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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. I was hoping if anyone remembers what thread this picture is originally found in? I've tried searching Bruno-SPS and ASS-1 but nothing turns up, unless I missed it and didn't even realize it. I can't even remember the thread I saw it in. Sorry, Mods, for this thread. I'm just hoping you'll all allow it up for a few days or so. Thanks all.
  2. Anyone with a response to my previous post? :/
  3. I forgot I had created this thread till just now. I still think it's silly and I stand by my statement! I should be able to search for everything within the quotes. Mock me will you?!! :/ Azrael, thank you for your help.
  4. I just wanted to add/mention the subtitles too on the Macross II DVD.
  5. For once I can completely agree with Keith. ^^^
  6. I'm finally at episode 13, and the end of episode 11 really made me want more! I was starting to read the first few pages of this thread...but then I started seeing posts about episodes 14 and up...so I quit reading there. I must say, I'm already hooked. As far as the OP and ED goes, I didn't really care for either, but both have grown on me. The black Nirvash looks insane...looked like a black widow to me a first when it was first introduced. I'm really liking the story and characters. It's definitely refreshing.... I have another 23 episodes to catch up to.... Without giving too much away, how do the rest of the episodes pan out compared to the first 12? Also, I was reading some comparisons to Aquarion.... Though much wasn't really said about Aquarion itself, but how does it match up vs Eureka Seven so far? Would it be worth my time to check that show out as well? I tell yea, I've been introduced to so much anime recently. I'm currently watching Bleach, School Rumble, and now Eureka Seven, after having finished Evangelion a month or so back...I'm still trying to finish GitS:SAC 2nd Gig. I wish I had more HDD space and more money to support my anime habit. =(
  7. Meh, going off that, not impressed. (Awaits some kind of flame)
  8. Been there done that, next? I am glad, however, to see more Macross II fans out there. Really didn't think there were that many on this forum. Glad I thought wrong though.
  9. Just saw the first episode on Cartoon Network. It peaked my interest enough to get all the fansubs. Is 35 the latest?
  10. IT'S A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY. Where did you see the huge galactic fights in DYRL?? There were only the battles surrounding the SDF. I don't remember there being a huge force in DYRL? as compared to MII on Earth's side. I also didn't know that DYRL? had the 4/5/6 (I can't remember how many) Macross Canon type class ships. Where the hell is the reporter in DYRL?? Where are the brainwashed clones in stasis in DYRL?? I don't recall seeing Misa ever giving what might be her last words onto a recording. Where's the Meltrandri version of Ishtar? Was the SDF blown up in DYRL? I could probably go on a bit more too. YES, they have some of the same basic elements and plots, but THEY'RE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORIES. While we're at it, why don't we call Macross 7 a clone of Macross TV and DYRL?? They all use music in some form or another to defeat their enemies. (Who didn't see that one coming?) They all have Valkryies that they use to combat the enemy, who didn't see that coming? Don't forget the classic love triangles in Macross. All common themes in Macross:Music, Love, War, Valks. Should probably call Zero a clone too.
  11. You wanted to see movies that weren't predictable and wanted more originality because you were sick of seeing the same stuff with new people in it. So don't automatically think the critics are wrong if they are jaded and want something completely different from what the fan of the original wanted. It's possible that people who liked the first, still like the first but they just want the second to not be a clone of the first. (and yet still enjoy the second as a stand alone thing even if it clones the first - it's a case of "I will see it anyway") But I'm of the belief that once a story has been told it's been told. If you tell the same thing again that is when the cynism starts and people label it a cash cow. Ie gundam for eg. Yeah ok so Hibiki isn't a fighter pilot the way Hikaru was (this was the thing I liked about the sequel that it saw things from a civilian perspective) but overall there were enough similarities between this and DYRL that you could say it cloned it. 390467[/snapback] I once again have to disagree with you, but I'm not gonna change your mind about all of this and you sure as hell won't change my mind on all of this....
  12. If I were to pick two, it'd be Sylvie Geena and Sawachika Eri Both have attitudes but also have a soft side to them.
  13. But that's just it: if you repeat the same thing over again people won't go to see a sequel anymore if you don't expand on the original. You've just won my argument for me. If you go towards 1 or the other rather than an outome that is unexpected movies are too predictable. Aliens wasn't because the bad guys were the humans as well as the aliens. For example in diehard we all were at the edge of our seats because the main character was in a losing position. the bad guy looked like he was going to win because he had the hostages and the automatic weapons. We don't know what is going to happen and there is a sense of danger because the hero isn't a "hero" (like arnie in commando) has no proper training and this is what makes the movie interesting. Now if you were to make a sequel doing the exact same thing don't you think you would be rolling your eyes in your head?? Everywhere the main chracter goes there are hostage situations. Too much coincidence. And frankly that just isn't realistic to me. Same thing with later rocky movies. I loved the first one because it tells a story of an underdog given a chance. But when you do the same thing over again but with different people it really loses the impact that it had when you saw it first time. Audiences are smart. But 'fans' (fans = fanatics) of the original tend not to care so they keep watching the sequels.(as opposed to your mum, your dad, your best friend who might not be a 'fan' but had just watched something "as a movie" rather than as a "franchise".) For people who want more of the same thing more power to you. But for a mainstream audience they have a different more cynical attitude to watching something and lose interest more easily if they think they've seen something like it before. If a story is predictable and has the exact same message or ending as the first movie it loses impact. 390458[/snapback] I won your argument for you? I already stated that Macross II has a few of the same elements in DYRL?. Your argument was that you could predict Macross II easily. Then brought up examples. I merely stated that could be said about any movie. But come Macross II, you saw them blowing up the Macross? (Which you didn't even bother to answer.)
  14. But there's nothing worse than knowing exactly what happens in the end and how it is going to happen. It's the danger of a sequel when they don't add twists to keep an audience guessing. Take the movie aliens for example: they gave us a queen alien, they made the android trustworthy again, and you constantly had to guess who was going to die and who was going to live. So when you see it you can't say the sequel is doing the same thing as the original. You genuinely want to keep watching to see how it all turns out and who survives because it is not certain how things will turn out till you are sitting there and the credits roll. 390448[/snapback] You honestly saw them completely destroying the Macross there at the end? When you saw Macross II for the first time, were you thinking DRYL? or what? Assuming you hadn't read anything about Macross II at the time, that is. And what you said about Aliens could be said for any movie out there. There are only so many outcomes. Good guys win or the Bad guys win. He gets the girl or he doesn't. There are so few movies out there like The Usual Suspects and A Beautiful Mind (for examples) that keep you guessing till the very end or blow you away completely. If I'm wrong in that statement please do correct me, I'm always looking for more movies like them.
  15. I've heard it all about Macross II being a DYRL? rehash (especially from Keith back on AFM). Sure, it has the same elements and plots, BUT it's a COMPLETELY different story.
  16. The final song played during the credits? If so, it's "Promise." Or are you talking about the song Ishtar sings at the final battle? If that's the case it's "Mou Ichido Love You."
  17. Another Macross II fan! $$$ I'm stoked to see our numbers growing! Welcome to MW! I whole heartedly agree with you on all accounts about the anime! However, I have a few different favorite moments. My 3 favorite scenes are as follows: First favorite scene happens to be at 1:21:21 - 1:22:24 chapter 8. "Futari" kicks in and we see the softer side of Silvie as she talks to Hibiki. She then gives what she thought could have been her 'last report' on camera. It gives me goose bumps every time I watch it. Second favorite scene happens to be at 1:48:52 - 1:50:27 chapter 10. Ishtar sings 'the Song of the Alus', or "Anata o kanjite-iru - Mia Santi Ren", and we see Hibiki giving what's to be his last report, as he falls apart inside. Then the Macross discharges some energy and we eventually see Exxegran and Sylvie for a few seconds, then Isthar, then Ingus sensing(?) the 'Alus'. It gives me this sense of "this is humanity’s last hope†kind of feeling. This scene also gives me goose bumps. Third favorite scene happens at 0:49:48 - 0:53:05 chapter 5. "Ark of Alus" starts playing in the background; Hibiki and Ishtar go to the Macross and Ishtar goes on to talk about her people and her beliefs. Despite loving the whole series/movie as a whole, the music is probably my most favorite thing about Macross II. Hiroko Kasahara (Ishtar) has such a beautiful voice, and Shiro Sagisu's BGM score is SUPERB (CAN'T GO WRONG WITH SHIRO SAGISU!). A lot Macross fans on this forum dislike Macross II; but I'm slowly starting to see more and more coming around (coming to their senses ). The song you speak of at the 'earth's siege' is titled "Mou Ichido Love You." You can find it on the Macross II OST Volume 2 CD. "Kizuna" is another good BGM track, it's played during the kiss scene between Hibiki and Sylvie. "Banana Moon Love," played during the Minmay attack scene, is another good song, however not sung by Hiroko Kasahara. I think the song you speak of at the Festival is called "Only Your Friend." It can be found on the first OST. If isn't it then it's "Riding in Your Valkyrie" which is played before "Only Your Friend." Note: I have yet to read the rest of the replies, if someone's already gone over the songs and all that jazz, sorry.
  18. Would Boa ("Duvet"), Horie Yui with UNSCANDAL ("Scramble"), or Mai Fukuda ("Tenshi no Yubikiri") be considered J-Rock? I'm REALLY loving "Tenshi no Yubikiri" right now. The only band I know to be actual J-Rock would be The Pillows ("Last Dinosaur" is by far their best). Note: "Duvet" is the opening theme song for Serial Experiment Lain, "Scramble" is the opening theme song for School Rumble, and "Tenshi no Yubikir" is the opening theme song for Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo (His and Her Circumstances).
  19. Just wanted to throw my two cents out there. I like the new kites, but I liked the minmay dolls better than the half arrows. The half arrows are actually quite annoying. :/ PLEASE revert!
  20. I tried doing a search for "His and Her Circumstances" and this is the error message I get: Is there any way to fix this please? It's quite annoying. I wouldn't want to post a topic that has already been posted only for it to be closed. Thanks!
  21. I have a friend who is a videophile and an audiophile. I too have been looking for a HD-TV (for gaming and watching HD TV), either 26in or 32in. He told me that good CRTs that size don't exist and that if I wanted that size I should look into LCDs. ThE only brand he recommended to me was the Sharp Aquous, for the picture quality and black levels. He also said that if I wanted to go bigger than that, 40+ inches, that I should look into Samsung's or Toshiba's DLPs. He also suggested I stay away from Sony for the quality of their TVs have gone nowhere but down. Here is also a really good place for information on audio and video equipment. My friend frequents there a lot and there seems to be quite a lot of 'gurus' there, if you will. Anyway, that's my two cents.
  22. I've been reading that people with GeForce FX cards pretty much can't play the game at all, despite the website saying that the FX cards will work with the game. Has anyone experienced this with the FX series? I have a 128 MB DDR GeForce FX 5200 card and I'm wondering if I'll be able to play this game at all.
  23. Finally got to watch episode 71.... I didn't think it was all that bad. We got to learn some potential important information. I haven't read the Manga.... Does Ishida ever get his powers back in the Manga?
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