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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. Figured you guys would get a kick out of this. My roommate and friends just got back from Wondercon and brought me something:
  2. Saw that the other day when I watched the trailer for The Expendables.: Ya know, the greatest action movie that will ever be made. Ever.
  3. Going through a buddies garage I found a ROTJ Falcon model, a cutaway Falcon model, an Imperial shuttle, a 12 inch Han Solo and Tauntaun, box is pretty toasted but figure is mint. A 12 inch Vader from POTF in the box, kind of meh on the box but's still there and a 3 inch Luke with Tauntaun in the box. Totally forgot I had most of it. I definitely don't have room for it. If anyone might be interested in any of it, let me know. I'll post a thread over in the trade section with pictures. =D
  4. Well, that is the trouble with tribbles.
  5. I'M TIRED OF THESE MOTHERF*CKING PREDATORS ON THIS MOTHERF*CKING PL.....wait. Wrong awesome black guy. Still, a lot more interesting than it was however long ago this was first posted.
  6. Btw, if any of you guys have any extra exploration badges, there are quite a few items in each tier vendor that aren't bind on pickup. You could help out some fledgling captains easily like that. I'll be back in when I can grab another gamecard.
  7. I don't recall any nudity in Cowboy Bebop save for the man breasts and Faye being all hotness in the episode following that. Yes, no?
  8. Oh yeah, like Shiroi said, Full Metal Alchemist. Such a great show and I always forget it. Bah.
  9. Nothing wrong with main storyline Bleach or Naruto. The problems with those shows lies in literally full seasons of filler story lines. Which, probably wouldn't be so bad for a new fan, but if he ends up liking it and moving onto the manga for either, he'd quickly be disappointed in the lack of direction every other season. Possibly Tenjo Tenge, as the show has some suggestive themes but isn't too bad. Only problem is that the show is too short, and would require moving onto the manga, which isn't just suggestive from what I hear, for completion. Another vote for Cowboy Bebop and what looks like the first mentioning of Gurren Lagann.
  10. Pretty much what I was referring to in my earlier post. Get snagged by an enemy contact and then die 14 times trying to get out of range.
  11. First, this "late" in the game, death penalty seems like a bad afterthought. Why mess with a good thing. It's enjoyable now and adding it seems pointless. Secondly, it's way too easy to die multiple times in a few seconds depending on the situation. Some kind of death penalty could make that even easier. I just need a respec.
  12. Ghost said as much when he's getting yelled at for piloting it. He collected all the data and was using the remaining time left on the suit to make sure his people got out safely.
  13. You can right click on your armor/kits on you or any of your crew and select "hide on costume" to show your uniform while still wearing either.
  14. It's a big black blob on the other one. Lol
  15. Just finished watching these. Yeah, short of the voices for Cortana and the Chief, totally worthy of the franchise. Prototype/Be Human was very Macross in the way they handled the animation and combat style of the suit. At least, to me. Also, I snapped a screen from The Duel, reversed and resized it into a wallpaper. I think it looks 'aight. .
  16. Yeah. Sandbox systems are great, it's just too bad EVE is really the only one with a good one anymore and it's stupidly hard to play.
  17. I think after you reach Admiral you should be able to either use or buy the ability to use any parts from any ship. It's not exactly canon but MMOs are never fully canon and this would be a nice addition that would extend the fun and cool factor of the game significantly.
  18. Yeah. Been reading everything. Enjoying a lot of it. I actually just finished the quest to use the Gateway portal. Was totally awesome.
  19. So exploration is the best way to level atm? I'm not in a super rush but I'd at least like commander before I start pumping time into gearing. Any pointers from you super nerd() Captains/Admirals?
  20. I got to play with someone in a Sovereign the other day in fleet action. It was just awesome to him fly into a fleet, park, pop fire at will and half the fleet would disappear. He did 9k damage overall, the next highest was 900 and the whole encounter took 9 minutes. I am really enjoying this game for the same reason Max said: it's so casual. There's no pressure whatsoever to do anything. I love it.
  21. Yep. My roomate has one. Between 10 of us, there are 5 Asus laptops ranging from the G51 to the G72.
  22. Asus. Two of my friends bought that system at my insistence(I work at BB) for Christmas. The systems are GREAT for gaming. Also, even though Asus will tell you otherwise, the system supports 8 gigs of ram. Just too bad it's near $200 each for the 4 gig sticks. If you want an even bigger, and better system, the G72 is down to $999 because it's on "clearance." My only problem with this one is that it's HUGE and there is a lot of unused space around the keyboard. Would have been nice with even the little LED read out the G50s had.
  23. You play a rogue in WoW, dontcha? =\
  24. There are 10 grades per rank and 5 ranks. 50 levels. So you're/were level 2.
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