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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Thanks for the review! I really want one of these things now.
  2. Space Fight I'll second Galactic Heroes, but Vermillion is my favorite battle, probably followed by the Tiamat battle in the first movie. Armlitzer is a definite third and Astarte fourth. Spoiler: At Vermillion we see that Yang is definitely the better tactition. Plane Fight Gonna have to be the dog fight between the Swordfish and the Martian military in the Bebop movie. Giant Robot Fight - Hmm... I'll have to go with Van vs. Allen in Escaflowne. Macross Plus is second. Robot Figh Huh? See above, I guess. Giant Fight Err... Group Guess I'll go with any of the above LoGH battles for this one too. Horror The Eva episode where they get Touji to pilot. The whole thing just made me cringe, but I couldn't look away. Nasty business that was. Automobiles The chase vs. the red mini in the first episode of the old You're Under Arrest! OVAs. Description In Berserk durring the hundred man battle, where Guts is explaining to the guys he's fighting that his sword isn't very sharp so getting hit by it is going to be rather unpleasant. Best Location Armlitzer is a possibility as is the battle above the gas giant in the first LoGH movie... Can't really decide on this one. I'll have to come back.
  3. I hate that speach. A. it completely ignores that a lot of other animals destroy their own habitat. And, B. continuous population growth is a myth. That's an acceptable spelling. Gaia and Gaea seem to be the more common spellings (it's a Greek word). Anyway, I guess we've gone beyond trying to hide spoilers but just in case, I'll leave a buffer. Fine, a message that we need to treat the environment better and live in better harmony with nature I can accept and probably agree with. But the complete extremism of the show is laughable. Not to mention that the assumption that hunter/gatherers are automatically ecologically superior is incredibly naive. I also just can't accept the idea that humans weren't meant to live in space. Additionally, the ending itself just feels like it was slapped on at the last minute when they found out they ran out of episodes. There's no build-up to the big reveal at the end. The sudden jolt of the ending combined with its conclusion just bugs the heck out of me. As I said before, I really liked the show up till then. Heck, if I could erase my memory of how it ends, I'd still like it. Anyway, this is something we obviously aren't going to agree on, and I hope I've not generated too many hard feelings by expressing my opinion. Also, Twoducks should probably watch it and make up his own mind (hopefully he hasn't read too much of our spoilerage).
  4. I was wondering the same thing myself. The only thing I could come up with is that the remaining crew committed suicide rather than suffocating, leaving breathable air.
  5. I never thought it was difficult to understand. I just think that it has a blindingly stupid conclusion. Spoiler: Specifically, the idea that we're better off going back to being hunter/gatherers. Oh, and Miyazaki did the setting premice much better in Nausicaa.
  6. It's coming out on DVD in the US, but hasn't been released yet. I was pleasantly surprised by the show. I figured it was going to be mindless violence and T&A. It actually has good amount of depth to it. The conversations at the end of the neo-nazi story arc really caught me off guard. Definitely not the stuff you expect to hear in an anime.
  7. Does anyone know if the front tires roll? They don't look like they do to me.
  8. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/pressrelease.php?id=1748 Looks like everything is still on for VOTOMs.
  9. I enjoy the manga (when Shirow can stick to the story anyway), but the recent movie was bad. It was pretty; I'll give it that, but otherwise I found nothing enjoyable about it. There were huge, gaping plot holes and the characters came across as idiots rather than the professionals the manga portrays them as. Sadly, I'll probably check out the new one. Third times a charm, right?
  10. I just want the original theatrical release. I hated the directors cut.
  11. I want to start collecting these, but the only place I've seen them up for order at is HLJ. I don't have any problem with ordering from them, but I'd kind of like to shop around first. Anyone know of other places to order these sets online?
  12. They look interesting. If someone gets these, please let us know how they are.
  13. I duno...i personally think its more expensive than I'd pay for. Its almost the same price of a VF-0. 400332[/snapback] The VF-0 is about $160 and this is about $100. How is that almost the same price?
  14. M0's ending was very obviously (to me anyway) done as a part of the fact that the show is an adaptation of 2001. In that way, it makes perfect sense. Blue Gender's ending made sense; it was just a premise used much better by Miyazaki 15 years earlier and with a lot of utter stupidity thrown on top of it. Got bored with Gasaraki, so never finished it. Should borrow it from a friend sometime and watch the rest.
  15. Here's some I like: http://pre.classic-space.com/ http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=KGoldman http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=mryoder http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=Nabii http://www.brickfrenzy.com/ http://www.neutronbot.com/lenny/ http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=Xifux http://www.mocpages.com/home.php/571 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=almac
  16. If it's fake, then my bad. Still looks cool though. Someone had to've put a lot of work into it.
  17. Sorry if I've been scooped. Looks like this got leaked from the studio:
  18. The ending soured the whole thing for me. It was that bad. I can't erase it from my brain, so seeing any other part of the show dredges up the horrid memories of those last few episodes. Anyway, sorry for crapping on your thread. I really shouldn't have said anything to start with, so my appologies.
  19. Odd. I have a hard time keeping the arms on my 1/48 to stay in position while in fighter mode. Is there some sort of trick to it? The pegs don't seem long enough to keep it all together.
  20. It was the ending that killed it for me. I really recommend stopping at ep. 20.
  21. As much as I completely and utterly despise this show, I have to admit that the robot designs were pretty good. I might actually get a toy or two, if they're good enough (and hate myself for doing it).
  22. Can I get some suggestions as to good places for someone in the US to order from? It's been a while since I've bought a toy like this (not since when the 1/48s first came out), so I'm not up to date on what's out there.
  23. It's amazing that this film is nearly 20 years old and has passed from being SF to alternate history, but it still holds up so well. It's a very nice release too. I didn't bother with the collectors edition, but I'll probably be getting a collectors version of Honneamise, if they do one for that.
  24. Not bad. Visually, it was very impressive. Story-wise, I'm not sure I cared for how they paced it. It came out very jerky as it kept moving in and out of action scenes constantly. I'll keep picking up the discs for now anyway.
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