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Posts posted by sidearmsalpha

  1. yeah due to the different back pack transformation for the VT-1,

    yamato had to make them smaller

    still it isnt too small, just nice

    i am really loving the pics of the VT without the booster parts. awesome

    I'm not liking the smaller fins myself. I think they could have designed some hinge system, so that normal-sized fins extend out from hinges that pull out from the backpack and the hinges would fold up against the sides of the backpack so that it has the clearance it needs. If I do get one, the armor is staying on it for sure.

    The more I look at it, the more I can't seem to be wowed by it now. It doesn't offer much innovation over the original except for incorporating all the features that the V.2 body and armor parts have to offer, but that's expected. It's almost twice as much as the original, but it doesn't seem like you get double the bang for your buck as far as incorporating features that are unique to the VT-1. And there's still no plausible reason as to why they included the fixed-pose hands with this! As I mentioned before, it would have been more logical to include figures of Hikaru and Misa in their jumpsuits. Man, that alone would have increased their sales. I would have bought an extra one just to have them inside the cockpit. Yamato makes some very odd decisions. I don't feel so bad about holding onto 2 of the V.1 now. I keep one in fighter mode with the armor on, and the other in Gerwalk with the armor on and the arms tucked underneath like it is seen in the rings of Saturn battle. Hell, the V.1 seems to have a more accurate neck piece on the head. This new version should trump the old one in EVERY way, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

    Well, I'm sure the Elintseeker will be more of a definite buy for me. That one already has a better-looking arm for the radar dish, the dish isn't as high this time, the red stripes are painted on, it looks like you can actually remove the radar dish arm from the backpack, and no floppy backpack with the radar dish attached to it. All non-standard features that are exclusive to this version. I'm curious to see what else they can do to the arm attachments. I think the V.1's were pretty detailed, but maybe there's more detail they are adding to them.

  2. Hey all,

    I finally got around to taking pictures of a custom Macross VF-X2 VB-6 Konig Monster I had won a few years ago from physioguy (he goes by briareos on eBay). He dubbed it a "Stealth" custom since he painted it in flat black. Anyway, I was never happy with it. He did a lazy job of painting it, but the worst part is that there was some damage to it that he never mentioned in the auction. At the bottom of the feet, there were gouges on the edges of 2 of the screwholes, which is pretty damn obvious. When I contacted him about it, he basically said he was not at fault for not disclosing the flaws I had noticed ("let the buyer beware", he said <_<). He offered to take it back and give me most of my money back, but I had to send it back to him at my expense. I don't think Paypal had a great Buyer Protection policy at the time, so I didn't want to risk sending it to Canada and just lose out completely. So, I have finally decided to put it up for auction. This guy usually posts pics of his customs here from time to time, especially when he's about to unload them on eBay. Just be aware that he oversells the quality of his customs. I have posted some pics here to show just some of the shoddy work (and damage) he did on this custom and never mentioned these things.

    The Konig is still in great condition with nothing broken. It looks pretty cool until you examine it closely and see the paint flaws and gouges on the holes. Just putting it out here so anyone who wants to put some time into it can make it look its best.

    Here is the link for the auction by the way:











  3. Personally I liked South Park's lampooning of this very subject...


    Yeah, that was a great episode. I remember the gist of what Stan and Kyle had to say about the whole thing at the end of the episode. Great bands make money when fans pay to go see them perform. People are always going to find a way to get the music for free.

    I thought it's been revealed that musicians don't make alot of money from CD sales. Only the labels do. So, it was pretty overzealous of Metallica to take on Napster personally instead of letting the labels deal with it. I doubt they were really hurt financially from Napster. I mean if they were relying on record sales alone, why bother touring?

  4. Yeah, that's an interesting point. If they wanted to throw in some extra parts, they should have included some arm armor like Bandai did with the 1/55 version. There isn't even a freakin' gunpod with it. What would have been awesome are optional Hikaru and Misa figures in their jumpsuits.

  5. Looks cool, but not mind-blowingly cool. I'm more interested in the VE-1, since I really like how they improved the look of the dish arm, and they added the red stripes that were missing on the V1. Still, I'll have to wait for some kind of sale on these. As cool as they are, I can't justify paying twice as much as the V1's for them.

  6. I think Yamato is a good company for the most part. I haven't had a total dud Valkyrie or Macross product yet. The worst being a broken leg flap on a 1/72 YF-19. Oh wait...I take that back. The 1/72 VF-11B that had both legs break at the hips was the worst. I bought 2 of those. Since I didn't open the other one, I sold it on eBay. I don't understand how Yamato didn't catch that before going into production. Those legs broke off effortlessly. I guess the material had probably weakened and it was too late for Yamato to do anything about it. Still, it sucks that there's no way for them to compensate collectors outside of Japan for damaged goods.

    They no doubt have to work on their QC issues on many of their products. I bought a Morrigan statue they put out a few years ago that was molded inproperly. She was molded in a sitting position where her butt was flush against the base and one of her hands was supposed to be the support, but because the flat part of her butt and hand were not level with each other, the statue would lean back. I had to position a cloth under it to keep it balanced. How lame. I sold in on eBay last year and took a hit on my cost for it. I don't buy statues from them anymore unless they are PVC figures that are in the $50-$60 range. I have to say the Tandem Twin and Creators' Labo figures have been great for the most part.

    The only Yamato Valk I had yellow on me so far is the 1/60 V.1 VF-1A Hikaru, but that one was molded in very white plastic, so it had it coming, I guess. Still have it, but it's got a set of GBP armor on it.

    I hope Yamato continues with the Macross line long enough to see alot of never-before-produced stuff. Of all the anime shows I have seen, I still think the Macross animes have the coolest mecha. I fell in love with Macross the first time I saw Robotech as a kid, and I have been a fan ever since. I applaud Yamato for having progressed with the license and trying to make the mecha as line-accurate as possible in most respects.

    I do think that they really need to expand the line beyond mecha or give us enemy mecha and ships as well as some character figures. I think with the success they've had so far, they can be more risky. I don't see why they can't test the waters first by putting out some GN-U figures on some of these to see what the collector reaction would be.

  7. Far Out Toys...man, I remember that place. The guy that ran that shop would attend the local toy shows at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds. My friend, fellow MW member vf2ss, bought his first 1/48 VF-1S Roy at his shop. We went to Nikaku about 2 months ago, and I was underwhelmed. That place hasn't changed much since we started going there regularly in the mid-90s. It was like going to Kimono My House after eBay and online import sites took off. It's hard to believe that I have NEVER seen a Yamato Macross toy at Nikaku. Most of the model kits are ancient. They don't seem to be concerned at all with getting with the times.

    I hope to make it this time around. Been dealing with some personal stuff involving an ex-girlfriend that's really been taking its toll on me.

  8. I used to have a few of those kits, but I sold them on eBay. Even the VF-1S version and the Strike VF-1S with that extra gun. My friend, another MW member who goes by vf2ss, traced the SD VF-1J from the box art, and we took it to one of those sticker kiosks at the mall about 6 or 7 years ago. We had stickers of that piece of art done from the tracing. I put mine on my '01 Honda Accord LX's gas cap door. I can't believe that it has withstood all the elements and sun exposure to this day with no damage. I'll have to take a pic of it and post it here soon.

  9. Yamato is not going to be interested in Mospeada after Beagle's recent failure. Even Mega House didn't find it worth the effort to finish their line. CMs really has Mospeada covered and having had those three companies alone saturated the tiny Mospeada market. Dump on top of that the Aoshima debacle (being made better with a high quality Tread release) and there's just not much of a draw for any other toy company to throw their hat in that ring. Mospeada was big enough for one dominant toy company to make good use of the license but it wasn't nearly popular enough for the landslide we got. So sad.

    The sting of what you're saying wouldn't be so bad if we never got to see that Fuke prototype. That's what is so unfair about it all. It would have been great if they could have started with the 2 most wanted Ride Armors, then go back and do the Stick and Rey versions, but I guess like most other time companies, you start off with your most principal characters first. It's always a letdown when toy companies show off cool stuff they have coming down the pipeline only to cancel the line before releasing that stuff. I remember when I was looking forward to the Takara Beast Wars Neo Unicron after seeing the prototype, but that never made it to market.

  10. Amazing! There's no denying you truly are a master at your craft. I hope I can commission you to do something as nice someday. Just out of curiousity, Kurt, have you ever considered taking a hiatus from the custom work? Not that I would want you to, but even a guy like you probably needs a break from this every now and then, right?

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