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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. I downloaded it and hated it. I'm glad I did not pay for it. It's better than VF-X, granted, but it's still a mess. The only reason M3 is worse is the framerate problems. It's not a good game by any stretch of the imagination with its shitty plane on a string and low ceiling crap, and not that great control, and unimpressive graphics when compared with other PlayStation games of the time. I disagree. It pisses me off to no end when when I fly and fly and fly and my plane NEVER GETS ANYWHERE. That also pissed me off in Battlecry. That is part of why I like Macross VO. I actaully GET places when I fly. The only places you really can't get to are the planet backgrounds, but I don't care about that too much. I can actually fly to spaceships and stuff, not just float around in unchanging space while poorly rendered Zentradi or whatever shoot at me. Of course, the pre-alpha E3 demo of Robotech: Crystal Dreams still wins on this count, what with accurately modelling the distance to Saturn and being able to fly into the planet if you're REALLY patient.
  2. Multiple replies: "When basara won't use weapons, when there is no fighting, it kinda cheats the audience of some of the danger in the dogfights. Because each episode all the guy has to do is start singing rather than using weapons to shoot people." This is BS. Gamlin is always there shooting at the Varuta, plus it's actually -more- dangerous for Basara. Since he isn't shooting back (most of the time) it's a lot more likely he'll get hurt or killed. Granted, it only happens rarely because he's an important character, but still. "I thought V-Gundam had newtypes in it - wasn't the colony/satellite weapon thingy at the end of the series powered by newtypes?" Aren't you talking about the satellite gun thing in Gundam X? Plus the final battle in F91 is pretty newtypey... not as new typey as Char's Counterattack, but still...
  3. I will say that it's a LOT better than VF-X, VF-X2, and M3, which were all disasters. I still hate that they borrowed the low ceiling, plane on a string mechanic from the crappy Japanese games, but it is better than them. That said, the "defend a paper cup from a nuclear bomb" missions are the OPPOSITE of fun on every level and horrible ill-conceived. BAD BAD BAD. Also gerwalk controls like crap. Other than that I like it. I liked Invasion MUCH better though, but apparently I'm the only person on earth who liked Invasion. I've yet to play the PS2 Macross game, but Macross VO remains my favorite Macross game.
  4. Uh, WHICH PS2 game? Are you talking about Robotech Battlecry or the Macross game? Obviously the "YF-1R" thing is in Battlecry...
  5. Well, you don't have to roll actual dice, you can use computer programs to do that, or the GM can do all the dice rolling.
  6. Have you guys tried Skype voice chat? I think that would be a lot more fun than a message board. I've got zero interest in message board roleplaying.
  7. The Takatoku Super Valkyrie definitely does not come with any kind of detachable heat shield. Instead the canopy is a tinted brown color, kind of like sunglasses. There's a skull sticker for the canopy.
  8. No, I just like Joy Division. Though I did do a Joy Division cover once. Made it into 80's style synth pop.
  9. Ugh, no. Start with the original MS Gundam movie trilogy. 403137[/snapback] Yellowlightman is right. Ignore all this confusing poo and just watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam trilogy, the ones set in UC 0079. Mobile Suit Gundam I, Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow, and Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space. That's what you want. It introduces everything nicely, it's easy to follow, and the three movies give you a complete, self-contained story.
  10. I'm a slurm. I like EVERYTHING. I don't care if it's Robotech, Macross, Transformers... whatever. As long as it's got something to do with a Valkyrie or anything like that.
  11. I only ever owned one, the FIX Zeta Plus, and the articulation was exactly the same as the MSIA Zeta or Re-GZ. They legs are fine. The FIXes that have almost no arculation are the ones covered in armored, like the FIX Full Armor Double Zeta, and once you take off the armor, you can pose it.
  12. Huh? Have you ever touched a FIX? They're not at all like McFarlane's stuff. They're like the fancy schmancy deluxe collector's versions of MSIAs. About the same scale, also PVC, about that same poseability (which is good action figure poseability, no McFarlane statue poo) but completely painted.
  13. Okay, then what are you talking about? Who cares if you upgrade the firmware? The only reason not to was homebrew/emulation.
  14. Bleh, I lived in Davis for about 9 months, but moved back to the bay area a year ago.
  15. Okay then! I own a bunch of Jetfires in various states of repair. 1 Hasbro 1986 Photoshoot Jetfire (with signed letter from Hasbro's art director on Hasbro letterhead confirming authenticity) 1 Takatoku VF-1S Super Valkyrie 1 Takatoku VF-1J Miria (has seen better days) 1 Matsushiro VF-1J 1 Bandai VF-1S Strike Valkyrie 1 Bandai 1990 VF-1S Super Valkyrie 1 Bandai 2002 (right year?) VF-1S Super Valkyrie 1 Bandai 2002 VF-1A Hikaru I have other stuff, too. Two Matchbox hideuos bloated Super Valkyries, one Exo-Squad Super Valkyrie, one Toynami Masterpiece VF-1J Hikaru, all four of the Convertors Select/Mark SD Valkyries, all three of the Convertors Select/Mark regular Valkyries (that's Roy, red kinda Miria-looking one, and black Super Valkyrie), all of the individually packaged Toynami regular SD Valkyries plus the SD Super Valkyrie (I refused to buy the box so I don't have Hayao), Toynami Super Poseable VF-1S Strike Valkyrie Hikaru I have other non-Valkyrie stuff. Two Exo-Squad Glaugs, an Exo-Squad Gurab (or Grab or Glove or whatever translation you prefer), Toynami Superposeable metallic blue Legioss and metallic Dark Legioss, Exo-Squad Spartas Hovertank, Matchbox Roy, Hikaru, Misa, HG Minmay, Matchbox Jeanne, HG Jeanne, Matchbox Zor Lord/Robotech Master/whatever, a bunch of Exo-Squad Destroids, one Matchbox and one Exo-Squad Nousjadel-Ger, a cheesy Transformers Jetfire pin, a goofy glass carnival prize with Jetfire on it, all of the different modern Jetfires toys except that damn Robot Masters R-Blade thing I still need to buy, random stuff I can't think of, and a partridge in a pear tree.
  16. It's all about GTA for me. I love GTA like a puppy. Maybe that's a bad analogy, unless it's a puppy you beat, but erm, what I mean is, that game is love. Liberty City Stories is not as good as San Andreas, but still quite good and it's also portable. I wish to god I had people I could play multiplayer with, but my stupid friends all have DSes and only use it to play farting Nintendogs. YOU GUYS ARE CREEPY. Anyway, Lumines is also cool (I HAVE played that one multi and it rules, like Tetris at a dance club), and Infection is fun shooting blowing poo up action. I use my PSP constantly to listen to mp3's or watch videos. It's pretty common for me to download an episode of something off youtube, convert it with PSP video 9 and then watch it on my lunch break at work or just listen to it while I'm working if it's in English. I also play emulated games on it all the time, usually SNES, NES, or Genesis. Then there's the PSP port of Doom for GP32 or whatever which has been hacked into Duke Nukem 3D which I play sometimes. (I know that sounds complicated.) I have basically no use for my GBA anymore since I can play all my old GB or GB Color games emulated on it perfectly, and SNES ports I can just play the original SNES game. I only had a couple of GBA games that weren't ports to begin with, so I don't miss it. Plus the screen on the GBA is crap. The PSP has the best screen of any handheld game system ever, and it's way, way, way better than the video iPod. It's huge and clear and gorgeous. I also use my PSP for transferring files from one computer to another like a thumb drive or other USB storage device and when my band performs live I use the PSP to play the synth backing tracks since stupid computers are so prone to crashing or other problems when you get on stage. I love it.
  17. There's some security hole in GTA's savegame feature that you can utilize to run unsigned code, i.e. homebrew. I haven't used that though, since I stayed on 2.0.
  18. Make sure you update to 2.0 and not higher. There's apparently a totally different exploit for 2.02 that REQUIRES GTA to work, so I would not recommend that.
  19. Uhm, I like Macross and would be interested in trying RPGing, but I'm a lot closer to Oakland.
  20. Aren't both of those threads for Yamato toys only? That's why I never posted. I have plenty of Takatoku/Matsushiro/Bandai Valkyries, but not Yamatos.
  21. Doesn't matter anymore. They cracked 2.0. I upgraded my firmware to 2.0 to play GTA, but a new loophole lets me play homebrew stuff just fine with that firmware. Plus there's a different loophole that lets you downgrade the firmware to 1.5. A PSP with 1.52 on it is worth no more than a PSP with 2.0 on it.
  22. Not arguing against you at all here. Artland animated, not created, and they did a great job. My point is that they deserve some of the credit too. Yeahhhh, so? I'm aware that they went to school and all that. What I'm saying is that they contributed to what made Macross special and that it's unfair that everyone downplays the contributions of everyone -but- Kawamori. I'm against this attitude in general film too. The auteur theory is just plain wrong. Film (and television) is a collaborative art form, to a much greater extent than theatre. In point of fact, animation is even more of a collaboration than live action film. Again, so? Flash Back had like two pages worth of scripting in it, and Plus and Zero were only a few episodes long. The fact that he worked on both Macross TV series, DYRL, and a couple of OAVs pretty well cements him as a writer of import in Macross, don't you think? Oh really? My mistake. I actually like the episodes, but then, I like the entire series. Is there a list of who wrote which episode? Guess that's an impression created by only fans yabbering. Never mind! Anyway, I still think Tomita and Ohnogi are important to Macross and have done some excellent work. Kawamori is obviously very important, but he's not the only one with significant creative input. And visually speaking, Ichiro Itano is also very important to Macross. Sure, the love triangles and singing and transforming robots and all are quite important to Macross, but so is the Itano Circus! Go missiles! Wee!
  23. The director does not have final say in American animation -either-, and frequently doesn't have final say in American live action, for that matter. That's a red herring...
  24. I was being a bit facetious. I'm not saying Kawamori is not important to Macross -- he definitely is. I'm saying he's not the only important person. I've seen other anime that many of the Artland/Nue staffers worked on that Kawamori did not have a huge role (or any role) in, and they are still really good. Giving him credit for everything is wrong and insulting to the other people who worked hard on created the series we love so much. It especially irks me when people totally ignore Ishiguro Noboru. And Ohnogi and Tomita. Yeah, they didn't create everything, but that's usually how it works when you are a writer. You write to the specifications and they did a fabulous job. Also note that the episodes Kawamori wrote (the ones after Love Drifts Away) are also the ones most people don't -like-...
  25. It's called being fun and not taking itself too seriously. But sorry if I distracted you from reading THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN TPB for the 600th time.
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