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Sulendil Ang

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Posts posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. IMO, I think MF will going to deal with three major themes: capitalism, destiny vs freewill and the idea of "the universe is not big enough for two species". In fact, the last two themes seems to get more attentions in recent episodes, I will not doubt that Kawamori will make the finale based on those issues.

    My own take: I think Grace's fraction is motivated by two goals: money and total domination of galaxy by humans. Perhaps just like Quamzin, they believe any contact between two species will only finally end in a total annihilation of one of them, and indeed, this world is just too small for two different races to live "happily ever after". SW1 may just only reinforce their point. And since wars are going to happen at the end, why don't just make them happen quicker and grabbed some cold money at the process?

    On the other hand, if Ranka turned out to be a Vajra queen-to-be, I think her character's main theme will become just like Alto's: fate vs. freewill. Will Ranka accept her fate as Vajra Queen and acts as one just because she had the "cursed" blood of Vajra flowed in her body, or will she do what Alto did, who give no damn about it and decides to do what she really want?

    I'm not too sure how music and culture going to solve those dilemma, but I think in the end, it will be music that provided the answer to those themes presented in MF, especially the "the universe is not big enough for two species" part. After all, it's music that makes humans win the SW1 at the first place. :)

  2. Perhaps push of a button on the stick or throttle...

    On this subject I've noticed that when using the throttle stick transformation method in the VF-25 (and the VF-0 for that matter), while it is 90 degrees for fighter and straight up for battroid, it isn't 45 degrees for gerwalk like you'd think. It is still just at 90. So I'm wondering what do they do to go to gerwalk instead of fighter?

    For VF-25, it's a tough question. We have yet to see the control when VF-25 is transformed from Fighter to GERWALK. I guess just like VF-17, it's just a push of a button somewhere in the stick or throttle...

    At least, unlike other VF, we still have plenty of episode left to see any indication of how they pull this trick off... :)

  3. Yes, I see the Battroid mode throttle for the VF-17 Nightmare isn't at a different 90 degree angle than the Fighter mode throttle, unlike the YF-19 cockpits. But what does that say? The VF-17 Nightmare has a HOTAS (Hands-On-Throttle-And-Stick) cockpit like all the other modern Valkyrie, perhaps even more so given the layout. So if the control for transformation isn't on the throttle or stick, then where would it be?

    The transformation could still be on the throttle or stick, but just not activated the same way as the VF-1 Valkyrie, the YF-19 or the VF-25 Messiah (by shifting the angle of the mount 90 degrees).

    Well, that's interesting. :) So do you have any idea how the mechanism of transformation works for VF-17, March?

  4. Nice post Chief Guld Goa Bowman! :) I originally planned to do a research on the controls of variable fighter and Zentradi battle suits sometimes on this end of year (with pictures), where I had finished my big exam, but looks like someone is doing it earlier than I am.

    Not having watching all the Macross series yet, I can't say for sure if I think you interpretation is correct or not (especially the gunpod one: I have another idea for it), so maybe a picture or two may help. But still, it explains neatly how VF is controlled.

  5. OK, some help here.

    I've only seen, Macross, Macross 2, Plus, Zero, and now this Frontier.

    Is there something in Macross 7 and DYRL that is affecting Frontier and is not making since to me now? Example, what is Megaroad, and what is meant that DYRL was filmed on a set? ? ?

    Megaroad-01 is the first colonization ship launched. And in Macross universe, DYRL is a historical movie based on the events of the original Macross, hence the phase "filmed on a set". :)

    EDIT: Ninja'd. :p

  6. But don't you see these speculations are how fanboys keep ourselves occupied instead of going crazy mad over the long wait?

    Erm... By doing your school homework/job? :p

    At least, that's how I'm going to survive this week: I have quite a busy life back in my school. :)

  7. Damn... Hehehe... Is there a way of correcting it? ^_^

    I don't know... Usually polls can't be edited after they're being posted.

    But seeing your last post, I think the polls has limited editing, such as determining the multiple-choice options...

    sdf2501: Nay, I really don't like the idea that WTF-1 is from another dimension/timeline. It feels so clique...

  8. My post is not an attempt to explain away anything. As I said, most of us are still up in the air as to why the NUNS came about, why all the insignia from the UNS kite to the Zentradi emblem have changed and what if any bearing the events of VF-X2 have played on Macross Frontier. What my post does is label, IMO, what are the more likely explanations for NUNS in Macross II and Frontier.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding, March! ^_^ Yeah, there's no way to fully explain the political sphere of MF without using bunch of fanfic and imagination. I guess it's all about 'wait and see'. :)

  9. Look, I've seen signs of NUNS infiltrating our media for years, even BEFORE Macross II.

    LOL. :lol:

    March: But still, your theory can't explained away the absent of the UN Kite in the NUNS fighters, or the sudden usage of the term in MF (Remember, all Macross shows consistently called the space military branch of NUNG as the UN Spacy until now).

  10. That's what I thought, but others have pointed out that there's a big difference between "The New Unity Government" and "a new Unity Government."

    Yeah, I think the main problem is that if the current New United Government is the reform of the New United Nation Government (notice the difference) or not. Just hope that episode 13 will have a history lesson with us. I will love to see it. :)

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