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Everything posted by ron5864

  1. Wow...Mazdaspeed2 with the 2.3L Turbo I-4 engine. I have the Speed3 and the steering wheel pulls to the right in a significant amount when at 1/2 throttle. The torque steer in the Speed2 would not be fun. It needs AWD.
  2. Didn't Miria kept her old red VF-1J as a backup plan in Macross 7? That is until Gamlin got a hold of it...
  3. That's pretty awesome Derex. The details really standout for such a small scale. Excellent work.
  4. Seems like Yamato is going after Macross 7 mecha recently. How about some Protodeviln mecha like the Fz-109A/F?
  5. Oh well, there goes the 1/60 NUNS VF-171 dream.....
  6. So the VF-171 can be made from this right? But then I don't think Yamato has the Macross Frontier license yet to make that.
  7. After watching DNAngel, I have to say it is a darn good series. It targets a younger audience(early teens), but the story has a simply good feel to it. Daisuke changes in the show from a clumsy kid to one with confidence and changes how he interacts with other characters as well. This is a good break from all the mecha or gory action series out there. 4.5 out of 5.
  8. Finally...a 1/72 version. I might have to add this one to my collection when it is released.
  9. The surface details are definitely better in this second version. I just wish Bandai will come out with a special version, Macross 30th Anniversary version. Maybe a VF-25 painted in Hikaru's VF-1J color scheme.
  10. I kind of knew the end would not be all is well and everyone holding hands. But it was a solid conclusion with no unresolved ending. Well....time to try to continue with The Girl Who Leap Through Time. That is hard to watch.
  11. Finished watching Blassreitor. It was pretty good. I am surprised it got better later on since the first 10 episodes were all over place. It's strange to hear Sheryl Nome's voice for the character Mei Feng as she piloted the Bow Rider fighter in various dogfights. I got Macross Frontier flashbacks and could imagine what if Sheryl had really became a pilot for the SMS, it would probably be like that. Anyhow, Blassreitor is worth watching. Rating at 4.5 / 5 .
  12. This was a quick build of the 1/72 TIE Fighter from Fine Molds, which took about 3 hours to complete. It will go with the 1/72 Millennium Falcon in my office at work. I wonder how long it will be before I catch the first co-worker playing with it.
  13. So far at Episode 15 of Blassreiter. What at first was a motorcycle racing show with mutant human creatures now has turned into a show with heavy mecha and mutant humans. It sure was slow in the first 13 episodes. But now, the story picks up and it is beginning to get more interesting.
  14. Just finished Shangri-La and I must say I am still in a haze as to what is going on. It takes place in the future, post Tokyo quake. However, what is with the new city Altas and the supernatural elements. The series did not explained the situation very well and the audience is left in the dark. Then there is the carbon trading situation that puts more confusion into the mix. There are lots of fragments in this story that were not stitched together. It could have been a lot simplier if the anime was about Kuniko fighting the evil Atlas government forces. Rate it as 2 out of 5.
  15. I am surprised that no one has mentioned any Gundam series yet, like Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta.
  16. I built the 1/160 kit a couple of years ago and it is about 12 inches long by 7 inches high. The parts did not fit well and there were lots of seams after the parts are put together. So be prepare to do lots of sanding and putty applications. I added ball joints at the hip for the legs to toe out a bit since the original fitting point for the hips is just a solid bar that did not allow any side way leg movements. Here are some photos.
  17. ron5864

    HLJ Yamato Sale!!!

    Same thought here. I was hoping for 40% off or something close to that. That 10% does not even cover for shipping cost.
  18. Still watching Shangri-La (up to Ep. . But I just realized that the opening song is by May'n(a.k.a singing voice of Sherly Nome from Macross Frontier).
  19. Just started watching Shangri-La. Not sure what I am walking into here.....but I will keep watching.
  20. Complete Break Blade....just finished Episode 6. Rating 4.5/5. It is basically mobile suit type mecha fighting in a medieval times. The story is a bit slow between the main characters and at times incomplete. The Golems they used (name of the mecha units) are powered by magic. What??? Magic?? WTF???? Getting beyond that part, the fights between the Golems are pretty good in a sort of Gundam mixed with Full Metal Panic action. Fights are mostly hand-to-hand combat with some long range arrow weapons. No beam or energy weapons. The artwork is pretty good as well.
  21. That Magnos mecha reminds me of Gunbuster. But with crappy music and animation. BTW, I just finished watching CANAAN. I still don't know how Canaan was able to get her special senses. Was she born that way or was she an military experiment sample? Anyhow, it had a lot of action and suspense. Rating 4/5.
  22. Hey wow, the tolerances seems tighter with less gaps between the cockpit module and the fuselage. The landing gear is a big improvement along with the hip point location. The original hip point was too low.
  23. From the photos, it does looks like the Ver 2.0 does have more surface details, similar to the 1/72 model kit. The 1/60 that I have lack panel lines on the wing and upper fuselage area.
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