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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. You are better off canceling that takara one. I have it and the maketoys black ginrai and it blows it out of the water. The proportions in robot mode is something I always wanted to see in a super ginrai. However, fanshobby's looks very fun and chunky, but a tad too chunky for my tastes.
  2. Can we contact Weijiang and ask them to make a KO of this guy that both fixes it's problems,makes it out of much better materials and for less money? If they can do that for transformers, why not this guy?
  3. @tekering Yes ratcheting shoulders! Loosening shoulder joints has always been a problem with modern legioss toys. The shot with the gakken is what I've been waiting for! I love the size. But what was EVO thinking with the ankle design? You can't actually get an ankle tilt without stressing the plastic? Good lawd. Then there's the fin....they didn't notice it was too long to fit in the socket? Oh EVO toys.....
  4. @tekering thanks for the info man! Are the ratcheting shoulders for forward and backward movement or lateral movement.
  5. @tekering Thanks for the review man! Your pics are much better than the official ones from Evo toys. Finally a side profile shot! Is it an illusion or does it actually rest on the landing gear in fighter mode instead of the chest? How well does he hold the gun? Are there ratchet joints on this guy? I noticed that Evo toys didn't leave out the foot thursters so that's another plus.
  6. Here's some more pics from twitter. So far I like the size. People are saying it's not worth the price, but it is pretty decent and better than expected.
  7. We're all just waiting to see if it's decent or a steaming turd or buy it during a super clearance sale.
  8. Alright cool, soon we will be able to see if this guy is decent or a giant sack of sadness.
  9. I want them to be good toys.....I really do.
  10. Oh damn you have a sharp eye. Those are indeed Archer's goblets and man they work really well for silly toy pictures.
  11. Got mine at HLJ too. The amiami link sold out in under a minute like the DX chogokin valks. Thank goodness for HLJ.
  12. Oh yes, it will be mine. I have been waiting for a good sized, highly detailed, partially diecast Arbalest since 2006 when I first saw FMP.
  13. So I take it, some of you fine folks will be up early this Monday morning? Good luck everyone.
  14. I got my Milia in earlier this week and I decided it was time for her to join her family for a reunion.
  15. I was thinking more Yuri on Ice, but yes this works too !
  16. You're all lucky I don't have keith's 262 otherwise......I'd take pictures of those two ice skating together.
  17. One day will get a macross series with proper gattai action and it will be glorious.
  18. Thanks! I had a blast posing them. Valkyries are so poseable now, it makes me wonder how much further they will advance in the future.
  19. I got Mirage's plane last week, but I didn't have any time to take some photos. But this week I do! I hope the Macross Delta Movie gives us more in-sync dancing combat!
  20. Yes! Yes! I want to ship my loot already!
  21. Premium....shremium release the regular edition already!!
  22. Sounds like the Frontier movies too me which I enjoyed. Hopefully it's more new footage than old, but if it's coming out in February I think it might be the latter. If the emphasis is to redo the action scenes and make a much stronger story, then I'm up for it.
  23. Sentinel is really hitting me hard in January on Feburary. These two ride armors and their shin getter robo.......
  24. The arbalest shall be mine!!!! And if it goes up for preorder next month I could have it in hand by the time the new season airs.
  25. "Another protagonist, Rei's details will be released next week!" Awww yeah getting to Rei right away. Now please tell me Houquet and Yellow are somewhere in prototype form already and are just waiting to be green-lit.
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