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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. 1 minute ago, captain america said:

    You don't need my permission to post pics of YOUR kit. Or post reviews, likes, dislikes, rants, etc.

    But YOUR IP and your sculpting work.  Besides, if I ever want a hope of you doing certain other kits, better be safe than sorry :D


    What sort of sanding grits should I use for the resin you used?

  2. 55 minutes ago, tekering said:

    Yes, that's standard operating procedure with any garage kit.  Since sanding resin produces a great deal of fine powder anyway, I usually do the cutting, drilling, and Dremeling over a sink, and only give the parts a hot bath when I'm ready to start painting them.

    Sand, then wash.  Makes sense.  Any particular grit I should be using or avoiding?

  3. On 5/13/2021 at 7:56 AM, StarshipTrooper said:

    Cool! Can you post a picture of the box and all the pieces? i would like to use a photo to update a model kit database, and it would be most helpful!

    If it's okay with the Cap'n, I'll do my best!


    Speaking of Cap'n, since I don't have a Facebook account and can't see your demonstration build, do I need to soak these parts in soapy water and scrub the mould release off them, before gluing and assembling them?

  4. 7 hours ago, Tober said:

    I didn't intend to be derogatory towards you or Robotech. The winking emoji at the end of my comment essentially means it's not to be taken too seriously. 

    If you like Southern Cross more than Macross or Mospeada, then more power to you!

    Nor did I take it as such, I assure you! ^_^

  5. 17 hours ago, Tober said:

    I like the Southern Cross mechs too, but let's not go nuts! ;)

    Too late, I already did! ^_^


    Southern Cross is the redheaded stepchild of the Robotech franchise.  Macross and Mospeada get all the mecha love, and I'm a sucker for an underdog story.  The mecha fit nicely with my head-canon version of the Robotech version of the Southern Cross story.  And the more people react like you, the more I dig my heels in with my love for them :yahoo:

  6. 21 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    Yeah, that was the explanation in the late '90s, anyway.

    More recent stories have mess with the origin of the symbiotes quite a bit, though, and not entirely for the better IMHO.  Now, basically at the dawn of time a god named Knull created the symbiotes out of the void for... reasons.  Then he did a bunch of bad stuff, destroying worlds and trying to kill the Celestials, until a bunch of symbiotes decided that Knull was a jerk and built a planet they called Klyntar to trap Knull forever.  Those symbiotes called themselves the Agents of the Cosmos and were basically good guys, but they were so afraid of accidentally waking Knull that they kicked all the not-so-good symbiotes off the planet.  Those feral symbiotes became predators feared throughout the universe. 

    Venom was apparently born on Klyntar and was going to be an Agent of the Cosmos, but the Kree discovered Klyntar and harvested a couple symbiotes, including Venom, for use in a super soldier program.  His time with the Kree and subsequent hosts corrupted him, and he eventually fell in with a group of feral symbiotes.  Those were the symbiotes who decided he was insane and stuck him in a jar that was later opened by Spider-Man during the Secret War.

    ... yeah, Imma stick with the "criminally insane" version tyvm <_<

  7. Just watched the trailer.  It looks like they figured out everything good from the first movie and doubled down on it.  I am absolutely down for more Symbiote fun!


    The only thing I really wished the first movie did better was explaining why Venom was different from the rest of his kind.  IIRC the Venom symbiote is considered criminally insane by the rest of its species for its wishes to bond with a host, instead of using them up and discarding them when done.

  8. On 5/3/2021 at 10:02 PM, tekering said:


    I can still hear it! ^_^

    Nobody's gonna argue the Southern Cross BGM was superior to the Robotech score. :lol:

    Hey, you!  Yah, YOU!  C'mere!! :aggressive:


    It's been a week of this scene playing through my head, before finally going through my new Southern Cross art book to find the episode name, and then find that actual episode on YouTube.



    Here, now you can enjoy it along with me! :yahoo:

  9. I want to back a second run, but I can't :unsure:  I can only hope that when things are better, you'll have one or two squirreled away :D


    When you say that the tooling will be funded by viewers like you, - err, the customers, will you have to resculpt the masters all over again?  Or just make up new moulds from the existing masters?  And for that matter, is there a limit to how many moulds you can make from a set of masters?  eg: if you wanted to, could you start cranking out your 1:48 Legioss from the already-completed masters?

  10. 1 hour ago, Retracting Head Ter Ter said:

     Also the effect of the 2 respective punchs on the flattop was telling.

    That was the trailer shot that sold me on the movie, and the movie itself didn't disappoint :D  Love that haymaker, right to the snout!

  11. Watched it.  The fights were okay-ish, but the best ones were in the trailers already.  The rest was just filler, which I DID expect.  At least there wasn't a pointless romance tacked on for the humans.


    I'm a bit disappointed with how Kong fought.  I was hoping more of his agility and ability to outmanouver Godzilla would come into play more than it did.  Big G has some decent judo skills for having such stubby little limbs, too.


    It's better than KotM, but that wasn't hard.  Godzilla 2014 still is at the top of my G-movie list.

  12. 15 hours ago, captain america said:

    Precision is everything! Without it, mirrored parts would be wonky, things that should be straight would be crooked, and large, complex parts would be large and wonky.

    Ah, so what you're saying is that you want parts that DON'T look like I made them :D Large and wonky I can make.  Precise and meticulous?  Beyond my skill set, which is why I love watching master craftsmen at work.

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