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Posts posted by thegunny

  1. I have a copy of DRYL Perfect Edition that's virginal (mainly due to the fact I don't have an LD player <_< ).

    Being in Australia makes it a bit difficult as I'm a bit reluctant to loan it OS but if someone here has the required equipment to do the copy I'm sure we can come to some arrangements.

    Edit: Inserted pic to verify the LD is CAV

  2. Justicar can do this and do it well, I've got a half dozen of his Star Trek kits, they are tiny and highly detailed. After the 1/2000 toy fiasco I hope that enough people decide that they'd rather have a model kit and get interested but only time will tell.

    I didn't question Justicar's abilities nor do I give a rats arse about the toy and I'm sure most other serious modellers don't either, all I wanted to know is it ever going to happen.

    Justicar has given his reasons although I'm not sure where the pulling a fast one came from unless there were behind the scenes carryings on. It is good to know that he hasn't completely abandoned the idea and once your economy climbs out of the toilet hopefully it will get off the ground.

  3. What I meant was that it would be interesting to see it redone with Frontier style animation (or better!)

    No it wouldn't. Keep the CGI crap in the bottom drawer where it belongs and don't de-face a classic old school anime with it.

    As was mentioned earlier remakes are only for those that have no creative ability and 99.99% of the time THEY SUCK!

  4. There are 2 types of SAL, small packet (which HLJ insist on using) & parcel. Small packet doesn't come with tracking but parcel does. Since I discovered HW Japan I have gotten over 20 orders from them and all of them except for one have been SAL parcel which I have had to sign for. Parcel is considerably cheaper then EMS but not much more than small packet.

    The only time I haven't used SAL parcel was on the last order I placed as they were having a Gundam sale and I went a bit crazy and scooped up a heap of MG kits. Because of the size and weight of the package it was only 500Y more for EMS.

  5. Here's my collection of non macross figures for what it's worth.

    Whilst the nendoroids might not be sexy they are kawaii and the Strike Witches & Skygirls might be a bit loli (hey whatever floats your boat :ph34r: ) but the Ryomou Shimei & Intron Depot figures help make up for it.








  6. I'm pretty sure someone has posted this or one very similar in the past but I don't think it had the plastic pockets on the cuffs. From memory it wasn't a custom it was available from a shop in HK.

  7. I got my sent out fast. I know the Billing Agreement lets them find the money where ever it is. I had enough funds already in my Paypal to cover 100% of the cost. I wonder if you guys didn't. The extra wait maybe Paypal taking the money from your associated bank account.

    And you know have you're suppose to be charged for shipping and then get it returned? Didn't happen to me at all. Free shipping without being charged and refunded.

    Paypal pays instantly if you have a linked account, you don't need any funds in you PP account. HLJ is just slack in processing the order.

  8. After reading your post I've just checked what I had ordered from this free post promo. Yesterday the open order page showed all items were waiting to ship or whatever it shows when you tell them to ship all available items. Now it's showing up as it normally does with availability next to all the items so I've had to tell them to ship all available items again :rolleyes:

    If the order stuffs again I'll just cancel the lot, after all even with the free postage it still isn't worth the hassles and the savings from buying the items from HLJ as opposed to HW Japan is minimal.

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