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Posts posted by thegunny

  1. I'm going to assume you're kidding but if not......

    Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

    To Hit Armor Class 0(Zero).

    WFT does any of that have to do with Battletech was my point ;)

    1. Load up a heavy mech (<85 tons due to the 2 ton jump jets on the biggies) with jets and all the torso mounted medium/medium pulse lasers you can pack.

    That's why I prefer to use standard configurations. Munchkins ruin the game.

    4. Jump behind the nearest enemy and fire all pulse lasers, add in 2 punches and 1 kick.

    You were only ever allowed to do both physical attacks in the original rules, all revisions from the Compendium onwards only allow one or the other. For that one trick pony to work your opponent would have had to have been a noob or a total plonker who didn't understand the game and where's the fun in that.

  2. It's not very harsh since the guy I'm thinking is most likely's the one who cheated every chance he got by re-rolling his failures in every game he's played, recalculating his AD&D THAC0s after he rolls so he hits every time, etc. (I have to ask my friend to be sure it's guy I'm thinking of, the guy's his buddy).

    There is no mechanism in the game that allows for re-rolls so those playing him are not that up with rules either and I find it amazing that you can bag someone and you're not even sure it's the same person you're thinking of :blink:

    I'll bite on the abbreviations though, what's AD&D & THACO ?

  3. What the moron didn't realize is that you lose heat at the start of your next turn.

    Pretty harsh statement to make when you don't know the rules yourself <_<

    unless they changed the rules from the 1990 BT Compendium you're wrong. During the heat phase players add up the heat points built up MINUS the BT Mechs heat sink. The resulting number is then added to the heatscale. This is in the same turn.

    Correct. Heat is the second last phase in the turn.

    Just as note, there are plenty of non custom (standard) mechs that are capable of jumping or running their max distance, firing all weapons and ending the heat phase with zero heat.

  4. As I thought, sounds like they are still finalizing the new artwork to be used for the decals. So it should be a new kit, not a re-issue of the old Minmei Guard.

    Were the hell has everyone got the idea it's a Guard re-issue :blink:

    No where has it EVER been published that this is a Guard rehash. Sure it will be either a fighter or battroid unless they are planning to really bowl everyone over with a gerwalk (wishful thinking) :rolleyes:

  5. Isn't Freebirth part of the Twilight of the Clans series? I read Freebirth but didn't read the other two though. :(

    Freebirth was about Horse IINM and also another compelling book. :)

    Freebirth was part of the Twilight of The Clans series but it was a continuation of the story of all the characters from Thurston's previous Jade Falcon books. If you get a chance you should read I am Jade Falcon ( it continues on where Falcon Guard left off and expands on my favourite, Joanna) and Falcon Rising (which is also part of the Twilight series) which closes out most of the loose ends from the previous 5 books but unfortunately leaves a lot of what ifs that make you hang out for at least another book. Who knows with the resurgance of Battletech over the last few months we might just get the last book.

  6. I find this abit lol cause Kerensky died of a heart attack, and his Bloodname/gene is considered the most valuable to the Clans? :lol: Though i'm sure they'd find out how to remove the "heart attack gene" later on in the sibko genepool.

    His geneseed & bloodname are Clan Wolf exclusive so they got all they deserved :p

    Have you read the rest of the Jade Falcon novels by Thurston, I am Jade Falcon, Freebirth & Falcon Rising? Pity he didn't write more.

  7. Not quite with you there :unsure:

    Kerensky left for the periphery on Operation Exodus in 2784. The Star League was disbanded 3 years earlier in 2781 and Kerensky was stripped of his title of Protector the year before that, so how could his leaving the IS have anything to do with the Star League falling apart?

    I don't think he "inadvertently" formed the Clans as it was his idea all along to form something similar to Star League and eventually return to sort out the IS.

    And of course none of the IS states wanted "the entire pie to play with" did they :rolleyes:

  8. Girls, girls, girls.

    This is supposed to be a thread about Battletech. CGAF about Mac Plus or Kawamori so leave them out of it.

    I'm sure there are 100's of other threads where you can wax lyrical on the pro's and con's of Plus and other peoples toilet habits, so stay on topic or get lost :angry:

  9. Diesels don't use fuel injectors,

    This isn't helping the original question but diesels have been using fuel injectors long before they were used on petrol engines.

    As to the original question; I'd be looking for a new brother in law.

    Due to the strange mixture of fuel your equally strange brother in law ran your car on, he could well have blown the head gasket which could lead to the temp light coming on as it could be allowing combustion blow by into the coolant jacket.

  10. Just to be clear i never played the tabletop game but read the fluff and play the PC games. So i wasn't sure what the context of damage Retracting Head Ter Ter meant.

    He mentioned battlemechs are not revevant in real world but i was just pointing out how different their armour and weaponry were and demonstrated how internal damage was possible without considerable damage to the amrour, at least in the fluff not the games.

    My response wasn't aimed at you, sorry should have been clearer.

  11. um... you could keep track of damage to the frame and to the armor separately, then have impact damage (i.e. falling) do damage directly to the frame? I recall FPS's for the PS2 being able to pull that off.

    um.... how does the frame get damaged if the armour doesn't???

  12. Someone's confusing real world with game world.

    You fall over you pay the price and one of the only ways to represent this is to take damage and as the armour is the first line of defence it takes a hit.

    How else are you going to do it??? It's a game mechanic, nothing else. It never ceases to amaze me when people start referring to real world physics in games and anime. Leave it for the class room ;)

  13. It comes up every year or so. Anyway, just like every other year I will state that the Sharon Apple/Ghost X-9 would best any of the listed pilots on a 1 on 1 contest, provided that no ramming or cheap suicide tricks are allowed from the flesh and blood pilots...

    Why the conditions :unsure:

    That's like saying Ranka is the best as long as the others stay in the hanger :mellow:

    If the Ghost can't handle the heat stay out of the jet wash :p

  14. What's with everyone saying the DYRL version has been overdone? By my count, there's only been three. The two Yellow Sub resin kits, and the Wave toy. This isn't exactly a VF-1 we're talking about here :p

    Granted, the TV version hasn't had a whole lot more, but the Imai 1/3000 SDF-1 cruiser is an excellent kit.

    I thought the Imai kit was 1/5000 so as far as larger scale kits are concerned there are none that I am aware of for the TV version so the DYRL variant is leading 2-0.

    Justiciar, I hope my response didn't seem to harsh but as I already have both Yellow Sub DYRL kits I really would like to see a TV version. I feel the TV version has more character than the DYRL version.

    In the end it's up to you as it is a labour of love so don't go making something you don't like and as I'm a sucker for big resin kits I'll probably buy one no matter what it is ^_^

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