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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. It’s from the 1987 animated show Spiral Zone. Edit: I screenshot the description on the lower right.
  2. I didn't order the Metal Structure Nu. I just want to share my thoughts on the Double Fin Funnels. For me the Double Fin Funnels is just an option for completing the Nu set. But I really don't like it on the Nu. But I didn't have problems having all the funnels with the Hi-Nu. I guess, it has something to do on how it was mounted on Nu for me not to like both sides have big panel looking thing on the back.
  3. Actually, it is. 6 VF-1's not enough?
  4. Just want to ask what type of plastic do you guys think they used for this part? ABS, PS, PE or PVC?
  5. They actually used that pose promoting the Revoltech YF-21. It was featured at the back of the box.
  6. Here's what I've stumbled from Google: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/778078 Though, you need some buildings with paintball marks.
  7. Hahaha! Sorry to dissapoint you, Lolicon. I honestly didn't notice it at first.
  8. I just realized that the arrow on the leg fast packs are white as generic instead of color coordinated on whose Valk.
  9. The only thing that Bandai manufactures in Japan is their GunPla. The rest are in China.
  10. If that’s the only way to produce Elvis Draken, it’s also an insta-buy for me as well. I don’t mind having this as my only Itasha transforming Valk. If there’s going to be a missile bay add-on afterwards, then yes, it’s going to cover Mikumo. Unless, the missile bay will come tampoed of the same Itasha marking.
  11. That rainbow canopy.
  12. ...or Elvis Draken.
  13. Still taking preorders at Nippon-Yasan. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29163-macross-zero-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-0d-phoenix-premium-finish.html
  14. I’m just guessing it here. I google’d it, and it somehow looks like what Sqidd’s has. Of course, until Sqidd can confirms it. https://www.displays2go.com/P-20118/Locking-Showcase-featuring-Tempered-Glass-Supported-by-A-Black-Aluminum-Frame
  15. Wait. 1/72 and 1/100 3P Nu? Is that official?
  16. Or deciding to close shop after the FB2012 VF-4 gets released. Can’t keep on re-releasing old stuff in PF Editions all the time.
  17. Sqidd’s display shelf post above.
  18. https://mcfarlane.com/news/mcfarlane-toys-warner-bros-consumer-products-launch-new-merchandise-celebrating-dcs-multiverse/ https://mcfarlane.com/toys/brands/dc-multiverse/
  19. I want that GORG!
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