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Sulendil Ang

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Posts posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. AFAIK, the VF-5000G "Star Mirage" and VA-3C Invader were animated in Dynamite 7. Also, the Vf-14, albeit an early version of the design (not the finalized one shown in M3) was shown in the Macross 7 P*L*U*S epside "Spiritia Dreaming."

    As for favorites, nothing like a classic VF-1A in DYRL Hikky colours.

    Yeah, you're right, d3v. I'm a careless person, so thanks for the reminder. :)

    As for myself, I always loves the YF-19. VF-11 and YF-21 are the close seconds.

  2. Hey, it's been my desire to find out the favourite Variable Fighter of my fellow MW forum friends, so here's a poll to decide the answer to my question once and for all! :)

    A note about the poll option:

    I only included those Variable Fighter that appear in the animated series that has involvement by our great Shoji Kawamori, so there's no option for, as example, VF-5000 "Star Mirage" or VF-2SS "Valkyrie II", and those Valk goes into "Others" option. Also, in cases like YF-19/VF-19, since VF-19 are derived from the prototype YF-19, so I merge them into one option as they share similiar build. But if you have preferable variation, such as you like YF-21 more than VF-22, you can always stats that in your post. :)

    EDIT: BTW, I forget to put VF-5000, VA-3 and VF-14 into the poll option, which is my fault for being careless. :p So for those who which to vote for them, you can choose the 'Other' option.

    Damn, I wish there's an edit button for the poll...

  3. Wow, nice pics for a beginner, March! :) Since you have two Macross Revoltech, what do you think of Revoltech in general?

    You made me envy of you, getting all those nice toys. I just don't have the budget to get those nice toys... :p

  4. Well I finished SDF Macross (original series) the other day and I am moving onto Plus.

    I was reading up on the different series and I noticed in Wikipedia under "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012" there was this:

    According to the Official Macross Site, the SDF-2 Megaroad-01 fleet vanished 4 years later during the new expedition (in 2016 A.C.) and was never heard from again.

    Is that all we know? Did they just vanish? Has this vanishing ever been mentioned discussed in any of the other series?

    Also is Macross 7 worth my time? I see a lot people complain about it on here :p


    Well, the fate of Megaroad-01 is pretty simple: we just don't know. All we know is that the ship went poof in 2016. And no, I don't think any series so far mentions about Megaroad-01's fate, the closest one I can think of is in the star map shown in the earlier episodes of Macross Frontier.

    For Macross 7... Well, I say give it a try. The first 10 episodes can be very boring (and annoying), but things do gets better after that. Just remember it's a show about a J-pop singer who happens to ride a valk, and you should be able to enjoy the show more. :)

  5. Another point: the only instance (at least, as far as I remember) when YF-19 and YF-21 are shown using their missiles is their dogfight on Earth at the near end of the movie. During that moment, both planes are equipped with FAST Pack, which can explain why they seems to fire more missiles than they seems able to store, as a large number of these missiles comes from the FAST Pack. :)

  6. (notice how in macross they have no AI controlled ships like other science fiction shows? Maybe the events here made humans too paranoid?)

    Actually, Macross do feature quite a number of AI-controlled ships, from the original series' Ghost to Ghost used by Luca in Macross F. Macross Plus just proved that human (or Zentradi) is almost as good as , perhaps even better than, the AI when it comes to dogfighting. :)

    4. macross 7. But only if you want to learn more about the protodevlin (who are like space demons/vampires or the protoculture's equivalent to evil spirits/ghosts tongue.gif) and origins of the zentradi. Personally it's the most supernatural/metaphysical of all the bunch where SDF:M was more sci-fi. Poor battles until later on when max gets to kick butt in his VF-22.

    My personal opinion of Macross 7 is this: it's all about Basara and how his singing can literally beat your enemies. :p

  7. Part 2: YF-21 "Omega 1"

    Just like YF-19, YF-21 also feature internal-stored missiles, although where they're stored are quite different with YF-19. According to Macross Mecha Manual:

    Bombs & Missiles:

    • 4 x internal Bifors BML-02S YF-21-exclusive all-environment rapid-fire micro-missile launchers featuring exit ports from forward dorsal section to the sides of the engine nacelles (mounted in central dorsal section).

    Here's the picture showing the exit port of the missiles. Notice the black diamond-shaped thing on the back of Battroid Mode and the central dorsal on the Fighter Mode? That's where the missiles come from:

    Battroid Mode

    Fighter Mode

    Just like the YF-19, YF-21 can be equipped with FAST Pack. Acccording to Macross Mecha Manual:

    Optional Armament:

    • 4 x all-environment FAST Pack weapon packs with micro-missiles.

    Again, here's the picture of both the Battroid Mode and Fighter Mode. Notice those diamond-shaped thing on the leg storage bay cover panels on battroid mode and on the fighter mode? Those are the exit ports for the missiles.

    Battroid Mode

    Fighter Mode

    BTW, do visit Macross Compendium and Macross Mecha Manual for more information about YF-19, YF-21, and everything about Macross! Use the Newbie Thread if you have questions like this in the future, since it's created for newbie questions like yours. :)

    Hope this two posts helps to answer your question!

    EDIT: Btw, I use images from Macross Mecha Manual and do some editing for pictures of YF-19. is that ok with you, March?

  8. Well, time to take over March's job and explain it to ya. :)

    Since both YF-19 and YF-21 has difference methods to fire their missiles, I will discuss each plane at one time.

    Part 1: YF-19 "Alpha One"

    According to Macross Mecha Manual,

    Bombs & Missiles:

    • 2 x Stonewell/Roice B-7 standard internal pallets (mounted ventral side fuselage in Fighter mode, lower legs in GERWALK/Battroid modes) featuring air-to-air/air-to-ground general-purpose micro-missile pallets, Bifors BMM-24 all-regime high-maneuverability micro-missile cluster, OR 2 x [4 x] B-19A YF-19-exclusive internal weapons pallets.

    So it means that in YF-19, missiles are stored internally, which you won't able to see. The pictures below shows where they are launched: (exit port for missiles are highlighted in red, green are place where the missiles are stored)

    Battroid Mode

    Fighter Mode

    Like previous variable fighters, YF-19 can be equipped with FAST Pack, which provided additional missiles. Again from Macross Mecha Manual:

    Optional Armament:

    • 2 + 2 x all-environment FAST Pack conformal propellant tanks and weapon packs with micro-missiles.

    Here the pic, showing YF-19 with FAST Pack with exit ports highlighted in red:

    Battroid Mode

    Fighter Mode

    That's all for YF-19! Coming up is the YF-21! :)

  9. They don't really change the script or anything, they just redraw and reanimate parts that were rushed for TV broadcasting. Think of it as releasing a movie where you can see a microphone in a scene and the production didn't have time or budget to reshoot it, and digitally removing it for the DVD release. Nothing storywise was changed, but a mistake was corrected all the same.

    Actually, he sounds to me like those hardcore Star Wars fan that wish that the animation remains the same in DVD release, and not doing extra editing just like Lucas did with his Star Wars Original Trilogy DVD release.

  10. Finally watch the OVA (or music video, if you prefer that term :)). Very nice way to part with Hikaru, Misa and Mimmay. I give it a 4 stars.

    BTW, the Megaroad-01 is bigger than I have imagined. It even make the Macross looks like a dwarf by comparison.

  11. I like the theory that the Vajra are possibly constructs built by the Macross Galaxy fleet from samples of the AFOS. They go out of control or are deliberately unleashed and factions within the Macross Frontier fleet are trying to cover up the secret. The VF-27 uses technology derived from the Vajra experiements and the Vajra themselves are affected by music to a degree just like the AFOS was.

    Or better yet, the Galaxy fleet picked up UN's failed bioweapons project and continue their research, and voila, we get the Vajra. :)

  12. yes you are exactly right, cheers.

    can anyone explain why purple 1 can fly in and out of frontier without CIC knowing what is going on. Leon still do not know about purple 1, how can that be, he is at island 3 and walking around your island like nobody business. this is not plausible.

    So in other word, it's myth busted? :lol: (Sorry, couldn't resist myself)

    Back to topic... Well maybe VF-27 has a more advanced active stealth system that even the CIC couldn't detect it? And Leon definitely knew about the VF-27, since he's the one that order not to leak info about Alto's first encounter of VF-27 in episode 8. Maybe he pretend he didn't know about it?

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