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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. 15 minutes ago, treatment said:

    Unless the new Launch Arm can actually finally do the proper anime-accurate grab-mode with the claws, I rather they just re-release the recent Clear-Stand and/or resurrect the Mighty Block stands (possibly super-size it a bit) instead.

    Yeah. The Mighty Block would be a good alternative from the Arm Stand. ;)


  2. I guess, it's just normal for collectors to be concerned knowing that Bandai already released this toy and announced that there will be add-on parts afterwards for us to be concerned about the quality of it. Besides members are already posting some concerns and pointers regarding the pegs, attachments and whatnot for us not to be concerned. Just saying.


  3. It's because the Fast Packs are simple add-ons that can be attach easily for us not to have an idea of how they will going to implement it. I mean, it's only been done in a simple manner. That way, we can anticipate if they already planned this ahead without making this Valk all droopy afterwards. Unless, Bandai is going to screw us for re-releasing again the VF-1J with a fix pegs and holes where to attach the Fast Packs securely.



  4. 6 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    I gotta admit it...yes i clicked! :rolleyes: lucky it just went to the same NY page and not a virus page!
    Yeah i noticed the downvotes, not just on yours, but others as well..

    ghost in the MWF!?

    No worries. Actually, I'm just amused. 8)


  5. 5 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    Hehe its a happy song so your welcome! Price i thk abt 4k yen sounds abt right...but not more plz....unless premium-fied!

    After all its just a.........*cue REM* stand!

    Yeah. 4K is a good price for it. With all the VF-1's that they have reissued, I think it's really about time for them to start reproducing again those arm stands.


  6. 1 hour ago, ridgebacks said:



    Didn't get an email but when I checked my order history out of the blue...

    I almost give up on my 31A order. At least NY kept their promise and actually fulfill the order instead of cancel it even after all those time. 

    Glad that you finally going to get your VF-31A, ridgebacks. Congrats, sir! :good: 

    22 minutes ago, ridgebacks said:

    The last time I sent in a support ticket was September. Guess they gave up and just gave me my valk.

    Just want to add that the lost package support ticket that I have with them since May 2017 hasn't been resolved. :cray: 

    15 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    Haha i see where the previous left off and i started...sorry dude didnt mean to clickbait ya...

    Now that's click baiting! :spiteful: 

    On the downvote....I knew MWF has lurkers, but stalkers? :shok:

    MacrossxBandai got us good! I have 4 valks so far and chucky would make it 5 with arad 31A a potential 6...gah and to think i told myself max it at 3...

    Hahaha! Don't tell me you clicked on the link too, Seti. :lol:

    As for the stalkers, you didn't notice that most of my comments are being downvoted? Even those small praise comments? :ph34r:




  7. 1 hour ago, eggy99 said:

    For those that have not received their yet and want to see the arm tabs, this is what we're working with:


    The friction on these isn't amazing. There is no satisfying click. Any pressure pushing those arms out of position will give you droopy arms in Fighter mode on the DX. I managed to get the left arm on mine to stay put by adjusting the legs around a bit and reseating everything.

    The legs attach just like the Yamarcadia 1/60.


    Imagery sourced from this YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m2HBHt8328

    Regarding the FAST pack armor, we now only have 1 hole for the leg armor to attach to if it's the same implementation as Yamarcadia. The back pack armor situation is the same. It will be interesting to see how Bandai implement a secure connection.

    Looking at eggy99's post, has anyone here tried to position the VF-1J like when the Super/Strike Packs are mounted by folding the leg and knee and folding the backpack to see how secure the leg is? On YamArcadia, the leg is still pegged to the backplate when the armor is attached to the leg. Is it also the same as Bandai's. Would the leg still be pegged on the backplate? And looking from behind, do you guys think that the booster packs somehow will have a bracket like YamArcadia that inserts under or in-between the backplate portion and the backpack when folded?

    Thanks guys for checking on this. ;)


  8. 2 hours ago, Corrinald said:

    I am looking for a set of 1/60 Yamato or Arcadia Super Parts if anyone has some they'd be willing to sell. Seems like the online stuff is going for a fortune lately. They don't necessarily have to include a box or even stickers. Let me know, thank you!

    If you don't mind the KO brand Valkyrie Factory it's available at ShowZ store for $71.99. Free shipping to the U.S.



  9. 5 minutes ago, WaferMouse said:

    Oh man, you even got me with that one no3l, and I don't even want these supers! :pardon:

    On the contrary, since you clicked it, we now know that you 'want' it. :acute:


  10. 2 hours ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    that's exciting, these were so hard to get

    I know. I really like to have that old arm stand before. But I didn't since it's expensive to get. So hopefully this time the price is somewhere around $40+/-.


  11. 2 hours ago, brouken said:

    Man! You got me all excited that I clicked the link without thinking hoping to get in a preorder of Arad's supers!

    Well played sir, well played. :lol:

    Hahaha! Me too, Brouken. Until I re-read again the link. :lol:

    But guess what, I think this is the correct link: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/24267-macross-delta-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31s-siegfried-arad-molders-custom-limited-edition.html

    Don't you want to click it? :rolleyes:


    Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be downvoted by my secret follower. :rofl:


  12. 58 minutes ago, Ridden001 said:

    Coolest Tampo on this thing for me: “GBP-1S attachment point” on the backpack

    Is is the same area where it attaches the Super Packs?

    You guys think they will change that marking for future VF-1's that uses Super/Strike Packs?


  13. 3 hours ago, CRYO said:

    It looks like some paint job flaws.

    There's also some pics by other members that shows some faded or chipped tampo prints.

    2 hours ago, treatment said:

    Seems like the design makes it dependent on the legs being connected to the backpack to support the arms in place so that the arms don't sag down or dislodge by themselves.

    From the videos I've seen, I thought that arms pegged under the back area of the Battroid mode in Fighter mode for support and not with the help of the legs? Can anyone confirm this.

    12 minutes ago, Saburo said:

    Yamato 1/60 and Bandai 1/48th


    Gorgeous as always, @Saburo! You're making my jaw drop.  :good: :shok: :wub:


  14. 9 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    are these new stands?

    Hey David. Yup, it's new in a sense that it's a reissue/revised arm stand with a new base that has compartment inside for storing parts.


  15. 2 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Interesting, why is SuperV the only store selling Prof X separate?

    True. I was hoping that it's available at BBTS. And it's not. I also wonder why SuperV is already PO'ing a loose figures of the upcoming wave? But I think it's nice to have that option if you're not going to build the BAF. :) 


  16. 4 minutes ago, OPMacrossCannon said:

    Hi everyone, new here and I ordered 2 from Nippon Yassin, and it’s been paid for and all and it says waiting for costumer reply. It’s my first time using the site and it’s kinda bugging me that they haven’t shipped out yet since they got back from New Years. Anyone had any problems with them like this?

    Check your email. From what has bern posted here by some members, NY has been asking for additional Y600-700 for shipping since it’s a big box.

    And welcome to MacrossWorld! Happy collecting. ;) 


  17. 5 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    Interesting deal on the backpack, hopefully something to do with supers attaching, once you see it though, it's kinda hard to unsee.    Anywhoo, mine's leaving Tokyo at the moment according to EMS tracking so hopefully here in Texas by Wednesday maybe even Tuesday, we'll see! :yahoo:

    Saw the backpack issue pics earlier. It reminds me of DX YF-19 floating wing tab. That's Bandai for us. :rolleyes:

    4 hours ago, spanner said:

    I'm going to double sided tape the pilot figure in place as it's bugging me too much when it constantly moves about..

    Also, it's a tight fit having the gunpod strap fitted when it's in fighter mode. Surprised they didn't account for that a bit better. Unless I'm doing it wrong somehow?

    And I'm loving the fully articulated fingers! LOL!


    Nice one, Spanner. ;) :good: :lol: 

    3 hours ago, jenius said:

    Got my text review up... now to start working on the video review....



    Superb reviews as always, Jenius. Big thanks! :good: ;)


  18. 9 hours ago, Rogueload said:

    Redid the sides on the chest and the legs on the super parts so they were anime accurate on the 31S.  This is turning into one of my favs!!


    Loving this, @Rogueload. You're giving Arad's 31S ride some justice. :good: :wub: 

    Wish Bandai will release the 31S Super Parts soon. 8)

  19. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 11:22 PM, WaferMouse said:

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've definitely noticed a higher than average number of downvotes in this thread. It's almost as though the people doing it think if they keep it up, we'll stop talking about KOs. In the gray market thread.

    Honestly, the thing that bothers me the most is they're not even getting involved with the conversation.

    Eg, Lolicon's level-headed comment gets 4 down to 2 up:

    I guess we annoyed the secret cabal! :spiteful:

    1 hour ago, WaferMouse said:

    Seems legit. They're invested enough to lurk, but not enough to actually interact beyond pushing the red button.

    If any part of this post is incorrect, I invite the downvoters to actually get involved in the thread and say so. Nothing would make me happier than for you to prove me wrong! We're all Macross fans after all, right?:friends:

    Or, y'know, just downvote this post into oblivion and prove me right. Your call.

    6 hours ago, Firefox said:

    The ones who voted down are probably those who horde these items as many as they could and worrying the KOs will hurt their extreme profit. :spiteful:

    Don't get me wrong, sirs. I'm not worried actually. ;) The only way I'm going to get worried for this downvoting is that if I'm losing pennies everytime I get a downvote. And since it's not, these people who I'm sure benefits a lot from all the infos and PO sale links that we all posting here can downvote me all they want. Peace! 8)


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