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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. In 2018 I finally got all of the 1/60 VF-1s I've always wanted, most importantly it was Max and Milia.
  2. If you like settings in the countryside of England about magic, mystical creatures and some occasional horror elements you'll enjoy this show.
  3. I just heard this while watching Magus Bride today. Keep going May'n!!
  4. So how's the Mo Show strike pack? Same quality as the strike?
  5. As soon as the OP started playing I knew it was May'n! And the ED is also sung by Akino. The staff behind magus bride are making some good choices on music. The episode was also super comfy until the end where things got interesting.
  6. Yup......I'm going to see if I can spare parts from HLJ.....even if I have to pay for them.
  7. The Buster Gundam does look quite hot and I'm glad they redesigned the LEDs to not need the stand. I still find it funny/interesting Mo Show has to keep changing their company name to most likely evade Papa Bandai.
  8. Here are the two damaged clear parts for the 00 Quanta. Damn clear plastic and your brittleness.
  9. Everything else is fine. Thankfully. The clear plastic bits seemed to fit well, but it just wasn't strong enough for the harder solid ABS.
  10. So guys remember those reports about the clear plastic hooks breaking on the MB 00 Quanta? Whelp it happened to me too. When I was first attaching the GN sword bits to the hooks everything went fine, but today when I wanted to take them off one of them cracked and the other snapped without much pressure or manhandling. So far the only parts breaking are the clear plastic hooks connecting the medium sized GN sword bits. I'm not sure if it's too late to ask HLJ for replacement parts, but I don't think I'll be using those gimmicks on the Quanta again.
  11. Playing with my copy of the 00 Quanta some more and it's a little less solid than previous MB releases because of all of the little folding out panels and hinges. His right blue forearm guard falls off a lot when posing. Furthermore, I can't get the white panels on the shoulders to extend, but those don't show any detail underneath so I'm okay with that. I do find his neck articulation a little limited, but not too bad. I'm a little worried Bandai is getting a little too ambitious with the MB line, where all of these added moving parts while cool, is adding to the cost and the solidness of these figures. On the positive side, the backpack design is better than the moshow one and it shouldn't break with multiple removals. Forming the buster sword and gun are also much easier to put together than the moshow. So far this is the best headsculpt of the 00 Quanta compared to any 3rd party figure or model kit released so far. I think I'm seeing a bit more painted details on the 00Q compared to past MB releases. I'm glad I have all of Setsuna's suits and I'm done with him. There's still more gimmicks to this toy I haven't gone to yet and I'll chime in on those later.
  12. So far, there hasn't been a single breakage with any build metal figure yet, just loosening joints. I've had my copy of the 00 Quanta for a few days now and both my shoulders are fine. The dark brown/grey plastic they used is not metallic and has been the same plastic they have been using since the 00 7 swords. For normal handling I doubt, that hinge could break. Unless you're wrenching it past it's intended range of motion, only then could it snap. From the pictures above, it seems they were out of the box like that so it must have been a fed up factory worker not giving a crap that day. As for the clear plastic clip holding one of the sword bits, I haven't tried that yet.
  13. No limbs falling off, lets keep it that way. And hey it lasted longer than Arcadia's VF-0D right?
  14. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, good, more Obari posing.
  15. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll take a metal siren first then lets move on to DX versions. I also hope Obari does the boxart for all the rest of the Macross II toys.
  16. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Today I'm here to bring the Macross II love. So, this VF-2SS toy basically sums up Macross II: A flawed, yet enjoyable experience. Materials and build quality on my copy is generally good, with the exception of a couple of nub marks I had to clean off with a hobby knife. Battroid is very dynamic and I love the engineering on the hip joints. I'm not sure why Bandai could not work in an ankle tilt, so that's a bummer. His cockpit needed a much meatier locking point in battroid mode and the heat shielded needed on period. Bandai's solution to the gerwalk joint is serviceable, but aesthetically ugly. Evolution toys did the gerwalk joint and the heat shield better than this toy. Gerwalk mode is ummmm yeah I'm not displaying this guy in gerwalk. Fighter mode is pretty good from most angles and only needed one more pair of tabs between the arms and the backpack. Despite my nitpicks I'm having a lot of fun with this toy and would love if Bandai made a DX chogokin one day. So, this VF-2SS toy basically sums up Macross II: A flawed, yet enjoyable experience. And if you never watched Macross II, please watch the subbed version with the blu-ray remastering. Furthermore, when you get this toy, putting him in the Obari opening pose is MANDATORY.
  17. For me , the mo show 00 Quanta was one of the most disappointing releases this year. So no, I was not entertained. All of the little tiny pieces of grey plastic you had to swap out to make the different configurations sucked hard, the backpack with the two tiny plastic pegs broke instantly on mine and the paint on the inner parts were not sealed and would chip constantly. And the neck was too long and the eyes were too close. Therefore, from what I'm seeing from Bandai this guy is looking like a god damn home run.
  18. You're all worried about aesthetic changes, but if the VF-19 advanced's hips are cracking, the YF-19 is going to be need some better materials and tolerances for me to buy this again. I checked my VF-19 advanced over the weekend and I might have a small crack on the left hip.
  19. The more I think about it, the Nu Gundam looks like one of those ambitious crazy expensive projects never actually releases. I hope Nu gundam still makes it to the Metal Build line since a 1/100 Nu Gundam is already quite big.
  20. Whelp, bandai has all money for this new line of metal gundam figures. Metal Structure is the line. Hi there Nu Gundam. Here is my wallet.
  21. Season 1 has better direction, but is incredibly boring until the very end. Season 2 is much more exciting, and entertaining, but is less focused. Season 2 also has a rather controversial ending that some enjoyed (like me) and some hate.
  22. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Is that the closest you can get the heat shield to the cockpit without doing any mods?
  23. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking at some in-hand photos, with the right amount of fiddling, you can get the heat shield gap to go away.
  24. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking back at the original promo pics, there is no gap there and the heat shield is flush with the body. I hope everyone is just missing an additional joint in the chest to collapse the heat shield.
  25. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    If the 2SS does well for Bandai I hope Bandai considers a Metal Siren. If they make a Metal Siren my pants would cease to exist.
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