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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. 14 hours ago, JB0 said:

    We can blame slavish cartoon accuracy for that one. It is the way Sunbow drew the toy(I hesitate to say "consistently" given the show in question).


    With the market trending towards "exactly like the cartoon or no sale", spending more to do him right will likely only be punished with reduced sales, as disappointing as it is.

    I'm not like that, though.  I want good engineering solutions to the transformers question.  Like the Dinobots, for example.  Ever since MP-08 introduced the 'tail folds into the boots' gimmick, most if not all 3P and Masterpiece dinos went that route.  It was great the first time, but I want something new and original.


    Same thing with the upcoming James/Bond from X-Transbots.  Punch is my absolute favourite transformer and I want to better engineering than just "flip visor, twist shoulder pads, bend knees the other way".

  2. 15 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    Good point, especially the way FT likes to overdo it on diecast.  There's already speculation that a lot of the holdup on the last Stunticon is because it's supposed to come with all the combiner parts, but they're having trouble getting the combiner parts to work because their Stunticons are so heavy.

    After seeing those new 3P combiners with no extra parts, the hands and feet and whatnot are contained within the limbs, I refuse to even consider anything else.  Most Menasor's are the worst, with the limbs basically being shin and arm pads.

  3. 8 hours ago, Dynaman said:

    Strange Machine must be REALLY bad.  I don't think Palladium has a game system - suggestions of one at best.  Though my quick look at the rules for the miniatures that came out a few years back looked good.  Not good enough to buy anything but good.

    The mini rules are a distillation of the last 30ish years of Palladium's system.  It helps that the system was originally meant to ape Battletech.  But the PnP version isn't very quick or clean at all.  Combat takes forever, and the rules for non-combat activity aren't that great.


    But I've been playing with them since TMNT & Other Strangeness came out, so I'm used to them for better or worse.

  4. 10 hours ago, Tober said:

    Was their Mactoss book any good if you don't play tabletop RPGs? I liked the Palladium books for their line art etc, but never played the game.


    9 hours ago, tekering said:

    I enjoyed the game, but never liked the Palladium books for their line art. 😅

    Hah!  Fortunately I enjoyed the books for both the game AND the line-art 😁

  5. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Nah... just a strategic adjustment for the lower level of fan/audience interest in the latter two Robotech sagas.

    From a certain point of view, it makes good game sense in the context of the Robotech setting.  There wasn't really anything going on between the Macross Saga's end (2014) and Masters Saga's beginning (2029).  There was a brief but furious war that almost immediately segued into resistance against the Invid occupation, so combining those two into one book (Homefront) is actually a pretty good decision that would facilitate a campaign flowing directly from one into the other.  Consolidating both stories into one book also means they don't have to try to pad two separate books with stats for background mecha or unused concept art that 99% of their audience doesn't give a flip about the way the Palladium RPG did.  Sentinels and Shadow Chronicles are an even easier combination since they're the beginning and the end, respectively, of the same story arc and can just run as a sort of adventure manual by putting up the unused-in-the-animation setting materials and calling it a day.

    And with most of the rules in the first book, this would help bulk it up without shipping two skinny books.  Lookin' atchu there, Palladium <_<

  6. If I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'll never not be impressed with your ability to take wacky drawings, extrapolate them into 3D shapes, and then a bit of work here and a touch of stuff there and BAM physical parts in hand.  I work with people who do that on the reg and it always blows my mind.

  7. 12 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    Maybe one of those Hunter-seeker thingies that look like a flying syringe?

    Or how about your very own Dune™ Harkonnen Heart-Plug Kit? Easy to install in 5 min--

    Er...on second thought, skip that one...

    That's the spirit!  You get a spot on the marketing team!

  8. 21 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    Think about what a Crys-knife is.

    If it has a uniquely crafted shape I can understand. But if it's just a sharp jagged shard - how could you suspend disbelief that you just bought a sharp jagged shard of whatever.

    Meh, if they can make and sell lightsabers as toys, they can make and sell Crys-knives as toys.

  9. 9 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    On another note Dune also seems somewhat lacking in collectible assets. It has some interesting things like the ornithopter - and a proper ornithopter would be something - but is sadly lacking compared to some other franchises.

    How about a Crys-knife?  Or a weirding module?  ^_^

  10. 1 hour ago, JetJockey said:

    I heard Southern Cross was cancelled but it still feels complete to me in Robotech. I just watched this video from a Megazone 23 post.

    I'll continue to say my favorites in Robotech are Southern Cross and New Generation. I need to hurry up and watch Orguss.

    Agree on the favs.  My own Robotech tastes are contaminated by my love for the RPGs, but Southern Cross and New Gen are my favourite eras to play in.

  11. Hey, Cap'n!  I've got a really dumb question for you, that you might be best suited to answer :huh:  Given your research and extrapolation of the shapes and sizes of the Horizont dropship, about what sort of volume do you think each container pod holds?  Back in the day, my friends and I always argued about how much stuff could be fit in one 😁

  12. 18 minutes ago, captain america said:

    The plan and side diagrams of the Legioss/Tread in image 02 are reference drawings that the animators used: everything that was drawn for the anime/publicity art was based  on that standard. Even the toys and resin models reproduce that gap, so I'm not quite sure what you're referring to.

    Oh, just some fanart I saw on the webz, I guess.  I thought the design was to be flush, but now that I look at my Masterpiece Toys they also have the gap.

  13. I just... I mean... I tried to watch this movie, I really did.  But the Rebuild series and I parted ways since the second movie, and this didn't bring me back into the camp.


    Truthfully, I've realized that I really only like the first 3/4 of the tv series.  The beginning had everything I liked as a subversion of the usual mecha anime.  The pilot falling into the cockpit as a trope, and then failing miserably to even make the robot walk.  The Omniscient Council of Vagueness trope, balanced by the niggling idea that they and NERVs leaders don't really have humanity's best interests at heart.  Showing the constant stress put on these child soldiers and watching them crumble instead of magically being perfect at everything.


    The end of the series wasn't to my taste, End of Eva just went too Far Out There (tm), and the Rebuild movies just went waaaaay too far against what I enjoyed about the series.  It does look mightily pretty, though ^_^  The Rebuild fight against Ramiel is a thing of beauty, watching as this Alien Thing cycles through its shapes and realizing that it probably exists in more than just three spacial dimensions, plus the power of it's main weapon on display was gorgeous.  I kinda miss the Space Shuttle Shield, though :D


    But I'm glad that others are enjoying it and it works for them.  Not the first time (especially on THESE forums ^_^ ) that my tastes don't jive with the majority.

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