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Everything posted by ron5864

  1. Seeing it in fighter mode, the wings seem to be able to swing a little more forward than Ver. 1. I hope the cockpit has more details with decals for the display and not a gray color block.
  2. We all sound like Apple fans waiting for the next iPhone to come out. hehe. This i-VF-25 2.0 looks like a big improvement in design over the original.
  3. Toyota needs this car more than Subaru. Sure they have the Lexus LFA. But how many people have $400,000 for a car. The Scion tc is OK, but is not very sporty when compared to other cars near that price range...Civic Si, Genesis coupe, GTI, Focus ST, Mazdaspeed3 and Veloster Turbo. So this FT-86 coupe should bring more younger drivers into the showroom. Toyota better have a turbo version of this car or else the competition will kick dirt at its face. With such a long development time and track testing, this car better handle like a Mazda RX-8.
  4. Bandai, please put more surface details into this version, like the 1/72 model kits. And add finer tampo graphic prints as well. Take the business model from Yamato and make special versions like a weathered version, cannon fodder version, a Ranka and Sheryl version, a cammo version and so on.
  5. For Macross Plus fans, here's how Sharon Apple got her start. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8595770/Japans-virtual-pop-star-world.html
  6. The 1/12 Aoshima Priss+Motoslave was shown for a couple of seconds. The rest were the Yamato 1/15 figures and a SEI Sylia figure.
  7. This is really close to my home. Maybe I'll drop by that day to check it out.
  8. Hibiki's character develops slowly throughout the series. His character becomes more interesting in the second season. Dita is pretty much Dita, but she gets a rival in the second season which brings more drama. I like this series. I wish they had continued it beyond Second Stage. As for the CGI, it looks bland compared to today's standards.
  9. Finished Burst Angel. It's pretty entertaining...4/5 rating. It does have a theme similar to Bubblegum Crisis with 4 girls fighting cybog mecha and taking place in future Tokyo after a great quake. Meg shoots two pistols like Revy in Black Lagoon. The CGI graphics of the cybots are a little rough from circa 2003. But the action is good.
  10. Just checked my 1/48 VF-1J and 1/60 VF-25F. No damage from the clear tips. I also coated the valks with Tamiya's TS-80 flat finish and it looks fine. All my mechas are kept at room temperature all year. Maybe placing the item in a warm room or under direct sunlight can heat the silicon tips to the point of reacting with the plastic.
  11. The price is not bad at HLJ for 15,800Yen. But shipping is not cheap, 4,880Yen for EMS.
  12. ron5864

    1/48 VF-25

    I am still waiting for this kit. Sadly, there is no news on this from Bandai. No mention of it from the Shizuoka Hobby Show.
  13. Just finished watching Fractale. I would recommend it, 3.5 out of 5. It is a strange show about humans getting too caught up in an artifical digital world and a terrorist group fighting it. Somehow through the whole series, it just seems like Eureka 7 with the Lost Millenium group being like the Gekkostate. Clain = Renton. Phryne = Eureka. Sunda = Holland. Anyways, got 2 shows(Tenjou Tenge and Fractale) out of the way. Double Tap!!
  14. After watching Tenjou Tenge, it falls into the Ikkitousen-ish category with the martial arts and some amounts of fan service. The story goes off the tracks half way telling something that happened 2-years prior and never really finishes the original story. I would have to give it a less-than-OK rating (2 out of 5).
  15. I thought watching High School of the Dead was a good training video for this type of situation.
  16. I remember there was prequel OVA to the Crest of the Stars about Lafiel's parents discovering an abandoned Earth ship. This event took place before she was born.
  17. Just started Fractale. I thought this was a peaceful/slice of life drama until the bloodbath in Episode 3. That extreme violence came out of nowhere!
  18. The item that I am really interested in is not on sale, Regult HDP Kit. It's still at 38,000Yen.
  19. Looks like another Macross mecha sale at HLJ. Some prices are pretty darn good.
  20. Mnemosyne is pretty good. But gruesome in some scenes, like Elfen Lied style, with dismemberment. I wish the story was explained a bit better in some portions.
  21. I just finished Durarara. Man, what a twist in the plot near the end? Just when you though you are watching a show about a highschool love triangle, it suddenly changes into something unexpected near the last 7 episodes. Overall, it is an excellent show. Can't believe the voices for Kida, Izaya, Erika and Kadota in the show are exactly the same as Setsuna, Tieria, Feldt, Graham Aker from Gundam 00.
  22. The sequel to Crest of the Stars is Banner of the Stars. Not as great as the original, but still pretty good.
  23. Hey guys, quick question about octane booster for gasoline. Has anyone tried it? Does it clog up spark plugs and oxygen sensor after prolong use?
  24. After watching all 12 episodes of Infinite Stratos, I would say it is OK. It has a simple story, plot and not so well developed characters. It does have powersuit type of mecha that the students(mostly girls) pilot. The suits themselves are has some hint of Gundam Seed's Justice and Freedom in their design. But if you are expecting Gundam type of action, you will (not) advance very far in this series.
  25. Watching Broken Blade. Excellent action so far. The mecha they pilot reminds me of the Arm Slaves in Full Metal Panic. The fighting action is similar too. The Black Golem mecha that Rygart pilots is like Sosuke's Arbalest ARX-7 but with a Gundam Unicorn head.
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