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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. I'm waiting for the VF-2SS and the VF-0. I hope their designs will be good. And the VF-4, like I had to say anything!!
  2. Excellent job Logos!!! It pays to be bored sometimes!!!
  3. Then you are of a very small percentage that gets it. Never change Jenius or its a true Nightmare!!!
  4. Being broke sucks, that VF-25 looks amazing, the Rifle & color scheme really make this one stand out!!
  5. Ok Pete, we'll let ya slide for now since its just a swim suite, but next time we'll send the Anime police after ya!!!
  6. Thats why Roy was beating Kakizaki up, He said "what the hell are you doing in a Toynami VF!!!???" Kakizaki said something smart ass like and Roy decided to school him a bit!!!
  7. Creepy!! Well even though many seem on intent on every last thing being in perfect scale now a days. To make a Battle Frontier in scale with the Macross Quarter, It be awfully big and EXPENSIVE!!! Better be ready to pay the big price tag for it. I say make them all one general size, well detailed, no exploding parts and priced accordingly, I'd be happy!!!
  8. If you guys want to discuss the economy or how your doing with affording things, for the time being we have this discussion thread at you disposal!!! Feel free to vent! In the toy section, its one that says "The Economy and your collections."
  9. This new VF-1D looks like a winner in my book!!! Like Miriya said, anybody with the V.1 & V.2 versions, take some comparison pics!!
  10. As someone who has run his own business for sometime now, I'll sum up the current economy like this. (from a real persons view, not an economist) People and Money= Very little or No responsibility. Some people do, 90% don't. People and Credit cards= Horrible stupid spending habits. Some people are good about it, the other 95% are NOT!! People and responsibility= Nothing, very few are. "I'll buy it now, pay later." and when later comes, you don't have the money why?? Cause you already borrowed it. People and Jobs= I don't want to work some crappy job, I only want a sit on my ass job. No hard work, no willing to get dirty, thats what day laborers are for and clean my own house and mow my lawn.....?? That what the guy with the broken down truck is for, cause I'm broke, no real income and want to live like a movie star. Does this sound familiar. if you say no your in denial. And that is this countries problem. Denial of many things. Nobody wants to hear, if you want something you better be ready to work for it. Want those shoes, A new house, car or a Valkyrie? then you need to have the cash for it. Not a worthless credit card, because in the end, you owe 7-10x more than if you just had the cash on hand and were willing to work for it. Yes the banks were crooked, its why I ended up with a rotten loan from former WAMU bank, I did it too, I'll take the money now and pay it later. People lost their homes why, "I want the pretty house, the big house, the $750,000 house in Winnetka, CA or Northridge, CA or in Temecula, CA. (places i used to live) And whats that you say, you only make $30,000 a year, well sure heres the loan with a variable APR and a house you'll never pay off!!! Even being here in Lawrence, KS where it really is a beautiful place to live, nice people, you would not think this to be the Midwest and has much more of a Old Pasadena meets Santa Monica vibe to it, rent is 1/2 of what I paid in L.A. But with the way things are, my Macross collecting days are very limited. So if anything, maybe I'll try for the 1/2000 SDF-1 next year when it comes out and a few of the 1/100 VF's. The VF-4 and VF-2SS and VF-0's without shattering shoulders, I'm in for that. But for now I am happy with what I have. Growing up as a kid of the early 80's I always wanted Roy & Ichijo's VF-1S with Fast packs and a few others, I have them, so its all good!!! But again if people would just tell them selves, if i want it, I better have the money on hand. Credit cards are evil. And if you by some means have the ability to be safe & beyond responsible with them, open a counseling service or open How To classes for people!!!! It will be a better world!! Another rant brought to you by the 505th Airborne.
  11. Theres just to much good stuff coming out and not enough $$$$ to go around. The EX-gear is cool, But I'll put this one on my later list.
  12. Well Graham, since you were able to just stroll down the street and just acquire one so easily, can you take some pics for us!!!
  13. Thats awesome, I am definitely buying this one!!!!!!!!
  14. I don't think that will be hard not to do!!
  15. You and Edwin after Ranka's white undies, perves!!
  16. That VF-1D looks great, though I am as broke as a joke right now, I might get this one. Looks like they got the cockpit right and details. Plus it has Hikaru & Minmey in it this time, not like the original with 2 generic pilots!!
  17. Dam, in HK $$$ Dollars that sounds like a really expensive model kit!!!
  18. Its the Victoria Secrets Ranka Lee!!! I like that one!! Ozma approved!!!
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