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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. 7 hours ago, JakCrow said:

    Oooh. I want that. ^_^


  2. 1 hour ago, Lolicon said:

    I doubt Japan has any laws against taking pictures of things displayed to the public. Any restrictions will be from the store/venue. I remember trying to take a pic of the prize inside of a UFO claw machine and some employee quickly swooped in and told me that pictures weren't allowed. I guess they didn't want people to know what kinds of prizes they had?

    Thanks Lolicon. About your incident, was that in Japan as well?

  3. 6 hours ago, canklebreaker said:

    Whats everyone's favorite mode? I'm a big robot/mech guy but this figure is either going to stay in Gerwalk or fighter mode (most likely fighter). Something about the fighter jet looks awesome, especially w/ the missiles!

    For Macross, Gah-oh-ku is my favorite. It's what makes Macross, Macross. ^_^


  4. 1 minute ago, borgified said:

    Note that one of this friends went along as well and snuck in his own copy of the 1/48 Yammie for comparisons (surprisingly that the two of them didn't get caught in doing so).  

    Curious. I'm not sure what Japanese law have regarding objects that's being displayed publicly while some bypasser are holding their toys. I mean, the DX VF-1J is already been displayed publicly and they were outside of the said Tamashii Display Center. I understand the pixelizing or blurring of people's faces but toys/objects? No harm meant. I'm just curious is all.


  5. 1 hour ago, Ignacio Ocamica said:

    I have nightmares thinking about the cost of the SV-51.

    Let's speculate for a bit, shall we? And let's use the actual Arcadia price and not the discounted PO price. So we're more prepared and it's realistic. ;) The VF-0S and VF-0D came out last 2015 for Y37584 and Y39774 for the latter. VF-0S Premium Finish released last year for Y41904. I guess, it's just safe to assume that the SV-51 is going to be on that VF-0S PF price range. It's an overkill if they price it above Y48000. I'm not sure if I can afford it. :unsure:

    1 hour ago, davidwhangchoi said:


    i'm scared too:unsure:

    Hey David. If ever the price point is like Y48000. Are you planning on getting more than 2 units?

    11 minutes ago, Gwynne said:

    I'm still dreaming about my VF-4 Hikaru...

    Me too. I'm still wishing and waiting for an Arcadia VF-4 Flashback Ver. :angel:


  6. 20 minutes ago, treatment said:

    Put the  bra  fillers in...



    Ooppss. My bad. Didn't see your post while I'm composing my previous post. :rolleyes:

    So it confirms that it really needs the side chest fillers to make it solid. I thought it can without it. Oh well, I can't have it all then. ^_^ 


  7. 3 hours ago, ArchieNov said:

    The chest locks solid. You may have missed a step. Try pushing down on it more until you hear it snap into place.

    10 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    If it's together properly, and with the gap fillers, it seems fairly sturdy. Without the gap fillers, not so much. Make sure you have everything fully pegged into place and locked down.

    Thanks Archie and Sanity. :good: I transformed the Valk while watching Jenius' video. But maybe I did missed a step or two. I'll try to push down the chest more the next time when I check my 2nd one. Also, I didn't put the side chest fillers since I was just transforming it back and forth for me to use all the option parts. Do you guys think that the chest part locks more solid if the side chest fillers are used instead of not using it?

    2 hours ago, eggy99 said:

    The attention to detail on the DX puts it in a class above even the PF 1/60. The 1/60 feels light, and just a little bit fragile in comparison. The heft of the DX is just so good in the hands and all clicky joints are a joy. The DX is a lot more fun and satisfying to play with than the 1/60. 

    Oh yeah I took a photo of the legs positioned for attachment of the FAST packs. Enjoy:


    Thanks Eggy for the picture. ^_^ I was also looking at this last night while I was checking my first one. The legs would be probably be safe since the backplate tabs will probably peg inside the back portion of the leg Fast Pack armor like some other Super/Strike VF-1 figures. However, for the arm portion, that locking peg on the elbow joint should be tighter to support the arm once the Fast Pack arm armor are mounted. As for the ratchet joints, it's really nice to have it like the other recent DX Valks. Though now it reminds me, for this scale, they remove that 'clicky joint' for the hip joints (the intake joints for Gerwalk). The DX VF-31 and the V/YF-19 have it. But for some reasons, for this big DX figure, they didn't apply it. :unknw:

    3 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    Mine arrived yesterday, and I still haven’t gotten around to open it. Amiami seemed to only put massive amounts stuffing material, only on top and on the sides of the shipping box, lol. All in all, amiami did their job well on my first buy from them. Well done amiami.

    If this is your first AmiAmi purchase, then probably you will notice that compared to Nippon-Yasan or HLJ, AmiAmi uses a more thicker box. :good: 

  8. 13 minutes ago, vlenhoff said:

    i hope we don't start getting political in this place...

    I’m not. It was a pure coincidence when I replied with that GIF to Seti regarding with the downvoting that’s going on with all of my posts. And then after that I saw the news late last night so I know what you meant. ^_^

    Peace. :good:

  9. Just want to confirm regarding the chest part. Once in Battroid mode, the chest doesn’t lock that much like the YamArcadia and it can easily be move or shake even if the shoulder cavity fillers are folded. Let me know.

    Other things I noticed besides what’s already been posted is that I like the backplate small fin that presses down when the backpack is folded. It’s going to eliminate the paint rub on the tail fin esp for colored Valks (e.g. Skull black tail fins).

    And there’s a few things that I want Bandai to fix or update on the next release: A.) Have a thin neck base filler. I don’t like the view looking down on the neck area from the back side of the figure. B.) Remove the backplate folding locking mechanism to the nosecone. And instead, Bandai should revise the backplate locking arm peg in Fighter mode to be a lock that wraps under the nosecone in Battroid mode. Kind of like what YamArcadia did. C.) Add the ‘grill’ detail on the backpack’s thrusters. D.) Make the shoulder chest cavity filler metal so it’s more sturdy like Arcadia’s VF-0S/A.

    But overall, I like the figure. Didn’t expect that it will took me twice the time of transforming it compared to the 1/60v2’s. ^_^


  10. 12 hours ago, slaginpit said:

    Ooops my bad, I didnt realize. In that case that makes sense. But hot dam 250 US about 320 Canadian shipped. pretty insane for something so small with metal joints and mostly plastic. Ill stick to my KOs

    Why US$250? When the MRD Destiny retails for just Y14580? What shop are you checking for the 250?

    13 hours ago, General Rasp said:

    The new Destiny is Metal Robot Damashii and is closer to 1/144 verse Metal Build which is 1/100 scale. I am not surprised that they are doing another Destiny since Bandai already released the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice in this line. Hopefully that will be the last of the Seed suits for this line so we can get more Sentinel designs. 

    You must remember that Bandai SEED’s ‘bankable’ suits doesn’t end with the trio of S/Freedom, I/Justice, and Destiny. There’s also the SEED/Destiny ASTRAY suits. :rolleyes:


  11. 28 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    Lol that made me laugh. Don't worry I confirmed users with duplicate accounts so it could be one guy using multiples who can't grow up.

    Thanks David! :friends:

    I should probably request the admins to add on the Leaderboards ‘who has the most downvotes’ category. That way, my name is always on the top. I mean, since I’m not getting pennies out of it, I rather stay on the top for getting too much downvotes. :lol:


  12. 18 minutes ago, kajnrig said:

    Someone's really got it out for you, noel. :lol: I've seen that little red tick bite on dozens of your posts today.

    Wait. It wasn’t you, Kajnrig? Hahaha! :lol:


    Well, what can I say? For sure, these downvoters really like me a lot. And I mean, A LOT. Because it’s just my posts that they’re downvoting. I was actually thinking of changing my profile picture just to threw them off for a bit. Even for just a few seconds.  Because I’m pretty sure they don’t read my posts. :rolleyes: The way I think what they’re doing is just look on the profile picture and downvote away without reading the posts or comment. Maybe they will scrath their head first just to double check my new profile picture before downvoting it. That way, I’m giving them a few seconds first to double-check. Hahaha!:rofl:  What? I can’t have fun like my downvoters? :spiteful:

    But to be honest, I’m just being thankful that by downvoting me, I’m giving them the pleasure of being satisfied, content and happy for downvoting people’s post. Because, if they’re not content with my posts, or don’t like me being here and been trying to kick me out in the hopes that I’m getting tired and upset for their downvotes everyday, then I’m sorry my downvoter fans — I’m staying here posting away everyday for the unforeseeable future. 8)

    Peace out. :good: 


  13. 9 minutes ago, treatment said:

    It's an annoyance.  May trigger some OCD if you're into proper symmetry and alignment.

    Fwiw, the yammie 1/60v2 has tiny tab/dimple combo on its arms to peg together and align nicely.

    In contrast, the DX arms are clean and does not have any tabs like the yammie. You'll have to attach the gunpod to join its arms together.



    Thanks for showing us this, Treatment. ;) :good: 

    It would've been nice if Bandai included a small tab/peg like what YamArcadia did to help support the arms in Fighter/Gerwalk modes. The actual legs however already have an exposed tabs during Battroid mode. What's stopping them to add a small one for the arms?

    Can't imagine now how more misaligned it's going to be once the Arm Super Parts are attached. Unless it's the said Arm Super Parts that's going to have those tabs/pegs. :unknw:


  14. 4 minutes ago, kanedaestes said:

    I.....can’t .........stop........touching it. I should’ve gotten two. One for display and one for play. Welp guess my display will just change every few hours

    Get one more for... just in case? :rolleyes:


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