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Posts posted by CoryHolmes

  1. 22 minutes ago, Kanedas Bike said:

    It's free (no additional cost beyond the regular subscription (which is free if you already sub to HBO via your cable provider)) on HBO Max if that's what you're asking.


    Well, crap.  Then I'll not pay the $25 Amazon is asking for.  I can wait.

  2. Without spoilers, how much is this movie on HBO Max?  We don't get that service up here in Canuckistan, but it IS on Amazon Prime for a $24.99 rental fee <_<  I'd really rather not pay that to rent a digital movie, but if it's comparable to HBO Max then I guess it makes sense...

  3. 45 minutes ago, captain america said:

    I understand where he's coming from, and I want to tackle that too eventually if I can. I figured I'd try to shake the Bioroid tree as much as possible before I propose that project, particularly because it will have its own complexities and challenges.






    Don't hype, don't hype, don't hype, don't blow it a-hole, don't hype don't hype just breathe it's your imagination don't hype...



    More seriously, this is the first kit of yours that I've bought and I'm already smitten with what you've made.  I am in awe of your skills, good sir. :hi:  With Renshape being carvable with a sharp knife, do you use a mill just for the precision of the cuts?  Or do you have another use for the mill?


  4. 1 minute ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    The covers were posted on a Facebook group I'm on.  Given the timing, I'd assume they were probably shown off at the Wondercon@Home Robotech panel?

    The same post is the one that noted that the two sagas are going to be covered in one book, titled "Home Front".  

    Ah.  Blech, FaceBook :wacko:


    Pity, but I hope it'll work out.  If the basic rules don't need rehashing in the new books, maybe it'll be enough.  Maybe.

  5. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

      The new (and embarrassingly bad) Robotech RPG isn't even giving Southern Cross - AKA the "Robotech Masters Saga" - its own sourcebook the way previous ones did.  It's been combined with MOSPEADA (AKA "the New Generation Saga") into a single book.  

    To why by who???  I haven't heard anything about a Southern Cross RPG from Strange Machine Games.

  6. 14 minutes ago, captain america said:

    If you go to the Moscatohobbymodels page on Facebook and scroll down my timeline (November to early January), I did a full build tutorial for my 1/48 M-72B Gabriel kit, which is similar enough to the BIO LLOYD, albeit slightly smaller. In it I go through the building process, puttying, posing, pinning, painting. That's a good start to help you along with your eventual build.

    I'm not on Facebook (heathenous scum that I am), but I'll borrow my brother's account.  He doesn't mind his personal data being mined ^_^

    12 minutes ago, tekering said:

    The bigger the parts count, the easier it is to paint! 

    It's much easier to paint separate parts in separate colors, rather than having to paint single parts in multiple colors. ^_^

    Is an airbrush necessary, or would spray cans / brush paints do a good enough job?

  7. 1 hour ago, captain america said:

     so that it and BIO LLOYD fuse into a synergistic, Spartas-crushing machine!

    B... but that would require having a scale-correct Spartas to be crushed... :unsure:


    How do you recommend painting this kit?  I didn't realize just how many teeny tiny little pieces are in it until your photo!

  8. 7 hours ago, captain america said:

    I guess expensive is relative. If a large plank costs 700 bucks and lasts 7 years, I consider that bloody cheap. My time/labor is by far the "costliest" part of  a project. I use quotes because anyone who has ever tried to contract these types of projects understands that the guys who charge the most usually cost the least in the long run. The biggest money-pits and time-wasters are the jobbers that'll do it for a "good price" as a sideline.

    Thanks for posting that video! Just another reminder that I need to find a vac-forming machine.

    My boss has built his business around your latter example <_<


    I played around with vac-forming at technical college.  It was fun!  Injection moulding was more fun, though :D  Would vac-forming be of use to your kit-making?

  9. 6 hours ago, JetJockey said:

    I'm sure I said it before. It's probably bad to say it again on a Macross forum. But as part of Robotech...I preferred Southern Cross and New Generation to Macross Saga.

    It was the adventure aspects of Southern Cross and New Generation. And the hovercycle and cyclone. I really didn't like the mushy love story that much in Macross Saga. I have saved on my old VHS tapes a good amount of Southern Cross starting with the episode with Dana getting captured in the Master's ship. And New Generation starting with the episode when they consider separating.



    Like I said above, much of my Robotech viewpoints are influenced by the RPG worlds, and specifically the way my friends and I played them, but I've really come around to preferring the Southern Cross setting of the three eras.  The mecha are neat without being missle-hogs, there's political intrigue and infighting, and those unique body armours are fun fun fun.


    I will forever be sending modelling vibes to the good Cap'n.  Until more people get onboard, and then it'll happily be funds :D

  10. 11 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Having played it myself on XBox and the old Games for Windows Live port, I'm pretty sure it wasn't your driving... the Warthog just handles like an inebriated cow with one short leg on an unlevel floor.  It always has, and apparently always will if the gameplay I've seen of the Master Chief Edition is any indication.

    And yet I prefer the Warthog controls to any other driving game.  I hate GTAs driving controls, CP2077 is okayish... ish.  I guess I'm just not built for driving games.

  11. 19 hours ago, Bolt said:

    Recently watch a trio of Warthogs coming in for landing in Tucson. So awesome..


    6 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Yeah, Seto Kaiba is right.   My brother and I played  splitscreen co-op on the OG Xbox, jeez nearly 20 years ago now.  I was the wheelman, he was the gunner in the back.  To this day we're still giggling over how crazy he found my driving, even though we don't live in the same city any more.  "Blah blah blah, your warhog driving sucks blah blah blah."

    As soon as the Tesla Cybertruck was revealed, my brother texted me with a "frakk NO!" caption, because it looks so much like the Warthog.  :rofl:

  12. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Things didn't magically turn out for the best in Macross either... there was a whole story arc about that beginning at episode 28.

    The whole idea of EBSIS was a terrible attempt by Kevin to shoehorn in generic evil Russians to pad his page count.  In MacrossSouthern Cross, and Robotech, there's effectively a world government.  There's not enough people to have nation-states springing up... especially not Evil Russian™ ones.  There were about 9 million people on Earth after the war in the original Macross, but in Robotech the Zentradi were all wiped out and the human population was just what was on the SDF-1.  How d'you have multiple nation-states when the total population of the planet could fit comfortably in Michigan Stadium with seating to spare?4  Moreover, how did nobody on the SDF-1 notice there were so many Evil Russian™ agents aboard, talking in stereotypically exaggerated Russian accents, calling everyone "Comrade", and trying to order borscht and vodka at the ship's Japanese restaurants while telling everyone how much better things are "in Soviet Russia"?

    (It's all so hammily done by Kevin that this is the only way I picture EBSIS and its various spinoffs in the later parts of the Robotech RPG... so hammy they might as well rename themselves the Honey Glaze Union.)

    :D  Honey Glaze Union, I love it!


    I don't argue that it wasn't the lowest possible hanging fruit, and that it was hamfistedly done.  I just enjoyed the idea and what games it let me and my friends play about the world beyond just the main heroes.


    I do argue that the surviving population was just on the SDF-1.  All the story notes say "70% were killed", so that leaves many other to try to pick up the pieces.

  13. 20 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    Nothing wrong with using your imagination.

    I remember when I was a kid before pcs and we had... sticks... imagination was all you had.

    We had two sticks, for the whole family!  And we had to share the rock! ;)

    10 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    I'm mildly curious which ones you mean.  The only FAST Pack designs I'd really consider ludicrous would be unofficial ones like the Wyvern Pack from Macross Ace that turns the VF-25 into a propeller-driven biplane.

    Of course, none of those will ever get dragged quite as hard as the Auroran does for being a "space helicopter"... even though it technically isn't one.


    The Stampeed Valkyrie is the most egregious example that springs to mind, though I'm not as up to par on Macross mecha.  And as for the Auroran, I really like the justification they came up with in the 2nd Ed RPG: it was a multibranch mecha, designed for both the air and space forces.    It's a kludge-y justification, but it works for me.


    I liked the idea of the EBSIS.  Part of what I like about Robotech is that after the Rain of Death things didn't just magically Come Out For The Best (tm) and various new nation-states sprung up and didn't quite like the idea of a one-government world; which lead into the more eclectic Armies of the Southern Cross.  But that's veering dangerously close to fan-wanking the story, so I'll leave it at that.

  14. 3 hours ago, jenius said:

    I think Robotech fans were so hungry for new content they started making broader back stories and new interpretations of tertiary mecha to sate their hunger. Most knew it was for fun but some got a little too invested in the exercise.

    Yes, but I'd like to point out that Macross also went back and redid the Monster Destroid as a transforming mecha for... um... reasons.  Along with several of the more ludicrous FAST pack designs for the Valks.


    Besides, MY fan-made mecha is perfectly acceptable and not to be doubted at all!! :rofl:

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