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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. On 3/2/2021 at 3:06 AM, Podtastic said:

    They are cool. Some people just want transforming jets - and nothing else -  I think.

    BTW no obscure alien mecha on your list? 


    I tried to keep my list to mecha that haven't had model kit or toy releases.  Most of the Zentradi mecha have been done, the Cap'n did the Invid mecha himself, and how he's doing the Bioroids.  After that, the bad guy mecha aren't really my kind of jam from most anime.


    If I expand my list to ones that have already been done, I wouldn't mind a Zoa figure from Detonator Orgun.  That's another old anime I have fond memories for.

  2. 20 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    Colour me curious. Whats on that list of obscure mecha?

    From Southern Cross, we get the big three:  Hovertank.  Ajax ( AGACs.  AGAX.  Ugh, fine;  Auroran).  Logan.  (I love this little maligned mecha more than is reasonably healthy).

    From New Generation I'd get the Horizon-T transport.  I wrote/imagined a Firefly-themed Robotech setting, with a Horizon-T taking Serenity's place.

    ((Ideally, I'd love to have a VF-1, Hovertank, and Cyclone all in-scale so I could pose the three generations together fighting in the Invid War))


    From Rifts we get the USA G10 Glitterboy and the PA-06A SAMAS.  (based on the Kevin Long pictures from the original RPG, none of the other artists come close.).  Might have to get the Jaeger mecha from Rifts: Germany, too.


    From Halo and Mass Effect, I'd get a custom Master Chief / FemShep duo (my favourite non-canon OTP!)


    If the Captain felt up to doing human figures, I'd get a custom Dana Scully wielding the Witchblade.


    From Transformers I'd get a GOOD representation of Punch / Counterpunch  (my absolute favourite Transformers character ever of all time).


    Those are just the ones from the top of my head.  I'm sure more will come to mind in the next few days, but then my bank account will remain too empty to do anything about them.

  3. 18 hours ago, tekering said:

    Start saving now!  Southern Cross merchandise is a notoriously difficult sell, so -- if there's even a chance of it happening -- I'm sure it'll take a lot of advance capital to secure such a commission.  A mere "commitment to buy" won't be enough; we're gonna need to pool our resources on this one. :clapping:

    I could save... or I could just sell my brother's kidney.  He doesn't need it that much, does he???

    5 hours ago, captain america said:


    Just kidding. If you want something done from scratch, and done remotely properly, expect to pay mid four figures and upward.


    I remember, which is the only reason why I haven't commissioned you to build any of the obscure mecha that I really want.  

  4. 10 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Lots of short of trailers out of China. I'll still watch it but the film looks nothing like the 2014 version which gives me a kinda bad vibe. We shall see...



    Godzilla 2014 was amazingly good.  I don't think this has any hope of living up to that, so I'll be happy with these giant monsters bashing each other in the face.  I was sold on this movie with that right haymaker thrown by Kong right into Godzilla's snout, and that'll be enough for me.

  5. On 2/22/2021 at 7:53 PM, jenius said:

    Southern Cross mechs are very small in comparison to Macross.

    Part of why I like Robotech is the fact that all 3 different generations of mecha were built for different purposes, but shows a general technological trend of smaller and deadlier machines.  Albeit not without a significant amount of head-canon and handwaviness to smoosh three separate shows together into one story :D

  6. Are the ball-and-socket joints going to be part of the casting, or will you be adding joints to the finished parts after the fact?


    Also, I see in some of your photos that you're wearing a watch.  I've always been taught "no rings, no watches, no sleeves" when working on equipment, so how comfortable are you working with a watch on?  Or does it depend on the operation at hand?

  7. Hey, Cap'n?  After you take your time to come up with the paper plans, do you still have to make any major decisions while shaping the material?  Or is it pretty much just making your sketches into 3D objects?


    Also, how do you want payment?  PayPal?  Wire Transfer?  Several goats delivered to your doorstep?


    Yeah, the two pilot thing is dumb. It makes zero sense. Having to "drift" with what is basically a mech suit is silly too. I think whomever wrote it tried a little too hard to put some Evangelion in it. Jagers are not anything like EVA's though.

    I liked the first movie a lot. I didn't dislike the second.

    It's dumb, but I'm glad that the series maintained its internal consistency all the way through.  



    The BIO LLOYD project was only possible because a devout fan decided to bankroll the tooling of the masters. Due to the complexity of the project and the generally lackluster support for SC, I don't think it would have been possible to purely crowdfund it. Because of their devotion and because I don't think anyone else will ever give this design the treatment it deserves, I'm giving this project the 110% treatment. Expect an update by Thursday at the outset.



    Good on you Cap'n:good:

    Indeed!  :yahoo:  Don't let my bitching and whining imply that I'm not thrilled this is coming at all!  


    What I find genius about Evangelion is that it's either nihilistic, uplifting or strangely both, depending on your perspective, life experience and or cultural background.

    I'm on my second time through right now trying to figure out where I land.

    I was absolutely hooked on Eva when it first came out in '97/'98, but recently I tried to rewatch it and the Rebuild series but just didn't enjoy it.  I still love the first half, where it seemed to be poking fun at other Giant Robot animes, but from about the middle of the series and all of the movies it just wasn't fun for me.


    The Rebuild series is very pretty, though.  So that's a plus.


    Aaaaaaaaand my wish is granted. These both look fantastic, I really don't need another Legendary Godzilla, I have G2014 and KotM Godzilla, but I'm a Godzilla fanboy so I'll be buying this one too. 








    Hmm.  These pics make Mjolnir-lite look like one of Godzilla's back spines, which would explain why it's resistant to his atomic breath. :D

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