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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Thanks for the answer about the AMRAAMs. Over here we could call it "Super Dave"... on that note, I wonder if this means a six Meteor fit would be possible?
  2. I've lived in the UK all my life and I've never heard "Dave" used to refer to Americans; possibly it happens somewhere but given all the other... er... affectionate terms we have for our neighbours across the pond I think I'd have heard of it by now. I suppose its possible Australian exchange pilots with the RAF used the term and it got adopted that way. One other explanation that escaped me is that David Cameron was Prime Minister when the F-35s were ordered. Regards the F-35 upgrade news - sorry, whats "Sidekick/6"? Is that the name for fitting more AMRAAMs in?
  3. In US service... I can't confirm this, but apparently in UK service the F-35 is known as "Dave". There could be a number of origins for this (theres a UK TV channel that plays largely classic UK TV shows of that name) but the most likely one is probably also the same source for the TV channel name, the incredibly popular UK sitcom from a little while back called "Only Fools and Horses": (The joke being the character being referred to is actually named "Rodney". And yes, that is the creator of the revamped Cybermen from the 10th Doctors run...!).
  4. The "Viper" name was very likely inspired by the "Colonial Viper" space fighters from the original "Battlestar Galactica" T.V. series. The F-16 at the time would have seemed suitably futuristic. Edit: Wikipedia also seems to think there is a resemblance with the snake as well.
  5. And, er, oops, Lum is not suffering from an unfortunate medical complaint on her rear. I thought I'd hidden the Blu-Tac better than that...
  6. On the planet Ku'R'Tain, the 12th Doctor is a bit put out by an alien that seems to have hitched a ride on the TARDIS. His new friends are a bit more amused, though.
  7. I didn't even know Germany had a nuclear strike capability. The UK, yes, France, yes, but somehow I'd never heard this until now.
  8. I would imagine its certainly possible, as I doubt the cost of an ejector seat is a major factor in the overall cost of a modern combat aircraft, but it probably is time consuming and awkward. Though having said that, Martin-Baker have for years used a Gloster Meteor (yes, you read that right) for ejection seat testing so presumably they have a procedure.
  9. I presume they mean "ejection handle"; has there ever been an ejection system outside of fiction that was activated by a button press?
  10. "Do you do gift wrap?" https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32869/this-man-owns-the-worlds-most-advanced-private-air-force-after-buying-46-f-a-18-hornets
  11. Everything I know about Latin I learned from "Asterix" books. Requiesce in pace, Uderzo.
  12. Well, one is a pretty sleek-looking, futuristic craft and the other is clearly advanced but a bit more conventional looking... wait, where have I heard that one before?
  13. Thanks for the explanation! I wonder if this one is about to make a cannon firing pass, because at least in the DCS videos they only appear just as the guns are being fired...
  14. Jaustin 89, the "hatches" are directly in front of the cockpit canopy on top of the nose. Cartridge ejectors is an interesting one, but the ejection ports would be so close to the canopy and airstream possibly blowing the spent cartridges into the intakes that I have trouble believing thats their purpose. "Hatches" is perhaps the wrong term, they're more like little "spoilers". Ah, looking at this image: Theres two small pop-up hatches directly in front of the gun barrels, those may well be the ones - in the DCS videos they appear much nearer the cockpit canopy, because of the viewing angle.
  15. I've been watching some videos on YouTube of people playing the flight combat simulator DCS, and noticed something interesting when people are flying the F-5E Tiger II - when the 20mm cannons are fired two little... hatches?... pop up in front of the cockpit. I'm presuming these are blast/gas deflectors, can anyone confirm and does any other fighter aircraft have a similar feature?
  16. Yeah, looks like Sildani definitely got it. Pity in a way as the Boomerang would have been an interesting choice. Wouldn't like to be the pilot who has to take on a Ki-44 in a Gladiator!
  17. Another beautiful theory probably shot down, theres an extension to the tail section which doesn't seem to appear on Ki-43s.
  18. Middle one could actually be a Nakajima Ki-43, aka "Oscar": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakajima_Ki-43 Fuselage looks a bit too short in the promotional picture, but that could just be the angle.
  19. The middle radial engine one - CAC Boomerang? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAC_Boomerang Bet they don't have a Defiant in it. They'll have every bloody thing else. Edit: Hmm, don't think it is a Bommerang because the tailplane probably isn't big enough.
  20. So, with these I really will be able to tell the TEARS OF TIME? (sorry, wrong franchise, I know!).
  21. Not a name that was widely known on my side of the pond but truly tragic events. A civilian helicopter may have a radio altimeter or similar but probably unlikely it would have a “radar device”; I could be wrong as I don’t know civilian helicopters as well as military ones but radars are rare even on those. Throughout aviation history though there have been many, many cases of pilots losing “spatial orientation” when visual cues are eliminated, ignoring the evidence of their instruments and usually resulting in similar tragedies. A F-35 belonging to the JASDF, one of the most sophisticated aircraft on the planet, was lost recently possibly due to the pilot losing spatial orientation.
  22. I remember when the first images of "Turn-A Gundam" were released. How we laughed. Great Tominos ghost, we exclaimed, its got a 'TACHE! How wrong we were. Thank you, Mr. Mead, for what is now my favourite "Gundam" design.
  23. Bison, because who doesn't love a "Street Fighter: II" reference... (yes, I know!).
  24. Just to reassure people, no hedgehogs were harmed in the making of hedgehog flavoured crisps. I think. I mean, sometimes you'd get the odd one that served a dual function as a toothpick but... Now I think about it, the NATO "If we give them silly names they'll sound less of a threat" possibility extended to helicopters too - Hip, Hind, Hokum (that one always felt deliberate)...
  25. Remind me to tell you about Hedgehog flavour crisps sometime... ...er, anyway, flyey stuff! NATO callsigns are probably assigned for some of the same reasons they used codenames for Japanese aircraft in World War II; if you say "Felon" everyone knows you're referring to the Russian stealth fighter; if you say "Su-57" you have to wait while everyone tries to remember if thats the one with the canard, or their regional business jet, or didn't they try and make a floatplane once? It also, and I'm guessing here, means that everyone uses the same language designation rather than whatever the local translation of "Sukhoi" or "57" is...
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