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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. 13 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:


    jk, noel

    but bandai does funny stuff that's inaccurate all the time on the DX line.

    True. But aren't they all including Tatsunoko for making those non-canon inaccuracy images? It's not HG's fault that we have VF-1R. :rolleyes:

    VF-1R... let's not go down to that conversation. :lol:


  2. 25 minutes ago, nightmareB4macross said:

    That is correct. All DYRL pilots have Popeye syndrome with overly thick limbs.


    Is this the Mezco figure? Looks awesome! Wonder how Bluto would look. ;)


  3. 24 minutes ago, VF-Zer0S said:

    The HMR pilot is tiny lol

    HMR Pilot TV versions is much smaller than its DYRL counterparts. So not all HMR Pilots are tiny. ^_^ :rolleyes:


  4. 6 minutes ago, seti88 said:


    but one things for sure, certainly reflects Kawamori-san’s thinking at the time he developed the inverted knee joint that he was thinking abt skiers bending the knees ..


    He was thinking skiers bending the knees?:nea: So it's not the birds, right? :spiteful::rolleyes:


  5. Bandai Tamashii Nations unveiled a new 6-inches action Gundam figure line called "GUNDAM UNIVERSE" during Bandai's Gundam: Classical Reproduction conference held in Hong Kong. MSRP is Y3000.

    First line-up for 2019 consists of:
    - RX-78-2 Gundam (June 2019)
    - Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) (June 2019)
    - Wing Gundam (TV) (June 2019)
    - Unicorn Banshee Gundam (Destroy Mode) (October 2019)
    - Gundam Barbatos (October 2019)
    - Deathscythe Gundam (TV) (October 2019)







    Photos and links from TagHobby.


  6. 15 minutes ago, DewPoint said:

    Isn't the trend to make plastics degrade and breakdown faster?

    That I believe so in a way that it will still last but not as same as what we have from before. Sad to say that the quality of plastics nowadays compared to the 80's is totally different. I don't have a Takatoku VF-1, but I'm definitely sure that when you have that both figures in your hand you can really tell that the plastic used back then are different quality.


  7. 20 hours ago, JakCrow said:

    Hey JakCrow. When you ordered, did it actually says 'In Stock'? I haven't bought anything from AliExpress so I'm having second thoughts and wait from the other sites where I buy my KO MB Gundams.

    Thanks. :) 


  8. 2 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Well, time to rain on the parade:

    Killjoy. :lol: 

    2 minutes ago, CF18 said:

    For those that still haven't seen enough.


    My copy have no major issue.  I found the clicky hinge under the intakes sounded differently between two legs - one is tighter and one is more lose, but not lose enough to cause problem.


    ^ I love this shot from your IMGUR. :wub:


  9. 29 minutes ago, jenius said:

    No, it's entirely possible they'll show off a test-shot at Wonderfest for a mid-year release. It's been pretty quiet over there so they have to have some plans to get something to market before December 2019 (Macross, Megazone, or otherwise).

    Hoping that's not true. Hahaha! :lol: But if it's December release, I'll be more than happy and wallet-rested. :rolleyes:


  10. Just now, Sanity is Optional said:

    Honestly, it shouldn't be an issue with modern plastics. Even my white Gundam models don't turn colors. They just get dusty.

    Don't you mean -- 'weathered'? ^_^


  11. 9 minutes ago, fifbeat said:

    I've been through them all, and the HMR line is my last stand for Macross toys (decent price point, the most collectible "scale" and assortment). The DX Chogokin VF-1J is nice, but a few years from now that $300 bucks will look like someone's teeth. 

    Hope it's not since this DX release doesn't have that bright white color that Yamato have but instead it has a grey tint into it.


  12. 4 hours ago, Guyffon said:

    After playing with this thing a bit, my comments are the backpack flap should be improved, instead of using a hinge, will it be better for it to be a pullout flap instead? Or is the hinge more anime correct?

    I used to have a transformable Bandai 1/72 kit back in the days. And I remember the backpack grill flap is built pulling out instead of folding. However, it wasn't shown in a lineart so not sure what's the accurate. :) 

    3 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    The third one shows up tomorrow :spiteful:

    A third one inbound? Noice! :good: Now I envy you. :cray: 

    1 hour ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    Found the best vf-1J 


    Hahaha! Nice one, David. This one looks cute. ^_^

    So... how many did you purchase? C'mon now. Don't be shy. You can tell me. :rolleyes:

    1 hour ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    You need to buy it and transform it, so we can see what the heck it turns into.

    Turns into ODIE. :lol:


  13. 4 hours ago, seti88 said:

    Hopefully arcadia will commit to a release date and pricing on the sv-51, in time for next month's winter wonderfest!
    Any mid-year release would make it abt a year and a half since news abt it passed? Sounds ripe for an announcement at the festival...

    If they're going to show the SV-51 this upcoming wonderfest, that means that's another full 12 months for the release, right? Hmmm. More time to save pennies for one. Noice! :rolleyes:

    Well, this is assuming that Sentinel is not planning to release Yellow and the Alpha at the same time. :bigshok:


  14. 47 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    I'm really not sure which mode I like better, they all look so good.


    Ha! The best mode is Fighter. And you don't have it. :acute:

    I would like a third to have all modes, but man, it's expensive now. ^_^ 


  15. 1 hour ago, seti88 said:

    makes sense since you want to go aerodynamic, from hovering state to speed, whilst maintaining the flexibility of stopping on a whim.... i wonder which lever in the controls retracts the arms tho...hmmm...

    Maybe the levers F and G are pressed together? And when Hikaru catches Minmay in the DYRL scene inside the SDF, maybe it's F and B? :rolleyes:


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