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Everything posted by Mowe

  1. That is such a tease...
  2. I want a gun and some ammo to come with my YF-21 this time...
  3. OMG!!!! This is too much for one night!!! I am going to wee and calm down a little....
  4. OMFG!!!!! Source: nakajo from Robot Japan
  5. Wow, that GX-39 sculpt exceeds my expectation, it looks like Arnie in SOC metal, can't wait to see more!!!!
  6. So the roller coaster ride begins yet again. Must give credit to Yamato to keep the Macross perfect change line going but can we not use green for the fold again - it is just so ugly....
  7. The idea is neat. Very useful, some of these are new to me. Just one minor point: your page title suggests you are only reviewing OVAs, are you limiting yourelves to OVAs only? Off my head, I think Touch could be on your future list, it is one of the mosrt popular anime in Japan during the 80s but lesser known to other English speaking countries. More in Wiki: Touch
  8. So much for being anime accurate...
  9. Actually, I think you got yourself a clever wife...he...he...
  10. Hey guys, I just heard that the Dynamite Mazinger is really not the best built toy out there. Somebody on robot Japan said double sided tapes were used on the fist
  11. Me four....and I was struggling to find one VF-1 Strike at a decent price....
  12. Got my batteries and switched on the fold booster. A little disappointed with the frequency of the flashing - it is quite slow and doesn't feel like the YF-19 is going anywhere in a hurry. I was very impress with the CMs Patlabour flashing gimick but the YF-19 flash is very disappointing.
  13. He..he.. I guess I didn't read the instruction in sequence, was too excited. Actually, the transformation of the YF-19 is quite straight forward. I only had a couple of hairy moments when I kind of use a little force to snap the nose in half - that was scary.
  14. KENSEI, YOU ARE MY MAN!!!!!!!!! It now looks even better with the bigger bicep!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!
  15. He...he...thanks to Rob from Samurai Monkey, my YF-19 FP arrived this week and I finally had the guts to transform it after reading all the YF-19 threads. Put aside what ever hidden problems there may be, my first impression of the YF-19 battroid mode is that the sculpt of this guy kicks ass. I was never quite happy with the Yammie 1/48 VF-1 and 1/60 VF-0 battroid mode, they just look a little too skinny and too angular to me. The proportion of this YF-19 battroid is perfect. It has a pair of beefy legs with enough sexy curves to make it anime accurate. The body just looks right (I just realise the YF-19 has a very samurai feel). Considering it can do perfect transformation, I have to take my hat off to Yammato. In battroid mode, it is also much more robust than than the VF-0S. My only complaints are: 1. the rather loose pin hinge with the bicep - [edit] no longer a problem, I just need to read the instruction 2. the cover plate under the nose in battroid mode is a little floppy (you can see it in my pic), a better locking mechanism would be nice. 3. a swapable chunky hands to replace the chicken would be nice. As for the fold fast back, the green dildo is a wast of time, it does nothing to the fighter mode and it is ugly (blame SK for this one). I am keeping the FB on the battroid to make it look more aggressive. If they had a better colour scheme, I might get it to put on my fighter, otherwise, I am happy to leave my fighter naked. Overall, I am very happy with this YF-19. Now let's hope I don't find out any exploding arms in the coming months.... PS..Yamato is such a cheap skate, where are my batteries????
  16. That's pretty cool. Never drawn the connection. The next logical step is to do Valk girls with the Vf-1 Revoltech coming out..
  17. Oh, and we need decals!!!!!!!
  18. If this is considered as the 2nd Generation Revoltech, it might get a bigger body like the Moview Evas, let's hope!!!!!
  19. Hey Guppy & M73, does the re-issue Zambot have a better ankle design 9so it can pose better)? I heard there was an issue with the posability of the 1st release. Guppy, surely the women can't tell the difference between a Getter and a Zambot, to them they all look red, just like the way we don't keep track of their shoes...lol....
  20. I think Eva fans should simply treat the ReBuilt Project as an A-Grade Eva porn. The Omuff factor won't be the story line or new character. I am guessing it will be a galore of stunning cinematography. Many of the TV scenes had great potential but I was never quite satisfied with the quality or length. I am stocking my pop corn already…
  21. Prime doing tai-chi, that is very cool and funny. thanks.
  22. That could be it, a little more rounder. But I wonder why they opt for that? I remember Sadamoto once said that he wanted the characters to look as lean as the Eva beast, and I thought that made alot of senses, now they are just over-weighted eva pilots...ha...ha... .
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