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Sulendil Ang

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Posts posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Well...one of the problems is that different models of the same fighter are grouped together. I voted for the VF-19 Fire Valkyrie, which means I also ended up voting for the YF-19. If the Fire Valkryie had had its own option, the YF-19 would have at least one less vote. Maybe other people also voted for basara's sweet ride...? (Unlikely, but you never know.)

    And the VF-4 is the Boba Fett of Macross...it gets such a small appearance, but leaves you wanting to see more...

    Thanks for the comment, Gubaba! :)

    Well, maybe sometimes in the future, I may create a poll to research about the favourite variation of each VF, starting with VF-19 and VF-11. That, together with this poll, will give us a clearer indication of the mindset of Macross World forum members.

    And yeah, VF-4 is the Boba Fett of Macross! Too bad the only chance we can see the VF-4 in action is in Flashback 2012 and in video games such as Macross M3...

  2. For those who wonder what's fluid pulse actuators is, here's a very good explanation I found in Ultimate Mark:

    Mobile suits are driven by a fluid pulse system, in which a pulse converter turns the energy produced by the nuclear fusion reactor into pulses of pressure, which are then transmitted to all the actuators via fluid tubes. In the MS-06, the power pipes which contain thousands of these fluid tubes are partially exposed.

    Although it's about the mobile suits of Mobile Suit Gundam, I think the concept is applicable to Macross too.

  3. Some observation from your truly:

    1. As expected, VF-1 tops the polls with 34 votes, followed by YF-19/VF-19 (20 votes) and YF-21/VF/22 (11 votes). The higher votes of YF-19 compared to YF-21 is kinda weird IMO, because the results of another similiar poll in this topic suggests that there's about equal amount of fans of both YF-19 and YF-21:YF-19 VS YF-21 FIGHTER DESIGN => YOUR CHOICE

    2. For a variable fighter that had a screen time for less than a minutes, VF-4 get unusually high votes, with 10 votes and ties with the 'I love all' option, making both options the fourth highest votes in this poll.

    3. No love for VF-17/ VF-171. :( And I thought a lot of MW forum members likes them... (noticeably Graham)

  4. FYI, darkrealmbahamut, AiA's original head, Shouta, had dropped the MF, although there's a possibility that AiA may taken up the project again. To quote Shouta...

    Well, Bomb and AiA might be continuing it but it'll be released under just their name. I don't know what's going on with it now so it's up to him. In the mean time, I'll work on my own stuff, Birdy up next week and the current manga projects I have.
  5. Well, the VF-11D and VF-11MAXL variants would likely look very similar to the Custom versions, minus Sound Force Packs. I don't think there would be that many more changes. Well, now that I think about it, perhaps the VF-11MAXL would not look as effeminate as the Custom, but the VF-11D should be largely unchanged, since it's just designated as a two-seater version of the Thunderbolt.

    Actually, I still have some fan made VF-11MAXL pictures on the hard drive. They were made by the talented Grebo Guru. Here's his topic still on MacrossWorld (with working pictures) Grebo Guru's VF-11MAXL .

    Should give you an idea what the MAXL looks like.

    Thanks for the rather cool pictures of VF-11MAXL fanart, March! If the VF-11MAXL Custom is that awesome...

  6. VF2SS but it's not in your list

    So it's between the VF25 and YF21 and YF19 in battroid

    Well, you can always vote for Others. :)

    d3v: Well, according to Macross Compendium, VF-11D is a two-seater version of VF-11, so I think it will almost identical to VF-11B or VF-11C, just with a two-seater cockpit just like the YF-19. And I have no desire to see the original VF-11MAXL. :p

    Aegis!: No offense taken. :)

  7. Wait...where's the VF-5000 option on the poll!?

    Sorry, but I can't take such a poll seriously when there's no luv for the VF-5000. ^_^-_-

    Just like d3v said, it's my fault that I forget to put VF-5000 into the poll. ^_^ In fact, I share the same love for VF-5000 with you. :)

    Back to topic: Still no vote for VF-17 and Q-Rau... Come on VF-17 and Q-Rau lovers, I know you are here somewhere...

  8. Like I said, verniers aren't something used extensively, they are for changing attitude. Also even with the reaction engines for space flight they will eventually have to refuel their on board propellant. They just don't talk about it in the show. In atmosphere where on board propellant isn't needed for the main engines, you don't need verniers because your are in an atmosphere and there they fly the traditional way, with wings and manipulation of air flow across them.

    This is the first time I heard that thermonuclear engines still needs propellant in space. Can anyone else confirm that fact?

  9. myk: No, they look like toys to me. :p

    YF-19 and YF-21 are always a tough choice to me, and most of the time I hope I rather not choose. Well YF-19 looks great for a conventional variable fighter (especially the Battroid Mode), there's something that are quite exotic in YF-21's design that makes it looks very cool.

    At the end of day, through, I choose YF-21. I think the picture of YF-21 in the op looks nice. :)

  10. I ordered it from Kinokuniya Bookstore, but they aren't sure if they can get it. If they can, I'll let y'all know, if you'd like.

    Thanks for the info! I will also check with my local Kinokuniya to see if they can them or not. :)

    Graham: Yup, it's indeed the preview of the first issue of Macross Chronicle. I dig the new art of VF-1J!

  11. I have every confidence that if the original macross were to be remade using today's techniques, the primary differences between the VF-0 and VF-1 would be the legs, as the 0's legs house conventional turbines, while the VF-1's house fusion turbines (among other things, such a change would require a different internal structure, smaller propellant tanks, the addition of rad shielding etc). a few small exterior cosmetic differences other than that, just as all production models are slightly different from their prototypes. The biggest changes would likely be to the cockpit and control interface, as the manufacturer would be getting feedback from as many of the prototype pilots and mechanics as possible - one of the benefits of being forced into an early limited production run.

    remember that back when macross was made, they just couldn't afford to flesh out details like that and keep to a production schedule and budget.

    Yeah, I know all about that, but that didn't stop me for feeling a little bit weird whenever I saw Macross Zero right after DYRL?. ^_^ You have to admit, for a developmental variable fighter of the VF-1, VF-0's design looks a little more 'modern' than VF-1. I have no problem of the technology behind VF-0, through, especially the Block-6 cockpit it used.

  12. Good answers all...theree's a real lack of Sound Force options on this poll...they're different enough, I think, that they should've gotten their own options. C'mon, people...BOOB SPEAKERS!! What's cooler than that??? (Besides boob missiles, of course..)

    Well, there's only 20 options, and after mixing/adding all previous suggestion, I'm left with no space left to adding the Sound Force.

    Although I'm considering making a new poll for various variation of VF-19 and YF-21 in the near future, so maybe I will insert them. We shall see. :)

    BTW, thanks for the suggestion, Gubaba!

  13. Special Mention:

    VF-17/VF-171 = I recently google this VF and there is a version of it equiped with a Super Pack. The addition of the pack made it loke really menacing. Hope we see that Super Pack in action in MF. B))

    Actually, I always found that VF-17 is Super Pack seems less nice than in its original form. Somehow, those super pack seems to (for a lack of word) "disturb" the otherwise nice design of that plane. In fact, I consider VF-17 as the only few variable fighter that actually look much cooler in its original form. :)

  14. Kronnang Dunn: Yeah, it's more or less my fault. :p I also notice the unique design of VF-14, but since I originally intended to limit the options to only those who appear in the shows, and being a forgetful person, it didn't occur to me that VF-14 did appear in Macross 7 P*L*U*S, I omitted it. Teach me a lesson of being more careful next time I'm going to create a similiar poll. :)

    JBO: Actually, my main target of my poll are Variable Vehicles, but since most of these vehicles are fighters, so I'm being lazy and use the term Variable Fighter instead. Besides, why must the votes goes to YF-21? It should go to the penultimate pilot's machine, YF-19 instead. :p

    Gubaba: The ultimate machine? It is Mylene's VF-11MAXL. *run*

    Shaka 7: Yeah, VF-0 did look more of less the same with VF-1, although I think VF-0 looks far modern than VF-1, which didn't make much sense, if you ask me. BTW, nice picture! Where did you get it?

    You know, it's quite surprise to me that no one votes VF-17 or Q-Rau yet.

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