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Sulendil Ang

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Posts posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Megaroads always struck me more as escorts of island ships like we see with the New Macross.

    I guess you haven't seen Flashback 2012, because just like you, I once thought the Megaroad-01 is not really big, until I saw that particular ship in FB 2012. In comparison, Macross looks like a dwarf. :)

    To give you the hard data, Megaroad-01 is as big as, if not bigger, than the City 7 section of Macross 7. City 7 is about 5000 meter, and Megaroad-01 is approximately 5000+ meter.

  2. Good point about Emoticons...but I rarely like to telegraph when I'm being ironic...tends to suck all the irony out of it. :p

    I typed out the Plus Movie script for boinger a few months ago, and I swear that Alpha One was never mentioned in it. Oh well...I'll go back and check, but you owe me a pterosaur steak dinner if you're wrong.

    Alright, you win. Guess my memory isn't the best thing to rely with. :p

    Proof (from Macross Compendium)

    I don't have the video with me now, but if anyone has a visual proof to proof the point, I always welcome. Just to make sure that Gubaba the Fire Bomber Fan and everyone else will be satisfied, that's all. :)

  3. Yikes! My post about having to know Greek was sarcastic...I don't see why the Alpha and Omega post was funny, either; and I assume that's because it's not funny.

    Still...it gives me the chance to wonder why they called the YF-19 "Alpha One" in the OVA but "Eagle One" in the Movie Edtion...

    That's what internet dangerous: any sarcastic jokes can turned into a fact by others if someone is not careful with their posts. Emoticons is your friends. ;)

    And I think you are mistaken, Gubaba, on the YF-19's name. It's called "Alpha One" consistently in both version, and "Eagle One", which also appear in both version, is actually the call sign for Isamu when he rides a VF-11 for the YF-21's test flight. :)

  4. Today, when I'm surfing MW site, I 'suddenly' paying attention to the banner of the main page. Or to be precise, the phrase "Unofficially serving the Macross Fan since December 1st, 1999". I'm wondering, can someone brief me of the great history that is MW, and anything interest that happens for this 9 long years? :)

    PS: Wow, MW is indeed a very old website...

  5. Indeed... There's a supermassive black hole at the very center... Near that area the stars are too close, there's lots of heat/radiation and gravitational perturbances...


    Going coreward across the galaxy distances between the stars get shorter... and the probable amount of planets is bigger... Thus the chances of finding planets suited for life increases... not at the center, but nearby...

    I'm convinced that if there's any Protoculture left they must be hiding near the center...

    Yeah, besides, the stars in the galactic centre is so dense it feels like traveling in the maze. No a place where you want to fold freely.

  6. I'm getting the magazine, but I don't have a scanner. Still, a lot of people are excited about this, so my instinct tells me that getting scans will be the least of our problems.

    MY biggest problem is that my kanji is shockingly bad, and while I have a huge kanji disctionary which could undoubtedly be used to stun a burgler, looking stuff up takes forever, especially if there's a lot of technical talk. The character/plot/music info would be much more up my alley.

    It took me about a week to do the Nyan Fro liner notes, so given two weeks for each issue of Chronicle, I could probably handle about 5~7 pages. More, if I really pushed myself, but I've got a lot of other Macross projects I'm trying to get through at the same time, which I don't want to abandon.

    I guess it depends on how many people say yea.

    Amusingly, I'm one of those people who are glad to see lots of kanji, since most of those kanji are based on chinese characters, which I'm extremely familiar with (since Chinese is my mother tongue), so I can help. :)

    Again, I say yea to translation of Chronicles!

  7. I got more of the impression that Mr. Bilrer was someone who was aware of, and is opposing Grace's group. Making Alto undetectable to them once entering his house was the big tip off. As well as how the SMS have been a thorn in Grace's groups sides, complete with adopting the apparently unexpected VF-25.

    Yeah, makes you wonder what Bilrer's big dream that he's going to tell Alto, huh?

    "My great wish to spread to the entire galaxy the wonder of train modeling, but those Cylon thinks playing with bugs are much more fun, so I create a paramilitary group to tell those cyborgs that bugs are lame toys, even underperformed plane can owns them big time..."


  8. Well, what can I say 'bout this episode? This is a very awesome clip show! :) The editing is well done, and I love the part where Sherly and Ranka have a duet. Poor Alto, forcing to choose between the two. :p

    I can definitely see things getting increasingly dark and desperate as the show moves towards its conclusion, in the style of the original Macross.

    Is that mean we gonna see 4,795,122+ Vajra ships appear around Frontier in the finale? Awesome (and very unfortunate for our friends in Frontier) :p

  9. True, but even then they were only 2 weeks behind... now they're a solid 4 episodes back is why I mention it. Not that there aren't enough groups already subbing Frontier, but Shinsen's tend to be keepers.

    Don't worry: If Shinsen did dropped MF, they will let the fans knows through their website. So far, there's no news from them yet, so it's in the "no news=good news" category.

  10. Hear ! Hear ! A round of applause for the VF-171 pilots ! Like I said earlier, I hope they can introduce some NUNS aces in the series, have a friendly rivalry between SMS and NUNS.

    Well, I think the plot is already too packed to introduce such rivalry between SMS and NUNS, but yeah, I will salute to those brave VF-171 pilots in episode 14. You make VF-17 and VF-171 proud. :)

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