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Everything posted by crasis

  1. This is the best news I've read all month!!! FINALLY! Is it wrong that my mind is already beginning to have wishful thoughts about M&M's VF-22s...?
  2. Nope and nope. In our community of anime/80's cartoon nerds, sure, they are very recognizable. But the overall majority of the US couldn't tell an Optimus from a Mickey Mouse (at least up until this month). I can't tell you how many people have come up to me in the years leading up to this movie wondering what my Transformers t-shirts were all about. Even waiting in line for the showing on opening night, I overheard many people asking what a "Transformer" was and why we were standing in line. The advertising agency I used to work for was responsible for the "Transform Your Summer" promotion, and I can't tell you how many people, artists and account folks alike, had no idea about this franchise. I found myself being pulled into meetings daily to brief them on the most basic of concepts. A lot of these guys and gals were from our age group, which makes you think they would've at least known some of the easy stuff. Nope. Trust me, while we're a large community here in the know, the sad fact is that we're nowhere near as massive as the, well, masses.
  3. It certainly wasn't Shakespeare by any stretch, but it was a perfect popcorn flick with just the right dash of nostalgic lines and arse kicking. It's fluff, for sure, but the best tasting stuff I've had in ages. And Brawl was still labeled "Devastator", for whatever reason. I hope that's not a spoiler...?
  4. Okay, I just came home from an early screening of the film (thanks Pepsi!), and all I can say is...WOW. I take back any hate that I may have spewed out over the past year. That was AMAZING. From the minute I heard Cullen's voice rumble through the opening monologue, my brain immediately accepted this as pure Transformers love. My wife (who is far from a fan) absolutely loved it, as well. I don't want to drop any spoilers, so I'll just say I have honestly never experienced anything quite like this. Sure, there were some scenes of questionable dialogue/plot, but nothing that made me wince in shame like the Star Wars prequels. I...(gasp!) love a Michael Bay film. I need to see this again. Soon!
  5. Haha...we're on the same wavelength it would seem. I drafted this up back when the first leaked images appeared of Megatron many moons ago: "I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Transformers I miss you more than that movie missed the point (and that's an awful lot girl). And now, now you've gone away and all I'm trying to say is Transformers sucked and I miss you. I need you like ILM needs design school. They were terrible in that film. I need you more than the movie needed a better plot. (I can't tell what's happening on screen) And now all I can think about is your smile and that sh*tty movie too. and now all I'm trying to say is Transformers sucked and I miss you. Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies? I guess Transformers sucked...just a little bit more than I miss you." Of course, my opinions of the film have changed somewhat since then, but I still can't figure out what the hell I'm looking at when certain characters appear on screen. The reviews have been pretty good so far, so I'm back to having high hopes...
  6. ... I think this says it all: http://optimusprimeteentitansstyle.ytmnd.com/
  7. Sign me up as well! How much and when can I order?
  8. Yeah, what's the deal with the whole DVD-R thing?? If I wanted to go that route, I could (possibly) find some torrent and make it myself. This is very odd news, indeed. While I'm happy to finally have this show available, the way they are going about is quite...unnverving...
  9. Wow! What exciting...yet silly...news. Why wouldn't they want to try to appeal to a more mass audience? Ah well, I'm just glad to finally have a chance to see this series in its entirety.
  10. Thanks >EXO<. Hrrm. While I may stick them all in the same display case eventually, Priss will be very out of scale with the other Knight Sabers. Damn, looks like I'm back to eBay to pick up the 1/12 one. Anyone feel like parting with their Priss figure? For a reasonable price?
  11. Quick question: Does anyone here know the scale of the Atelier-Sai BGC hardsuit figures from a year or so ago? I recently scored a decent deal on Sylia, Linna and Nene (Priss is proving to be the very difficult one to track down...especially for a reasonable price), and I'm wondering how well they would display with this upcoming MotoSlave. If the scale is the same (or similar), then I would be very happy to just buy this and stop trying to track down Priss...
  12. Call me nostalgic, but I think he is quite possibly THE best character designer in anime/manga. Mikimoto-san is a true legend in the scene, with an immense portfolio of incredibly memorable characters crafted under his care. Macross, Gunbuster, Megazone 23, Orguss and Gundam 0080 (some of the highest regarded series of all time) benefited greatly by his artistry. I just recently discovered the Ecole du Ciel manga series, and have become instantly hooked. He definitely still has "it", and I sincerely hope that Kawamori and Co. have considered bringing him back for the new Macross series, mostly to show all these cookie cutter current anime designers how a master works.
  13. The head on the left is from Aquarion, if I'm remembering correctly.
  14. crasis

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    Haha... thanks for all the positive comments, guys! Ever since PopBox announced the 1/6 scale Macross figs and Sideshow Collectibles started releasing the 1/6 Star Wars stuff, my collecting habits quickly lead to space issues, and I wanted to have a little fun while rearranging my office...mostly to make room for that ridiculously sized Jabba collectible (now the centerpiece of my SW collection). I knew he'd be big, but damn! And then I had a bizzare vision of taking different toylines and bringing them together in photo comic form. I can't wait until more PopBox figures come out. A lot of the stuff that didn't make the cut will most likely end up in future installments (assuming you all want them). I just wasn't sure my skit was funny enough? Yeah, Jabba's a beast alright. I had to run to Ikea just to buy a display table to fit him and the polystone throne. The throne alone is 29" L (737mm) x 17" D (432mm) x 13" H (330mm); including Jabba: 16" H (406mm). And the thing weighs like 40 pounds. Yikes. The mini valk is actually one of those blindboxed Macross pencil sharpeners. I never quite knew what to do with it, until I noticed the scale seemed to be about right to mimic a toy for 1/6 figures. I was tempted to do a skit about Luke forgoing his Jedi training to collect valks... maybe that will show up sometime in the future... Thanks again for your comments, guys.
  15. crasis

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    . . . [attachmentid=41234] [attachmentid=41235] [attachmentid=41236] [attachmentid=41237] FIN.
  16. crasis

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    . . . [attachmentid=41230] [attachmentid=41231] [attachmentid=41232] [attachmentid=41233]
  17. crasis

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    ... [attachmentid=41226] [attachmentid=41227] [attachmentid=41228] [attachmentid=41229]
  18. crasis

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    I blame the weather. Mods, if this is the wrong spot to post this...my bad. [attachmentid=41222] [attachmentid=41223] [attachmentid=41224] [attachmentid=41225]
  19. Ebay does seem to be the way to go. I just bought one there for $130 shipped. It is a bit pricey for the size, but the last thing I want to do is sit on it now and end up shelling out triple that in a year or so...especially since these appear to be no longer in production. Damn that video! Eh, who am I kidding? I've wanted a decent toy of the Macross for years now. While this didn't turn out to be the exact holy grail I was waiting for, it will definitely do for now.
  20. I KNEW it!!! I'm going to be broke, but I don't care! This is something I've wanted for, oh, over 15 years now...!
  21. Guys, before you start spending tons on these dvds, try the following: Deep Discount: http://www.deepdiscount.com/viewproduct.ht...oductId=7361018 $43.23, FREE shipping Overstock.com: http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PA...PROD_ID=2245607 $44.25, $1.40 shipping I got mine from Overstock yesterday with no problems (I had a gift card left over from xmas). And man! I haven't seen this show in 14 years or so. As soon as that title music started up, I was overcome by nostalgia. Altered music or no, I am so happy to finally own this classic anime masterpiece.
  22. I'm actually surprised so many people keep thinking Mospeada, especially with the whole HG debacle. My first impulse was Bubblegum Crisis and I'm sticking to it. Ride Armor would be nice...but a MOTOSLAVE would be the greatest toy ever. Period. Yamato, we NEED Boomers and hardsuits (and more affordable figs of the gals)!
  23. RightStuf is having their "12 days of Xmas" promotion right now, and guess what's on sale? The entire VOTOMS series for $60. Not bad at all. Should I bite?
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