to add this myself. To paraphrase (or to needlessly lengthen a sufficiently concise point made by redwolf), there are 2 angles Global may have been working from. First, if there is another threat, earth may not be as lucky to survive this time. And if all the eggs are in just one basket, then: no earth = extinction. Second, even if earth would be able to devise a defense and military system to repel an enemy invasion with 99.9% success rate, what kind of civilization would that be? Pretty much a warlike civlization, which Global wanted to avoid. Remember, in the scene, Misa and Global were looking out the bridge window and remarking how beautiful the earth was. Would it still be beautiful if it was armed to the teeth against an alien invasion? after all, how much military resrouces and hardware must be scattered around the earth to repel a full invasion from all the zentraedi? or SA? or both? or a Basara? Probably pretty much enough to make the earth a crappy place to live in. Ergo, branch out.
  16. AND in District 9! Yes, it's true! There's a picture, for chrissakes.
  17. I liked Rahxephon. But I have to admit, it would have probably been just average for me, if not for the love story twist at the end. Right now, i'm watching Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (up to ep10 now). I like it. For me, Kuroko Shirai is making this series quite enjoyable. Sure, i've seen the whole "in love with your same-sex sempai" thing over and over again in anime, but the absurd extent that Shirai does it is so freaking hilarious.
  18. Well, I always thought they already made Foundation into an anime... for some reason, they titled it Gundam 00 though.
  19. and the all-important Method Three: Oscar voter: "Wow. This is a great movie! Probably the best i've seen ever. Amazing visuals, mind-blowing plot, unexpected twists, and a deep message about the future of the human race. THIS is what watching movies is all about!! .... but, it doesn't deserve an Oscar." -- THEN it's sci-fi.
  20. I'M ALIVE!!! I can't believe it. This is so cool. I survived! I didn't even need to wear this military protective gear and helmet after all! Take that Zentraedi, ya can't kill me!! hahaha. Oh wait, there's a little girl holding a flower waving at me. Where the hell are her parents? Oh well, i'd better go to her and see if she's ok...
  21. Batman and Robin should have won this survey by default, just by virtue of it putting the entire superhero movie franchise in a coma.
  22. Oh come on. Of course Star Wars was fantasy! ... But it became sci-fi when the Force became midichlorians. Seriously now, I don't like to pigeonhole movies into specific categories too much. So one movie is Sci fi. Doesn't mean it can't also be fantasy. and vice versa. Most movies and stories have elements that overlap between sci fi and fantasy and other genres. Heck, even some hardcore fantasies have a bit of underlying sci-fi in them. The Shanarra series come to mind, all of which takes place in a distant post-apocalytpic world ruled by science. For that matter, the Visionaries (old cartoon) is the same. It's fantasy premised on the absence of science -- so in a way, it shows how science affected the future in the long run. Vanilla Sky was a good example. For that matter, also Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Primarily human dramas/love stories. But the impact of the technology on the story is undeniable, so much so that you can't deny that it's also Sci Fi by definition.
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